Check around, look for a shop that does parts for forklifts and industrial electrics.
They're commonly known as "greylocks," and they are sized according to current capacity. The very small ones (about an 1.5" wide) are for 50A connections, the middle ones (about 2.125"" wide) are for 175A, and the very large ones (about 2.750" wide) are for 350A connections. These are used a LOT for battery chargers on electric load-moving equipment.
You can also check and see if you have a branch of Allied Electronics anywhere nearby, since they carry them as well.
Allied has them as shells only (the part you need) with the following part numbers:
803-0416 $7.74 Grey
803-0418 $9.00 Blue
803-0420 $9.00 Orange
803-0422 $9.00 Yellow
803-0424 $7.21 Red
If you haven't killed the terminals yet, you don't need to get them again. Get any colour you like, they're all the same part. The various colours are usually used in industrial settings for different charge voltages, or can be used to do any other colour coding.
If you need new terminals, Allied has them:
803-0436 $5.77 (per pair, for 1/0 cable)
I also set up my jumper cables with them - I really like having the convenience.
Allied isn't listing a "dust cap" for them, but most industrial supply houses will have them. I highly suggest having one for the stationary connector, if you pull the winch and leave it open, the terminal gets REALLY crapped up! Use an eye bolt or something similar for one of the mounting bolts, and you can use the tether on the cap to keep it from flopping around and getting lost. It should only cost you a couple bucks.
Hope this helps...