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FF raffle prizes


NAXJA Forum User
What's the word from the national BOD? Anything specific prizes or sponsors yet? I think it would be good to start a thread in the FF2012 forum about what people can win.

I don't think it would change anyone's mind who isn't planning on going, but it might help nudge some of the fence sitters into coming.
Not sure on all the prizes yet, but have some stuff from ruff stuff and steering plates from someone else(can't remember that also)
I know I'm stepping beyond my assignment of trails, but if you don't mind taking some pictures of the Ruffstuff you do have, we could post them up in the FF forum.

I know we won't get a huge turnout with next year being the big year, but I'm thinking if we can get several more threads going, it will appear that a lot of people are going and might encourage others to come with us this year.
Your fine man! i was thinking wait til mid sept then get pics up of everything so that way there's time to gather more stuff. but i can take pics sometime
Should be getting all the items this week. i'll send you pics as soon as i get them.