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Nevada Raisins
NAXJA Member
Ive heard of swapping either mustang and neon injectors? What is the difference between the two? Is it worth swapping into my 4.0l?
Neons are the same as stock, only difference is there are 4 ports instead of one. The mustang on the other hand has a higher fuel pressure and shoots more in to the engine, increasing power.
Neons are not the same as stock.

These are a better fit: The XF2E will flow about 21 lbs on a 49 psi rail. The YR3E will flow 22.5 on the 49 PSI rail. That is assuming you have a 97.

No increase in power. You might get a smoother idle and a bit more power off idle. Not much else.
Yes the specs for the 703 and 784 injectors match the Jeep's OEM injectors, infact flow rate is a little bit better/higher and they have a four hole spray "nozzle"
Info from ben824^

Plus I've looked up the specs too, they are the very very close to the same. the only major difference was is the neons have 4 holes instead of one which help throttle control and possible mpg .
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No, they aren't. The 784s will flow ~24+ lb/hr on the 49 PSI rail, which is good enough for a stroker. There are better fitting options for the 49 PSI rail.
Yes the specs for the 703 and 784 injectors match the Jeep's OEM injectors, infact flow rate is a little bit better/higher and they have a four hole spray "nozzle"
So the specs match, but the flow rate is more? What kind of logic is that?
Info from ben824^
Don't care about ben. Ben is wrong.

No bolt on mods (besides forced induction) require a larger injector than stock.
So then.... its a waste to swap injectors?

The only Jeep injectors that really benefit from replacement are the old REnix models.
Mostly because they are prone to leaking fuel externally and causing engine fires.
You will notice a smoother idle initially if you change injectors. You will not get any better mileage or power.
If it were me in your shoes, I'd get a can of BG 44K from a professional shop and add it to a full gas tank and drive it. 44K cleans not only the injectors but the combustion chamber.
New injectors tend to atomize the fuel more effectively. Big globs of fuel can be slower to ignite, resulting in late ignition, fuel in the exhaust, computer compensating with overly aggressive spark advance, etc. Better atomization gives faster and fuller burns, which can result in smoother operation and some related efficiency improvements. Not saying you'll notice anything, but if you have to replace the injectors anyway you should get the newer design.

The injector type was changed every few years and you need to match the injectors to the year of the ECM.

I think I used http://www.fiveomotorsport.com/ when I bought my replacments, but dont remember for certain. They had a lookup app that would tell you the right Ford injectors for your Jeep
Instead of Injectors, a throttle body bored out was improved mpg and better response. Ford injectors now seem to run a little worse than before.
the reason for the 4 hold injector, less chance of clogging and smaller holes gives finer mist. if you have problems with your injectors now it would be a good idea because over time there will be less chance of clogging. but yes i would try BG before i spent money on injectors.