CMeTopless818 said:
Azusa is open
Yeah, I went up there today. There's mud, that's for sure. Not as much as previously, but better than everage for this time of year.
And now a rant.
I'm probably never going back to that godforsaken f***tard magnet again. When I got there around 12.30, things were pretty mellow - lots of people there, but everyone was being fairly responsible. This stopped around about 2pm; I'm picking this time because this is where people started getting drunk. Now, I'm not talking about a-couple-of-beers-with-lunch-on-the-trail drinking: this was full-on drag-out-the-Bud-Lights-and-pound-them drinking. Watched a quad rider stop for a breather with a couple of his buddies in a truck for about 20 minutes and down three, and he wasn't the only one.
The mud pit ('strip' would be a more accurate term) was probably about 150' long. Threre were so many vehicles down there that the last 50' or so were clogged with people trying to turn around who couldn't because of the jackasses adding to the congestion. Naturally, said jackasses would come charging down at full tilt then hit the brakes to slow down before hitting the mini-jam at the end. Real smart.
On another mud note, there's the strip running parallel along the southeast wall of the canyon. Watched multiple stupid (read: dangerous) pulls, but the crowning glory has to be the three-vehicle-pull on the Frontier using chains front and rear of the middle tow vehicle. These people were also so smart that they tried to start the pull from the outside vehicle, not the inside one. Oh, and there was a person standing front and rear of the middle vehicle waiting to absorb the impact of the chain and/or hook should it snap. Glad to see they thought ahead on not damaging the bodywork.
Quad riders with death wishes were everywhere. Coming charging out of a dust cloud I can't see you in at 45mph is not the smartest thing you can do unless you want the word 'Jeep' impressed into your throat. The dirt bike riders weren't a lot better.
Plenty of idiots doing donuts across what qualify as access roads and trying to drive up or down the stream. Seeing as how the river is a lot higher than it has been in the past (hood height on an XJ in a couple of places) and there are plenty of large rocks in there to get hung up on, this is just plain lunacy. Incidentally, the terrain is now rather flatter than it was before, but the water crossings (four, IIRC) are much trickier than before. Current's up, too - watched quad riders being floated way off course when losing momentum.
Speaking of getting hung up on rocks, while trying to get out of the place at 3.45 (helped a guy with a hydrolocked ZJ get going again, otherwise I would've been out at 2.30) we had a 90-minute jam while no fewer than seven vehicles either stalled, got hung up, or suffered mechanical damage while trying to cross the entry. A couple of these were fullsize trucks: two suffered serious front suspension damage (though I blame that more on build ineptitude on the owner's behalf), another one hydrolocked, two more ZJs got high-centered, and the others just plain quit midway through for unknown reasons.
None of this was helped by the idiots who tried to cross with vehicles stalled in the stream, then got caught in the water themselves. The bright sparks with the GMC whatever trying to tow the fullsize Bronco out that was about to hit the Chevy stalled next to it were super-smart, too - almost like the guy standing between the two stalled trucks who was about to become the filling in the sandwich. Thank you, USFS, for not opening the south gate so that people could actually get out.
I've been up there before when it's busy or events are on, but have never witnessed behaviour this out-of-control. People were literally just being complete idiots, doing anything they could to be as aggressive (and stupid) as possible. The mud and water seemed to particularly be attractions for this (Bronco charges Samurai already halfway across comes to mind) - and while I expect to see stupid behaviour, I don't expect it to be the norm rather than the exception.
Screw that place. Screw it long, hard, and slow with a blunt chainsaw.