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Fuel readings?


NAXJA Forum User
I have a feeling my gauge is inaccurate. I normally drive around until my gauge is on about 1/8th left, then I fill up. But the problem is whenever I fill up I can only put around 9-10 gallons. And if everything is correct I should have at least a 20 gallon tank on my 93 sport. Does that mean I still have around 10 gallons in my tank even though my gauge is below a quater? I'm om the verge of just filling it up, throwing an extra tank in the back and drive until I run out.
Believing a fuel gauge on even a new vehicle is like believing campaign promises or anything your ex says...

don't ever believe it.
I think your only option will be to take a can along and run it until it's empty.

If this is a vehicle you got used, and you don't know its history, there is a small chance that it got an earlier tank. Older tanks had a fill tube that made it quite difficult to fill them all the way. I don't think that was a problem by '93, but you should be sure the tank is really full when the pump says it is. Some pumps are more sensitive than others.
On my 98, i can drive it till its allmost an 1/8th past empty.... Cant remember abusing my 1990 in such a way, so i cant help you there...

But the good news is, this aint a GM, ive been left stranded by gm's that were above empty! Its also pretty easy to accidently bend the coat hanger style float rod when changing a fuel pump.