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Game day/chapter competition....input?

If this comes together, I like the fact that Richard wants to keep it open to any rig. Any game that excludes a rig because of equipment keeps it from being a National Club embodied day. I think a game day would be kinda cool, but I think more folks are gonna be inclined to want to 'wheel since so many are coming from a long way away and don't get to Moab often enough.

Now, for a crawling competition like Scrappy had mentioned, sure seems like Area BFE would be perfect. Establish a course, then make it a timed run with time penalties assessed for backing up and going off course. That'd be a hoot! ....... Unless Led picks the lines, then I'm out..... His rig owned BFE the last time I was out there. That climb he did at the bottom of the wash up that double undercut shelf with the 90 degree turn above that...... rediculous! :D

You could change all that.....use a tire size limitation.....no bigger than say....(what am I running?) oh yeah, 35's!
sidriptide said:
we do a blindfolded course at a summer event out here. driver is "blind" and spotter talks them thru a course of cones.. it is based on time and there is time added to your score for cones hit. its always a ton of fun and is a great parent/child event..

I love this one! Just not near my motorhome.

Also driving in reverse through an obstacle course based on time with penalties for hitting cones. Or obstacle course with one person working pedals one working the wheel...
Yep, while we think it would be a lot of fun, we have decided not to do it. Time, logistics, etc. seemed to be more trouble than it might be worth.

Shucks, we'll just have to wheel trails around Moab on Friday. :D

Of course...........who knows what might be possible on an impromptu situation. :)