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CNC Plasma stuff if you need it.


NAXJA Forum User
Hey guys, I know this should go in the Fabrication Forum but it wouldn't let me post... I just wanted to let everyone know I have a CNC Plasma Table cabable of cutting 1.5 inch plate. I bought the table like 5 years ago to test our family business' Toolpathing and Nesting software with. (tax write off) To get to the point, if any you guys have parts you want cut, but can't find a source. I'll be more than happy to help ya out. I'm not trying to make any money off you, just pay for shipping and material and its all good. Just thought i would lend my services to my fellow jeep folks here. I'm a Software Engineer by title, but i'm also a AWS certified welder. I've been in the fabrication industry my whole life, as well as my father. If you ever need anything let me know, and you have a dxf dwg solidworks ect... my email is [email protected] - Jeremy

Mad respect for putting the offer out there.... 1.5" inch plate... thats a mean cnc table....

Nesting software eh? more cool stuff!