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Man, Wheeler is Johnny-on-the-spot with the kunckles!

XJosh 'One knuckle okay, two knuckle you gay' 95
I have a couple pairs of those as well, but depending on what day it is they are part of my build plans.

I am really starting to lean towards a front 60 since I have one sitting here that I got basically free (as soon as I sell the other one.)
thats the issue...only the drivers side is a flat top thats already milled...so i just need to find one :(
get that one redecked, and the passenger milled/drilled/tapped. ive heard partsmike is cheap. that arm is useless.

itll look something like this once you tear it down:

itll look something like wheelers once you clean them up. lol.
day 1 of trying to eat healthier...so far so good....I am also giving up drinking soda..that shit is horrible, but I always found my self grabbing one for some reason. back to water and iced tea (non sweetened). And sure, I will still have a few beers along the way, but cutting that consumption as well. Setting an acheivable goal of losing 5# a month...wish me luck. On second though, I am guided by a force much greater then luck.

Cheese "less nachos and bacon" Man
all I drink is water, beer, and hawaiian punch (because it's a hell of a lot cheaper than orange juice or fruit and I like it.) Haven't missed soda a bit.

Good luck losing weight.
I just ate an entire roasted chicken for lunch...

REW'low carbs though'STER
I've lost between 5 and 10 lbs. since I had to start stabbing myself daily a couple of months ago, and the only change besides that is a little better eating habit. Still should drop another 30 lbs.
day 1 of trying to eat healthier...so far so good....I am also giving up drinking soda..that shit is horrible, but I always found my self grabbing one for some reason. back to water and iced tea (non sweetened). And sure, I will still have a few beers along the way, but cutting that consumption as well. Setting an acheivable goal of losing 5# a month...wish me luck. On second though, I am guided by a force much greater then luck.

Cheese "less nachos and bacon" Man

Mostly coffee, juice and milk for me. Haven't had a lot of junk in the house since the wife got pregnant. She gets diabetic during the pregnancy and has to watch what she eats.

On the plus side, she's a "high risk" pregnancy, so we get special treatment.
day 1 of trying to eat healthier...so far so good....I am also giving up drinking soda..that shit is horrible, but I always found my self grabbing one for some reason. back to water and iced tea (non sweetened). And sure, I will still have a few beers along the way, but cutting that consumption as well. Setting an acheivable goal of losing 5# a month...wish me luck. On second though, I am guided by a force much greater then luck.

Cheese "less nachos and bacon" Man

Good luck Cheeseman. I rarely drink pop anymore and when it's mixed with rum... and I can tell a huge difference. You will feel SO much better. Not easy of course, but totally worth it. There are flavored carbonated waters without sugar, artificial sweeteners or sodium if you still feel the urge for carbonation. LaCroix is the stuff they sell in Indiana. Not sure if it's a national brand.
My 2011 company car with 15k has a leaking rack and pinion and an antifreeze leak...it also just got its 2nd set of tires and brakes.

So while its at the dealer getting warranty work for the steering and cooling...I'm driving a loaner...which happens to be my old 2007 company car...it has 105k on it and just got new tires and exhaust...

mac 'built by the cheapest bidder' gyvr
Mostly coffee, juice and milk for me. Haven't had a lot of junk in the house since the wife got pregnant. She gets diabetic during the pregnancy and has to watch what she eats.

On the plus side, she's a "high risk" pregnancy, so we get special treatment.

So I'm paying for my preggo wife and yours :)

mac 'otherwise special treatment goes over my head' gyvr
[sarcasm]More good news for the farming community...[/sarcasm]

A proposal from the Obama administration...


This has been a hot topic for us in the rural farming communities. We (the wife and I) are both very active in the local boards such as Soil and Water Conservation District, University Extension Council, 4H Council, Young Farmers of America and strong supporters of the FFA. If this goes through, it will eventually be overturned or not followed by 90% of families in the farming communities. I am in favor of some training needing done for people that work in or around mills, elevators or grain bins, but livestock is not something that reading a book or sitting in a training session will train you for. I have seen more college aged "know it alls" think they can just walk right in and take control of a new herd...and it is actually humorous to see the end results. Case has been raised around livestock since he was born. He is still too small at the age of 5 to be in the pens working cattle with us, but he does help in the hog barns with cleaning out the feed tubes and waterers. He wants to take part in all of it and is learning every day that we are out there. This is taught from us as his parents in a controlled enviroment (as controlled as livestock can be)...not from a government issued/required training course.

sorry, I got a bit of topic. Still the main consensus is this...it is bullshit!

Cheese "raising the next generation of sustainable farmers...with only 1 mailbox" Man
Guess I need to read that article when I get home, it sounds rather idiotic.

Always fun to watch the book smart folks try to wrangle animals. There isn't any substitute for experience.
Last week for the rental....body shop called today to tell me my truck will be ready Friday. Cannot be soon enough, I have hit my head 5 times on the door frame trying to squeeze into this Dodge piece.

as a body shop parts guy, your truck will be ready monday.

the tech forgot to order something, he will remember this at 1:30 Friday afternoon, then run into parts expecting them to have it on the self, and they will tell him no, they have to order it for monday.

hopefully im just kidding. not trying to jinx you. this just happens to be what every Friday for the last 8 years has been for me.