Ouch. Check the measurement - as I recall, the difference between crank snouts is either .100", or 1cm - neither of which is a quarter inch. Call me paranoid, but I want to make sure we're addressing the correct problem.
Now, since I don't know anything about your skill with tools (but I'm sure of mine, and I know what that area looks like...) I'd be REALLY leery of trying to hand-cut that down to length - the best you could probably do would be a hacksaw - or a compact sawzall - and you'd have a hard time getting decent precision for the job. That, and it's going to be seriously tough to maintain a straight cut, and you'll still have to deburr (and a slight chamfer would be a good idea.)
You don't have to pull the entire engine to pull the crankshaft - you can pull the oil pan and timing gears, and unbolt the mains and rods and drop the crank out the bottom. You can reinstall it the same way - take out the spark plugs in case you need to move a piston. Takes a little care, but it's doable without disturbing the cylinder head. Takes about twice as long, tho - and that makes it easier to remove the head if you can.
Whether you are willing to R&I the crank without pulling the head is up to you - and your confidence in your skill. I haven't met you, and I haven't seen you work, so I'm just telling you what I know to be possible (I've done it a couple times.)
Check your work orders from the machine shop - if you paid for the service, I'd ask for a little compensation for the extra labour. If you haven't (but it's listed,) I'd see about getting him to compleat the order gratis - it's a simple operation.
If it's not listed at all, I'd chalk it up to a cheap lesson harshly learned. When you have a major job like this, it's ALWAYS a good idea to review the work order before you sign it, ask questions before you pay, and inspect the work ON SITE before you leave - so he can't try to blame it on transport.
Meanwhile, don't run the truck - you'll eat belts like popcorn. If you can take a picture and go talk to him before you take anything in, you can make sure the two of you are on the same page...