"Stoichiometric" (also, stoichiometry - refers to the "balance" of chemical reactions.
A stoichiometric reaction (often abbreviated "stoich") is one in which all reactants are consumed and produce the results.
Stoichiometry is typically applied most in fuel/air reactions. A stoichiometric fuel/air ratio (with whatever fuel - oxidised or not) is one in which there will theoretically remain no uncombusted fuel nor uncombined oxygen in the exhaust.
True stoichiometry is difficult to achieve in internal combustion engines, simply because the combustion process is started and stopped every few milliseconds. Combustion is therefore completed somewhere in the exhaust stream - usually within a catalytic converter (a device using a heated catalyst to enable a specific chemical reaction. Gasoline-fuelled vehicles typically use a blend of palladium and rhodium coated onto a ceramic matrix. Note that a catalyst is not itself used in a chemical reaction - it simply enables one to take place, or to take place more fully.)
Determining an effective stoichiometric ratio for an engine fuel is essentially a matter of determining how much oxygen would be required to totally combust a given sample of fuel, then determining how much atmospheric air will supply that amount of oxygen. For instance, an average of 14.7 "weights" (we'll use grammes) of atmospheric air are required to provide enough oxygen to combust a single gramme of gasoline - therefore, the stoichiometric ratio (theoretical) for gasoline is 14.7:1.
Stoichiometric ratios, by convention, list the amount of air needed for a given amount of fuel. In many cases, the element ":1" is dropped and understood.
Alcohols are able to run much "richer" (less air) due to the fact that oxygen is constrained as a part of the alcohol molecule. Fuels with greater oxygen content require less air to combust, until we get into self-oxidising fuels (like white phosphorous and nitroglycerine, which are perfectly capable of conbustion under water or in a hard vacuum.) Stoichiometric ratios are not given for fully-self-oxidising fuels, as atmospheric air is not necessary and therefore cannot be quantified as part of the reaction. Other self-oxidising fuels include "black" gunpowder and nitrocelulose (guncotton.)
Fuels with a "nitrate" group as part of their makeup (-NO3) are able to run even richer, due to the increased oxygen content. Nitromethane, for instance, runs in a stoichiometric state down around 2:1 AFR.
Various additives, in significant quantities, can affect the stoichiometric ratio of a given fuel by increasing or decreasing available oxygen and decreasing or increasing the requirement of atmospheric oxygen supply.
Hydrocarbon fuels typically do not contain significant amounts of oxygen, and therefore run much "leaner" than alcohol fuels and similar.
Feel free to ask if you have any more questions, but I'm hoping I did a decent job of simplifying a complex chemical concept... If you still want to Google it, go ahead - but it's spelled "Stoichiometric" (whether or not I got it right earlier - I just checked.)