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chi xJeff.....silvano needs you.


Member #Nay
NAXJA Member
Can you give sil-diddy a ring tomorrow?

he's having network trouble again.....

you already know a little bit about our set-up.....

is it really true that xp won't let you have 10 users accessing the network???

heard that today for the first time, was wondering if there's a way to "tweek" it so that we can have more than 10?

since we "upgraded" the server from 98 to xp, this is what has happened.......

silvano want to reassign another 98 machine to server duties, but we realize this is taking a "step back"......

promise us you won't tell us to run linux......

thanks much
I'm not Chi...but it's true man..if you have XP Home...XP Pro will get rid of them if I remember right...
I ain't promising nuthin!!!!!

Ummmm............ Have Silvano check the licensing on your XP machine. M$ may be (finally) enforcing the 10 client connection limit. The limit has been there for years (since NT 4.0 at least) but never enforced.

<grin> BTW, Linux doesn't have this limitation......</grin> (hey, I didn't promise!)

Cheesus........ I have just spent the last 30 minutes running around the M$ website trying to find the licensing. Silvano needs to read Knowledge Base Article 314882. Let's see if the pasted link works http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;314882

In short, XP Professional has a 10 inbound connection limit. You'll need to pick up additional client licenses to go beyond this.

Have I mentioned lately how much I *LOVE* Microsoft?

Thanks jeffy jeff.

I think silvano knows that there's no a whole bunch to love about microsuck, but if you think about it this way, there's more LOVE left over for YOU!

I'll have sil-diddy check the link, I haven't clicked on it yet, but I'm sure it will answer questions, and silvano will be much appreciative.

thanks you big tub of goo, you.