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Christmas Loot

This was a really tough year for me. Hit by the May 30th tornado, then a heart attack November 6th and not working for 6 weeks really put a damper on things. Nothing has been done on the polebarn or the house since October, but then there isn't any cash to do it, needless to say things were looking pretty bleek. Once it got colder I was in real trouble as the heaters couldn't keep up with the cold air coming in from the tornado damage.
Then, a week before Christmas some of the area coaches got together and got some ideas to help out doing some temporary repairs to the house to get me through the winter and even showed up with food and clothes. This weekend they are coming to do some more on the house, and then all thats left is getting the polebarn finished up and the old garage torn down...... things are looking up now! Once thats done I may be able to get the old XJ's running again.
Anyway it's been one of those years, but it's certainly ending on a high note, and I'm still here.

Ted, White, and Blue - The Nugent Manifesto

and of course....the best gift.....the look and tears on my wifes face when she realized that the earings were real.

Now I just have to take her somewhere she can wear them.

In all fairness.....she bought me a trailer....and let me buy a truck last year.

All in all, this was the best Christmas in a long time....it feels good to see her smile.

I forgot....I also got 2 of the best gifts ever....text messages from 2 very good friends on Christmas Eve...you guys are great.

Heres to a Happy New Year for you all, gifts can be bought, but good friends are truly a gift from God.


whats the matter with Winterfest??? :D

hope the rest of your holiday season is great as well.
I hope Santa brings me one more BEARS win and a Vikings loss.

I didn't get a whole lot, a new Carhart, some gift cards, that's about it, my dad has been really sick with a bad sinus infection, so my mom was the only one doing the shopping...so in a way im kind of glad she didnt get me much..
Well i did really good, my woman got me a new winch.and some cool Asics running shoes,some smell good sauce,and Seinfeld dvd set. so im blessed

I think I did pretty good. Wife listened when I told her about the sale at Solid Axle Industries. Recieved a d30 and 8.8 solid diff covers, lots of dvd's, clothes, and a torch kit. Just need to get tanks now. Awesome Christmas!!
Bought my woman a 700 dollar diamond ring for Christmas to accessorize her other hand. I did not receive a thing except for two Frabill thermal tip-ups from my gift exchange at work. It was good for my daughter though.
Bought my woman a 700 dollar diamond ring for Christmas...

Well, more power to ya.

But I personally have a philisophical problem with jewelry:

(A) It's a rock. A little shiny piece of stone that somebody dug out of the ground. It has no intrinsic use or value. The only reason it's so expensive is the market demand for it.

(B) As a "symbol of love," it flies in the face of the emotional and immaterial idealism. You could show her a cubic zirconia that she could never tell from the "real thing," and she'd consider it an insult, because it was cheaper than that real thing. ie: she wants the diamond not for its beauty, but for its value...

Ergo, (A+B) It's only expensive because she wants it, and she only wants it because it's expensive.

Sounds way too much like a racket to me, to weasel my money out of my pocket...

But I have been told that I have a bad attitude... :D


(Jeepman, all of the above "you"s and "she"s are meant only as abstract indefinite articles. I'm certainly not talking about you and yours. If your buying her expensive little rocks :)D) makes you both happy, then like I said, more power to you... :cheers:)
(Jeepman, all of the above "you"s and "she"s are meant only as abstract indefinite articles. I'm certainly not talking about you and yours. If your buying her expensive little rocks :)D) makes you both happy, then like I said, more power to you... :cheers:)

Makes my wallet hurt though!:shhh:
Can't afford to make WF. Saving for the wedding:bawl: Not only that my work has put a freeze on all bonuses. That's how i was going to make it. When you don't get 5K that you used to get twice a year. It put's a damper on your spending. I just thank God I still have a job.
Can't afford to make WF. Saving for the wedding:bawl: Not only that my work has put a freeze on all bonuses. That's how i was going to make it. When you don't get 5K that you used to get twice a year. It put's a damper on your spending. I just thank God I still have a job.

Have a WF wedding! She'll love it!
Can't afford to make WF. Saving for the wedding:bawl: Not only that my work has put a freeze on all bonuses. That's how i was going to make it. When you don't get 5K that you used to get twice a year. It put's a damper on your spending. I just thank God I still have a job.

Oh man thats three times what my profit sharing check is. I only get it once a year. I am guessing we won't get one next year!