Not in that order, but yeah.
So El presidente hit me up to join him on a weekend tour of some trails. Wheeler early saturday morning, chinamens saturday evening, and carnage sunday.
Wheeler was really just a race for me. I was trying to stay out of the way so just bombed to the top and then back down again. Trail is a lot smoother at 6psi, but still sucks coming down. WE hit some decent traffic, some really rad rigs to some hardly over stock. No snow left up there at the lake, but the surrounding peaks were covered pretty well.
After, we shot over to BV and did a quick lap on Chinamens. Saw some bad ass rigs coming off Carnage and chatted for a sec and then blasted around chinamens as well. Took me a second to find the line with full width on whales tail, but once i sorted it out she walked right up. Justin just giggled as he rolled right over it. We both took the fun line on rockpile. Been a few years, so the trail seemed real dug out compared to the last time i was there. Definitely a bit more rough now.
We ran into BV, had some pizza and beers, headed to bed and the pup enjoyed the rather cool weather over the night, sleeping like a rock. Unfortunately part of that cool was some rain that was light, but off and on most of the night.
So sunday morning was Carnage. Definitely wet. And by wet i mean a giant puddle at the waterfall. Despite his best efforts justin was denied a clean run up the waterfall, although he cleared everything else. I spent the day fighting the truetracs. Having not really been tested before i hadnt dealt with them not holding locked on a line. So i was hanging on stupid stuff. Eventually i snapped a rear brake line at the caliper on a rock, and didnt notice til there was no brakes left. Meant taking on the exit with no brakes, I drove it as far as i could before hooking it an keeping rig alive to try again later. Sucked, but what can ya do. Justins buggy did awesome and walked the exit with some fancy work of the levers and pedals. Sure feel cheap compared to his rig. Anyway. heres the pics. Ill post more as i get them downloaded or from justin.
So El presidente hit me up to join him on a weekend tour of some trails. Wheeler early saturday morning, chinamens saturday evening, and carnage sunday.
Wheeler was really just a race for me. I was trying to stay out of the way so just bombed to the top and then back down again. Trail is a lot smoother at 6psi, but still sucks coming down. WE hit some decent traffic, some really rad rigs to some hardly over stock. No snow left up there at the lake, but the surrounding peaks were covered pretty well.
After, we shot over to BV and did a quick lap on Chinamens. Saw some bad ass rigs coming off Carnage and chatted for a sec and then blasted around chinamens as well. Took me a second to find the line with full width on whales tail, but once i sorted it out she walked right up. Justin just giggled as he rolled right over it. We both took the fun line on rockpile. Been a few years, so the trail seemed real dug out compared to the last time i was there. Definitely a bit more rough now.
We ran into BV, had some pizza and beers, headed to bed and the pup enjoyed the rather cool weather over the night, sleeping like a rock. Unfortunately part of that cool was some rain that was light, but off and on most of the night.
So sunday morning was Carnage. Definitely wet. And by wet i mean a giant puddle at the waterfall. Despite his best efforts justin was denied a clean run up the waterfall, although he cleared everything else. I spent the day fighting the truetracs. Having not really been tested before i hadnt dealt with them not holding locked on a line. So i was hanging on stupid stuff. Eventually i snapped a rear brake line at the caliper on a rock, and didnt notice til there was no brakes left. Meant taking on the exit with no brakes, I drove it as far as i could before hooking it an keeping rig alive to try again later. Sucked, but what can ya do. Justins buggy did awesome and walked the exit with some fancy work of the levers and pedals. Sure feel cheap compared to his rig. Anyway. heres the pics. Ill post more as i get them downloaded or from justin.