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global warming


NAXJA Forum User
So when is global warming going to show up? I am tired of freezing my cajones off. Anybody think that Global Warming is just a myth and we are being lied to for some nefarious purpose? Just saying.
Did you see the article about the british scientists that were going to ski to the north pole to measure the disappearing ice? They had to be rescued because of such horrifically cold weather. Yay for global warming or whatever you want to call it.
Well, Al Gore started up his carbon credit trading scheme and shortly discovered that 'global warming' was not going to fly with record low temps so his PR people decided to change the term to 'climate change' which covers the bases better no matter what happens and the carbon trading goes on.
We're WAY behind on snowfall for the winter; something like 2 feet behind. I don't think that I've had to shovel the driveway even 6 times so far. It was 79* here yesterday.
Clouds are blocking my view of the Rockies right now, but I can see the Front Range foothills. Not even a patch of snow as far back as Lookout Mtn. above Golden.
I want to see global climate stats beyond 100-150 years ago...

No...? Hmmm....



and see the bottom of the page for "Similar Threads" :D

Prior to 150 years ago, things were generally quite cold (see link) for about 700 years. Then the industrial revolution came along and its been warmer since. Coincidence? Maybe yes, maybe no, but the role of human-induced emmisions as a causative factor cannot be dismissed out of hand, regardless of Al Gore's mode of transportation.

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^ haha thats pretty darn funny
My yard would disagree. With no protection (snow/ice) from the dog and no moisture, it looks like hell. Between all the sun and wind, and Rocks' 70# azz running around back there, it's gotten pretty beat up.
Well, Al Gore started up his carbon credit trading scheme and shortly discovered that 'global warming' was not going to fly with record low temps so his PR people decided to change the term to 'climate change' which covers the bases better no matter what happens and the carbon trading goes on.

"Payack says climate change is often the choice of those who think the situation can't be fixed by emissions treaties or hybrid cars or drastic changes to the American way of life.
In fact, a 2002 memo encouraged Republicans to go with climate change because it "sounds a more controllable and less emotional challenge," whereas global warming sounds like it has "catastrophic connotations." "

Don't forget that global warming/climate change will actually lead to a cooling of the Earth beginning in some places, then spreading as an ice age.
We just need more algae to eat the co2 and make us oil. Kill two birds with one stone. Stop global warming... er I mean global climate change and be oil independent. :) :conceited