Sorry, I havent been on the board for a couple days. I guess you are wanting directions to the cabin. Just head up the hill the same way you went to Swamp. Before you get into the city there are quite a few subdivisions on the way up past the 4 lane. Our cabin is located in the Ockeden Ranch subdivision. Heading up the hill its on your right hand side and above 168. The easiest way to find it would be to look for the sharp corner that is marked 15mph and turns to the left followed be a few curves. You will come to another sharp corner to the left with a small pond on the right hand side. Right after you pass the pond there is an open mowed grass playing area with a large sign "okeden ranch" and "shaver lake condominiums" Turn right off 168 on Okeden Ranch Rd. and head up the hill, you will have a road head off the the left, keep the the right. Another road will be to the right after you pass the basketball and tennis courts, keep to the left on the main road. After the road to the right there will be a sweeping curve to the left and at the top there is a road heading left (Windwood), take this one. If you keep going straight the road will end. Keep going straight on Windwood until it comes to anothe dead end with a road to the left. Dont take the road to the left, keep going ahead and park where ever next to the last cabin on the right. Its a white cabin with blue trim and blue roof. If I got you way to confused or need anything else let me know. Like I said earlier feel free to leave your rigs, my grandparents wont be there tell Thurs. but everything will still be alright. My cell is 559-905-3350, home is 559-834-5432 ask for Corey. If you get lost or need more info give me a call. Hope you all have a blast.