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Does anyone here think of SteveT...

Oh good lord...... :puke:

I say nay-nay.
..when they shower? Or is it just me?

Thanks againt Mr. T, you da man! :worship:
Do you get a special feeling down there when you think of him while you are in the shower?
Content? Where's the content? This thread holds NO content.

I was able to offer my services to aid in his marital bliss.

If nudity inspires gratitude, then I gladly accept.

The bromance is strong with this one...
So...... what I'm learning here is that Steve fixed Matt's plumbing and Matt's wife is ever-so-happy now.

I'm still failing to find the need for nudity though...... at least where Steve is concerned.

To answer the first question, no, it's just you.

My plumbing is fine, thankyouverymuch!
probably some plumber's butt involved... unless Steve T shops at duluth.:eyes:
probably some plumber's butt involved... unless Steve T shops at duluth.:eyes:

Ironically today I'm sportin' part of my Christmas haul today, in the form of a DTC Lifetime belt, and a pair of their "Ballroom" jeans. Mmm....comfy.
don't like the ballroom jeans, they fit like old man pants.

oh, but they look good on you. ;)
When I bought them. I got a free bowl of soup.

They're only baggy if they're not full. That might be your problem :)
Wang? Hey Wang, don't tell them you're jewish. :D