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How long have you had airsoft bbs in your tires?

BlackSport96 said:
Not to mention the environmental impact of lead weights gettin left behind. Minor impact overall, but could be major for that area, and if a greenie finds enough of em, guarantee they'll make it major whether it is or not.

I use matrix bio degradable air soft pellets from ebay. they ony degrade when exposed to sunlight. the ultimate in GREEN balancing technology
That's pretty cool, I didn't know they made biodegradable ones.
Glad to see someone brought a drive shaft. I was just wondering about that. Has anyone else tryed balancing a drive shaft this way. I shortend my drive shaft myself a while back and it gets a vibration at 58 MPH then it gets less after that. I was wondering if the air soft pellets would work in this application.
naw i dont work for roadforce-but the dealer i work for has one for me to use at my disposal!!!!!!!-, you may want to jerk around with trying airsoft bbs or what ever-in am just stating a fact of MY OWN EXPERIENCE WITH THE BBS thats all-saying i am full of shit is a stupid dumb jesture-were you there when i drove my jeep on the hiway before and after using bbs and removing them to see the diffenence-? NO you we'ent so then i guess YOU are full of shit for for saying something like that to some one you dont even know!!!-now ask yourself a question-how can i posibly respond to that??? :loveu:
chilliwacko said:
From the website:

I'm 95% sure this product is garbage. Their explanation is vague and doesn't make sense, based on "physics principles". Any product that depends on testimonies rather than scientific studies is usually snake oil.
i agree 100 percent
markaboo929 said:
naw i dont work for roadforce-but the dealer i work for has one for me to use at my disposal!!!!!!!-, you may want to jerk around with trying airsoft bbs or what ever-in am just stating a fact of MY OWN EXPERIENCE WITH THE BBS thats all-saying i am full of shit is a stupid dumb jesture-were you there when i drove my jeep on the hiway before and after using bbs and removing them to see the diffenence-? NO you we'ent so then i guess YOU are full of shit for for saying something like that to some one you dont even know!!!-now ask yourself a question-how can i posibly respond to that??? :loveu:

Im saying you did not use enough to properly balance your tires, also the bigger the tire the better it works.

THis is not new technology but rather very old technology brought back

Strictly for the Technical types, here's some info on why beads are more effective than rim-mounted weights.

There's no place to mount standard wheel weights other than on the edge of the rim. Problem is, that is not where the weight is most effective, for two reasons.

The weight is not centered across the sectional width of the tire. That's why some Tire Mechanics will split the weight into two smaller weights and put one on the inside, one on the outside. The most effective position is directly in the center of the tire, and this is where the beads always are located.

The other problem is centrifugal* force. Lets say, as an example, your 16" tire requires 3 oz's of weight, according to the Spin Balancer. The spin balancer is calibrated to calculate the amount of weight based on the placement of the weight at, in this case, an 8" radius. Once again, this is not the most efficient location for a counterbalance weight.

Continuing on with this example, the inside carcass surface ( next to the tread ) is about 4" farther away from the edge of the rim, to give us a radius of 12". This inside carcass surface is where the beads work, and the farther away from the center they are, the more centrifugal force they develop. So we can use this formula:

F1*R1 = F2*R2 to calculate the actual weight of beads needed.
(3)*(8) = (x)*(12)
24 = 12x
x = 24/12 or 2 oz.

why it works: http://www.dynabeads.ca/HowItWorks.pdf

video of how it works: http://www.centramatic.com/Demo/video2.mpg

a few commercial dealers of different types of internal balancing beads or centrifugal balancers




This is not snake oil but proven technology accepted but the tire mfg association
This has been discussed in great detail numerous times. Search if you need more opinions.

I have heard a few people claim it didn't work for them. The vast majority will tell you it works great.

My experience - it works great. Unless of course my cheap ass steel rims and 35" MTR's are magically balanced by themselves.

trail rate this said:
I would say that's a good response. That video is great. I want to try this in my tires. I want to try it in my drive shaft also.

you will have to seal up your DS to try them, usually open at both ends, also you will need to remove and grease inside the shaft. so if the shaft has a slip joint in it it wont be practical

From my experience doing this over the last 5 years, if the tires wont balance with internal balancing then there is other underlying issues, either worn components in the system or bad tires ie: (tread separation)
My DS is just a hollow tube alredy sealed on both ends. It does have a slip in it. It's actually a Explorer DS that I took an inch out of. When I cut the end off to shorten it I noticed there was a cardboard tube inside of it. I did a 8.8 swap and just ran the Explorer shaft to my SYE. BADRIDE mentioned useing grease to balance. I would be worried that the airsoft beads would get cut up on the weld running the length of the tube.
markaboo929 said:
naw i dont work for roadforce-but the dealer i work for has one for me to use at my disposal!!!!!!!-, you may want to jerk around with trying airsoft bbs or what ever-in am just stating a fact of MY OWN EXPERIENCE WITH THE BBS thats all-saying i am full of shit is a stupid dumb jesture-were you there when i drove my jeep on the hiway before and after using bbs and removing them to see the diffenence-? NO you we'ent so then i guess YOU are full of shit for for saying something like that to some one you dont even know!!!-now ask yourself a question-how can i posibly respond to that??? :loveu:
I was there :photo: :eyes:
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gradysjeep said:
I just put 8 ozs of airsoft bbs in each of my Maxxis Bighorns 33x12.5x15 and was wondering how long some others have been using them. Some one told me after 5-10k they would probably turn into dust from constantly working each other. I thought probably not but i guess they possibly could. So lets see how long yours have lasted.

I ran them for 50,000 miles until my MT/R's were for the most part bald. Then I replaced the tires, and put the same pellets (which looked fine, although grey instead of white) into the new tires. I've replaced each one of those tires at least once now due to flats, and continue to re-use the same airsoft pellets again and again.

I won't say they are all round, but they are all whole.. just some are slightly deformed from heat? wear? who knows.

Your friend is incorrect. :)
markaboo929 said:
tried it--sucked ass
balanced with road force balancing-AWESOME!!!
i had 8 oz in 33x12.50 -15 tires too, was correct amount-not worth it in my opinion,just do a roadforce balance-thats the way to go.

You didnt use enough weight, or you had a bent wheel, or just dont know what the hell you are talking about.

I have airsoft balanced my last 6 vehicles, on anything from 31" AT's to 35" MT/R's, and never had a single vibration. I've worked with other vehicles (more than 30..) setup similarly, the one that comes to mind had 38" swampers with 7 golf balls in each and also balanced out nicely.

Almost all of these rigs are daily drivers.
Well hopefully I wont be one of the very few who had bad results using airsoft. I'm going on my maiden voyage with them tonight so I'll post back. I drove about 300 miles including highway miles at 70mph on my new 33"s with zero balancing of any kind and they ran smooth so i dont expect much of a difference.
markaboo929 said:
NO you we'ent so then i guess YOU are full of shit for for saying something like that to some one you dont even know!!!-now ask yourself a question-how can i posibly respond to that??? :loveu:

Calm down lady, it's not that big of a deal. Everyone is a little full of shit, but when you are so adamant about an outdated product, it just sounds like a commercial. So as far as a response, all I can say is most of the posts have done that for me and, Ma'am, I didn't mean to insult you.
trail rate this said:
I would say that's a good response. That video is great. I want to try this in my tires. I want to try it in my drive shaft also.

Im no engineer, but I can't see this working in a dshaft application. I would suspect that the BB's wouldnt make there way UP (toward the tcase). They would mostlly just spin around by the pinion yoke. Just because a tire spins and a driveshaft spins, doesn't mean that were talking about the same kind of forces. I dont see it working - but I dont take my word for it...

HTeK said:
Im no engineer, but I can't see this working in a dshaft application. I would suspect that the BB's wouldnt make there way UP (toward the tcase). They would mostlly just spin around by the pinion yoke. Just because a tire spins and a driveshaft spins, doesn't mean that were talking about the same kind of forces. I dont see it working - but I dont take my word for it...


Thats kinda my thought too, kinda like the gravitator carnival ride,