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Big Bear 12/29 (snow run)

Last minute I know, but where can I get gas near the Discovery Center? Google says it's around 135 miles from here to Big Bear, so it would probably be a good idea to fill up before heading out on the trails.

Also, I am allowing what I think is plenty of time to get there, but if it takes me longer than I think, (or if I somehow get lost) is there someone I can contract?
The last gas is in Running Springs. You should see a 76 on the left hand side if you are going up hwy 330. It will be expensive though. You can also get it at the Chevron at the Highland exit off hwy 330. Its about 15 miles before Running Springs, but should be cheaper there. I usually get it there and have enough to run all over Big Bear and make it back.
There are plenty of gas stations on the south side of the lake. Just two miles from the Disco Center via the Stanfield cutoff.

You can call my cell (949)212-8887.
Today was a good day of wheeling. I think we had about 10 XJs, a WJ, and a Toyota.

The back side of Gold Mountain was an adventure. On the downhill, there were a couple of spots that were pure ice, where you had little control. After I hit the first slide, I tried to warn people behind me. But some did not have working radios (hence the necessity of a CB).

Hans (and Franz :) ) got rearended by a TJ who was following too closely. Then Kirk did a 180 and rear-ended Mr. Pickle.

After Gold Mountain, six of us continued on to John Bull, which was pretty icy at the first rock garden. But we all got through with no strappage.

It was great to meet some new people and match faces to the names.
Hey, guys I had a blast, bumper cars and all! Thanks for letting me and my Toyota join you guys......one of these days I'll have my XJ up to snuff! Hope everybody got home safely (traffic was insane!). Let's do this again soon!....uh, minus the crashing, of course.----------Hans
My new (used) ez locker kept ratcheting and was giving me problems . Sucked not being able to run john bull. Had fun soiling my pants down the "jeep ski slope". Had a good time still, cool peeps as usual. Heres some short quality crappy film work I got.
Well It was a lot of fun to say the least.. Thanks to Johny for letting me grab a ride.. Good to see some of the faces that go with the names on here.. I took some pics here and there.. I hope the night run survived without any bumper car action.. Thanks again and will see you again on the trail with my beast in the upcoming months.

Big Bear 12/29
Cool pics fellas.

Robert get well soon brother.
rpraterxj said:
I am out this trip as well.

Here's the story:
I went to the ER last night. I had to have my appendix removed in emergency surgery. I just got home a few minutes ago.

I woke up yesterday with what I thought was gas. No big deal. Took some meds, but nothing helped and the pain got worse. At 3 PM I called the doctor and they said come into the walk-in clinic. Got there and they told me to go the ER. Went to the ER, thy did some blood work and CT-scan. Appendix was the culprit. They admitted me around 7:00 PM and surgery occured around 10:00 PM. Was in the hospital overnight. On meds today. Everything checked out OK and I was able to eat and hold down food so they discharged me.

I am sore, but feeling OK. Can't do anything for a week or so. So the Jeep will have to sit in the garage until I can get out there again.

Ya'll have fun up there!
Damn Robert....get well and take care!
Glad you guys had a good time. Sorry about the carnage....

Wish I could have been there, at least riding with someone, but instead, I was on the couch all day, taking pain meds watching football.....

Hopefully, they will get some snow later in Jan or Feb and we can have a real snow run....
Sorry I missed it, looks like it was fun.

Even more sorry to hear about the surgery, Robert. Here's wishin' ya a speedy recovery!

And I imagine you'll be on light duty for a while, if ya need a hand with the Jeep, just holler...I'd be happy to run up and do what I can to help.
The toboggan run down the backside of Gold Mountain was almost funny to watch. I almost got Paul, but grabbed traction just in time. The d-ring tab on my rear JCR did some work on the ARB front bumper that hit me.

John Bull was a blast. Icy bolder strewn steep inclines!

For a while there I was beginig to wonder if the night run crew was going to catch up to us.

The scenery was great and the group was great. It was good te meet a few new guys and start putting some faces to screen names. I'll be keeping an eye out for the next SoCal run for sure.

You can see the few pics I got: www.printroom.com/pro/callanan

Galleries tab on the top left, choose jeep trails then big bear. (sorry my XJ hogs the pics)
It was good to meet everyone! Thanks for the help and advice from everyone for getting my open-differentialed XJ over the obstacles.

Here is a video my brother took from inside the XJ on the toboggan run:
Man, looks like a blast.
How many rigs showed total ?Who was that guy in the red 85 toyota on a jeep run. Did he hold you guys up at all. I think I have seen him on the trail before Looks like he is american indian?? Man wish I could have joined yall
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naxjaking said:
Who was that guy in the red 85 toyota on a jeep run. Did he hold you guys up at all. I think I have seen him on the trail before Looks like he is american indian??
I think he's German