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Cruise Missile caught in mid flight-PICTURE


NAXJA Forum User
Not sure if anyone posted this already, but I just heard about it and thought it was pretty cool. Picture of a cruise missile in mid flight on google maps. Took me a minute to figure out exactly why my friend told me to look at this map, then I noticed it.

Look close:
Google Maps

EDIT: pan north-west a little.
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Rev Den said:

I can't go to that link so I don't know what it says, but I'm going to call BS on that. Not a cruise missile. It may be a small commercial jet liner but that is way too big to be a cruise Missile. if you line it up with the bar scale in the corner you can see that the thing is almost 100 ft long. I don't know of any missiles that are approaching that length. But it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.
still pretty neat. I wonder if anyone google earthed sept 11? Can you google down town bagdad?
Rev Den said:

"NOT a Cruise Missile in Flight Over Utah

Yesterday someone posted a find in Google Maps of what they claimed was a cruise missile in flight over south central Utah captured in the satellite photo. I have to admit at first glance it appeared to be a missile (although I was pretty sure it wasn't a cruise missile from the looks of it). However, in Google Earth
, if you zoom in closer you can see this is a jet airliner with dark colored wings. If you click on the thumbnail picture to the right here you will see a larger contrast-enhanced version where the wings are more visible. Not only that, but if you use the GE measuring took, the fact it is 90 feet long is a clue. Also, the pair of vapor trails shows it has two engines (a cruise missile only has one). There was a Digg on the find, and many commenters were quick to point out it was not a cruise missile. One commenter said the jet is an MD-90. Over at the Google Earth Community, a lot of people posted the "cruise missile" find after the Digg. Hopefully this post can help spread the word about what it really is. "

This is a MD-90
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I believe google earth as certain areas thta don't work (like middle east). they don't want us knowin whats goin on....
AkJeepKid said:
I believe google earth as certain areas thta don't work (like middle east). they don't want us knowin whats goin on....
The middle East works, I found Baghdad. There are areas that are still blurry there but there are areas of the US that are still blurry, I think it has something to do with population density and GoogleEarth doesn't care much about unpopulated areas.
I've Google-Earthed Baghdad before. It looks so calm from outer space.

It's fun to look for sports stadiums. There is a game going on at Yankee Stadium and Seahawk Stadium.

I've also found my Jeep parked at work. Another cool place is Venice, Italy.
I looked at my house and it's a real old map. The front hedge bushes on the map I tore out over 2 years ago. Anyone know how often they "fly by" and update?
File 05 said:
I can't go to that link so I don't know what it says, but I'm going to call BS on that. Not a cruise missile. It may be a small commercial jet liner but that is way too big to be a cruise Missile. if you line it up with the bar scale in the corner you can see that the thing is almost 100 ft long. I don't know of any missiles that are approaching that length. But it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.

I dont think you can use that bar to measure, since the missle is probably thousands of feet above the ground. That bar is calibrated to measure the ground surface.
When were the google earth photos taken? I know they dont change unless they are updated for database purposes, but the same cars are always in the same parking lots. I cant find any structures to pin point when the photos were taken. It is a missile-I built it(whose going to mess with a 100ft long missile?)
That is a drone missile for target practice or is a practice defense missile. It is not a jet liner. The tail is shaped in an upward "v" unlike any jetliner I have ever seen. Wing sweep angle is too narrow for jetliner. Wing tips are squared not tapered like jetliners. Forward fuselage is way too long in proprtion to a jetliner.

Probably photoshopped anyway.
The maps are taken (typically) from USGS flights. These sterographic surveys are relatively low reslolution withimages at about 1meter. In some areas you can download 1-ft relosution color images, but the files are HUGE. In Utah you can download 1-ft images of the entires metro area free from the state's data clearinghouse. Many states (especially in the West for some reason) have statewide data clearinghouses for free downloads. New photos are constantly being flown, but on a rotation that takes about 7 years in most areas, probably a lot more in places like desolate Southern Utah.


Flights are done on rotating basis. If there in no aerial imagry frequently SRTM, or space shuttle survey can be used, but the images are not so hot.

As to areas blurred out, take a look at Los Alamos, NM. The entire county of Los Alamos is blurred, but the exact county boundaries are the edge between blurry, poor quality photos and higher resolution 1-meter color photos.

One last thing- Google Earth does not always have the most up-to-date images, I like to check Windoze LiveLocal as well, sometimes they are much better, often they are the same.
Wouldn't suprise me if it was a cruise missle... Sure as hell looks like one.

And you cannot judge the length of it if you do not know the altitude... So anyone saying that it is 100+ feet in length, is certainly wrong.
What is the altitute of the people taking the pictures? Cruise missiles are usually 20 feet long or so, plus look at the wings, those are two short to be for a conventional plane. The scale is going to be different if the object isnt at ground level.