forgot to mention...Fuschia is found in nature, normally along roadways, usually in proximity to guardrail terminators, utility poles, solid mailbox posts, bent road signposts and trees in sharp corners. It is commonly acceptable to pick this fuschia up for personal or medicinal use...BUT is is bad form to pick it 'unripe' from another's garden (mall parking lot)
When recycled through combustion, fushcia is beneficial in a number of ways: It creates heat (which many humans enjoy) and an unmistakable plume and odor (Hunter...back me up here) that travels up through & around ones microclimate and has been known to repel mosquitos, ticks and yuppies, this effect is more pronounced when waste oil or spray paint is added in appropriatly available quantities.
Once emitted to the macroclimate, it blows generally east and falls into the ocean as particulate matter through precipitation. This valuable particulate byproduct embeds in marine life and when those orcanisms expire or are otherwise processed through ecology, their effluent floats magically to the bottom and turns into MORE OIL FOR US, LATER ON!
Just like our recycled beer cans turn into ALCOA/MT Wheels, properly recycled fuschia provides a source of sustinence for our progeny. Fawk the Canucks and their (illegal in the lower 47 for mildly psychotropic concerns) biomass projects...we got fuschia!