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I'm a snob


NAXJA Forum User
I'm just gonna quit messin' around and admit it OK? It REALLY dawned on me during the drive home tonight. I got to get out with Idiot Wind and his Father In-Law today and work the Arkansas in BV. 2 years ago I would have been overjoyed with todays fishing. Not anymore. I get aroused by large trout. They do something for me. They are sexy. I love fishing with Scott but I really think that I would rather beat the water for 6-8 hours if it meant I could get into one fish that was 20+". We probably both landed 15ish trout today but damn they were small. I never even once thought a fish might break me off today. The level of excitement was not the same.

This big bow was recently landed on the Gunnison River near Gunnison by Cam Scott. He's a guide that operates over that way. MUST GO HAVE CIGARETTE NOW!!!

Chris........ you REALLY need an outlet. I have no idea where to steer you, but maybe affixing this to the back of your XJ will help you find others with you affliction... maybe recommend a support group for you.... sumpthin'. :D

You call that a fish?! Try this on for size!



You CO guys don't know the meaning of big fish. I don't have any pics of the eight footer.


That's not a trout. I'm also guessing it wasn't caught on a 5wt. with a 22-24 hook and 6x tippet. I was never impressed with cruising around on a boat, swilling beer, with a ginormous hook slathered in live bait, held securely with some cable car wire. I always felt like I was cheating. To each his own though. If you're ever out this way...yell. I'll SHOW you some 22-28" trout. Landing one will be a different story.

Ahhhhhhhhhh trout...............:loveu:
Something about the phrase "obsessive compulsive" comes to mind :spin1:
riverfever said:
I was never impressed with cruising around on a boat, swilling beer, with a ginormous hook slathered in live bait, held securely with some cable car wire.

No boat. This was caught with 40lb Trilene using eel as bait, cast from the bank of the Snake River. Even with the 40lb line, these fish can snap it pretty easily. Often takes 45-60 minutes to land one - if you can keep it out of the strong currents.
To me, its not important how big or how many fish I catch.Whats important is just being able to get on some water and enjoy being in the great outdoors.My favorite type of fishing is high mountain streams, lakes and beaver ponds which usually yields small fish but I sure as hell wouldn't turn down an opportunity to hook into some of those Sturgeon that DeadEye posted up.
91 Jeep Project said:
Chris, you have any more info on the Bow? My buddy's old man is curious.

Sorry DJ...I don't know much more about it other than were it was caught and that it truly makes me randy. Cam guides out of Crested Butte for the Dragonfly. I'm sure he could give up all of the erotic details that it no doubt provided.