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got regearing tools?


NAXJA Forum User
Before I box up these gears (see my ad above) and prep them to mail off to somebody or other, I just thought I'd check one last time to see if there was anybody around who had all the tools to do a regear and time to help me with the job. I mean, I bought the damn things cos I wanted 4.10s, not cos I was planning to re-sell them. :banghead: If/when I do sell 'em I'm just gonna turn around and pay ECGS to put in new ones. Damn frustrating, this.
Well, alot of the "regearing" tools you speak of are just usual tools that alot of people already have. If you have a torque wrench, dial indicator(which are fairly cheap from Harbor Freight), and basic hand tools, you shouldn't have any issue. I say keep them until you have the time/money/tools. It doesn't seem to make sense to just sell them because you don't have the tools to do it. I say wait it out and actively start hunting for tools or borrowing tools. Re-gearing is time consuming, but not actually hard to do.

That being said, I'm gonna check your FS ad! LOL ;-)
Forgot the inch-pound dial torque wrench to measure pinion bearing preload, too. At least that's what I've been told I need...
Yeah, not only would I have to buy a ton of tools, I would be doing the work in my driveway, with the axles still in the vehicle. Oh, and I seem to be capable of breaking nearly every tool Harbor Freight sells, usually well before it accomplishes what I bought it to do.

Otherwise, I would either have to find somewhere that rents the tools (some of them I can probably get at Advance Auto, but the specialty ones? Not as easy) or someone to borrow them from - and now we are back to the original question, because if you HAVE the tools and are willing to lend them - then you could just help me :-).

When I bought these gear sets, I was thinking surely somebody around will have the stuff, since everybody seems to have regeared. Now I'm discovering that most people also just paid somebody else to do it for them.
That's no surprise, most Harbor Freight tools are junk.
do not by a torque wrench from Harbor Frieght. Everything else I have bought has been great......for example the hydraulic press they have works fairly well for bearings or manual transmission gear removal/install.