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America's future...

Number 1 rule:I don't argue. I say - you do.
Number 2 rule: The game is last priority. No matter how important you think it is - you are wrong. The game is last priority.
Number 3 rule: When I say move, you hit the off switch. I don't wait for save.
Number 4 rule: I don't understand you? See rule Number 1.
Number 5 rule: You've never been this far in the game before? See rule Number 2.
Number 6 rule: The phrase "Wait a second" is punishable by 1 month game lock down. See rule Number 3.
Wow...that's when you put a password on the computer, move to your room (Whoever the head of the hosuehold is), and when your gone at work for the day, lock the door. Don't even allow the kid on the computer. While i think they are great machines, anybody who becomes THAT engrossed in a stupid computer game needs to get his/her priorities straightened out...and really shouldn't be playing them, becase he/she can't seem to handle the fact that the game WILL be there when he/she gets back to it!

...Personally I would have just given him the ass whipping that he deserves. The whole "Stop Man Handling" me part...was ridiculous. If I ever spoke to my dad like that he'd probably have half a mind to bend me across his knee, AND I'M 18 years Old!

So in my opinion...kids these days need their asses beat. These parents need to stop negotiating and trying to be their kid's friends. They are not their kid's friends, they are thier parents, and when they realize it, and take a stand in their kids lives...than we might get somewhere!
1 Never ever lie to your kids. The lies start with the easter bunny,toothfairy,santa,boogieman and then all the little games ant tricks you play with kids. They learn very young that you can and will lie to them.
2 Never suger coat anything. Shoot straigt and explain because because they won't get it. My kid at the time (second wife long story) stuck his foot out of the bus window and got in trouble. I explained that they could care less about his footsi wootsy but really cared about getting blood on the bus from the street sign that riped his leg off. Then got the opportunity to explain our leagal system and how they could be sued. He understood after that why it was a big deal and he wasn't just being picked on.
3 Never talk to kids like little kids. Especialy babys. They are people too.
4 When they get the sligtest bit of cockness or talk back cut them off at the knees at the first sign. I asked my 14 year old to clean the kichen the otherday and she said how come you never do it? I was shocked because she knows to never talk to me like that but I think she was just being honest and wanted me to do it. I quetly told her that I bought the kitchen and I bought the food and if she would honer herself by cleaning it I would honer her with the use of it and it's contents along with the electricity to cool it and cook it. I said all this in a nice way and she understood and now cleans it without question. No suger coat,no winy baby talk and no lies. She's 14 and likes to hang out with me still. So this shit must be working. I didn't make this up but believed the person that told me and it works so I'm passing it on.
Looks like you have a and awsome relationship with your daughter, I wish my mom was that level headed. She blows up at every little thing. Like I took the garbage out like she asked me to, and took the can to the street. Well i forgot to turn the garbage can a certain way, so the garbage folks didn't pick it up (All the trucks are robotic now), and well...I got grounded from the phone, the internet, going anywhere, the TV for two months...so eh...C'est La Vie
My kids are still mostly young, but they allready understand that what I say is LAW in my house, and that I really do not give a damn what joey up the street does, becuase he does not live in my house and if he did, he would learn very quickly (and most likely very painfully) that what I say goes. My son mouthed off to his mom the other day when she told him to go wash the dishes. He told her "Make me, B@#&^". He is still trying to figure out HOW I heard him from outside, made it in the house, jacked him in the mouth hard enough to hit the floor, and then told him to shut it. All without him hearing or seeing me coming.
I will not tolerate that kind of crap with my kids, and the one on the computer would find himself out the door, without the computer (thats' mine), and the door slammed and locked. Spoiled, coddled and waaaayyyy too old to be acting like that.
I am not my kids "friend", but they know that they can tlak to either my wife or me about anything, and I mean anything, and that they will be treated fairly, but they also know that the response can be very blunt. We refuse to have our kids run loose like most of the little bastards today, and hopefully, this kind of upbringing will serve them well as they get older. I do believe that there are still quite a few of us that were raised without the coddling, sugar-coating and the ass-kissing that kids seem to be getting these days.
Sorry about this trying to turn into a rant, but I think that you can understand how/why it is so easy for it to happen.
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ren said:
My kids are still mostly young, but they allready understand that what I say is LAW in my house, and that I really do not give a damn what joey up the street does, becuase he does not live in my house and if he did, he would learn very quickly (and most likely very painfully) that what I say goes. My son mouthed off to his mom the other day when she told him to go wash the dishes. He told her "Make me, B@#&^". He is still trying to figure out HOW I heard him from outside, made it in the house, jacked him in the mouth hard enough to hit the floor, and then told him to shut it. All without him hearing or seeing me coming.
I will not tolerate that kind of crap with my kids, and the one on the computer would find himself out the door, without the computer (thats' mine), and the door slammed and locked. Spoiled, coddled and waaaayyyy too old to be acting like that.
I am not my kids "friend", but they know that they can tlak to either my wife or me about anything, and I mean anything, and that they will be treated fairly, but they also know that the response can be very blunt. We refuse to have our kids run loose like most of the little bastards today, and hopefully, this kind of upbringing will serve them well as they get older. I do believe that there are still quite a few of us that were raised without the coddling, sugar-coating and the ass-kissing that kids seem to be getting these days.
Sorry about this trying to turn into a rant, but I think that you can understand how/why it is so easy for it to happen.

Yes, we're here, but there's not as many as you might hope for. Some of the worst parents I've seen are my own friends. Some of them I just want to shake. Why? Why did you have kids if you didn't want to raise them?! I know dads who are that whiny little brat - at 40-something friggin' years old!! They have kids, for whatever reason I don't know, and they themselves are the worst examples of selfishness and self-obsession.

Now, we maintained Santa and the like until the boys figured it out for themselves, but in everything else I agree - do not lie to your kids. I hear my friends manufacturing the baldest flata$$ lies only for their own convenience - only in order to avoid arguments with their kids. That is the absolute worst thing you can do. Do not set yourself up as a liar. In all cases (once they've figured out the Santa business) you must be able to stand on the high ground. That means you carry through on threats. If you say, "One more time and 'whatever'!" Then, one more time and 'whatever' better happen. I do not make empty threats - I make promises, and I always keep my promises. That means I am very careful exactly what are the consequences I promise to execute. I don't promise to do stupid shit that they know would never happen. I promise to do exactly what I plan to do. A lot of the time that means my answer is, "I don't know." Can we go fishing this weekend? "I don't know. I'd like to, but we got chores, it depends on the weather. We can plan for it, but I can't guarantee it." But, if I say no, then forget about it. Don't beg me - that's annoying. Don't put your hands together and "please, please, please" me. I am not God. Do not pray to me. I said no - now you put it out of your mind, 'cause the more you bring it up the more you're going to annoy me, and they know they don't like it when I'm annoyed. If I am wrong (which I seldom am) they have a very narrow window to tell me what the facts are, but in the end - it's my word.

An example from just the other night. The boys are Zach, 11 and Luke, 7. Zach likes to act like me, he likes to issue commands to Luke. Luke, of course, does not appreciate that. I set the two of them to clear out the floor of their closet and their toy box into 18-gallon Rubbermaid storage bins. The idea is to thin out the number of toys in the room: decide what you don't play with anymore and we'll put that on the garage sale. In the mean time, I was taking Lauren, their 17mo little sister to the store with me. All this was to give their mom a chance to sit in peace and organize garage sale junk. As soon as the boys got started in their room the bickering started. Well, if I run off to the store and leave them bickering in their room that does not achieve the goal of leaving their mom in peace. So, I step in and instruct them to accomplish the task by cooperating, without fighting or bickering and without Zach ordering Luke around. Zach starts in on how Luke isn't doing anything, blah, blah, blah... "OK! Zach, you come with me." Zach starts to look like things are looking up for him. "Luke. You go sit on the couch. When we get back Zachary will do the entire job by himself." WHAT?! "Can it! You are the 11 year old. You are the lead on this job. The two of you clean this room together - quietly, without fighting, or you do the whole job, by yourself." We'll do it together. "Good. If your mother gives me a poor report on you guys, then all movies, the PS-2 and the computer are gone for the week." Yes, sir. When Lauren and I got back from the store, their mom reported that she didn't hear a peep from the boys. On inspection they'd done a fair job.
that kid needs a good ol fashion ars whoopin that computer would have been thrown out the friggin window b4 he tried that crap on me kids that have no respect for there parents will have no respect for anyone else either then peoiple wonder why they steal shoot people and do drugs wake the f up people make your dang kids behave at home and they will behave in public and when your not around end of rant
Stumpalump said:
1 Never ever lie to your kids. The lies start with the easter bunny,toothfairy,santa,boogieman and then all the little games ant tricks you play with kids. They learn very young that you can and will lie to them.
2 Never suger coat anything. Shoot straigt and explain because because they won't get it. My kid at the time (second wife long story) stuck his foot out of the bus window and got in trouble. I explained that they could care less about his footsi wootsy but really cared about getting blood on the bus from the street sign that riped his leg off. Then got the opportunity to explain our leagal system and how they could be sued. He understood after that why it was a big deal and he wasn't just being picked on.
3 Never talk to kids like little kids. Especialy babys. They are people too.
4 When they get the sligtest bit of cockness or talk back cut them off at the knees at the first sign. I asked my 14 year old to clean the kichen the otherday and she said how come you never do it? I was shocked because she knows to never talk to me like that but I think she was just being honest and wanted me to do it. I quetly told her that I bought the kitchen and I bought the food and if she would honer herself by cleaning it I would honer her with the use of it and it's contents along with the electricity to cool it and cook it. I said all this in a nice way and she understood and now cleans it without question. No suger coat,no winy baby talk and no lies. She's 14 and likes to hang out with me still. So this shit must be working. I didn't make this up but believed the person that told me and it works so I'm passing it on.

The above is an example of what I would call the Perfect Parent.

Kids with bad habits come from parents with poor parenting skills. If a kids "ass has to be whipped" then something is wrong with the parenting, not the kid. I have "NEVER" hit my 12 year old and don't plan on it. He brings home straight "A's," has learned to choose his friends wisely and which kids to stay clear of, is active in school and sports, and is an overall happy kid. I can't say there haven't been "moments" but those moments have usually been because I have not communicated clearly to him. Being a good parent requires being self-aware about how our personal actions effect the people around us. Good parents learn more from their kids than the other way around because they mirror us completely.
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I agree with the no BS style of parenting. Don't give your kids illusions of grandeur by convincing them that flying teeth bandits and man-sized bunnies exist. What does this ultimately accomplish? You can give your kids plenty of things to believe in without planting false hopes.

As for the ever-powerful "ass whoopin'," I say employ where necessary. No matter how you raise your children, they will act up, and at some point will realize that they have a mind and will of their own. My parents whooped the shit out of me all the time, and I learned my lesson and never did it again.
TrueBlueXJ said:
I agree with the no BS style of parenting. Don't give your kids illusions of grandeur by convincing them that flying teeth bandits and man-sized bunnies exist. What does this ultimately accomplish? You can give your kids plenty of things to believe in without planting false hopes.

As for the ever-powerful "ass whoopin'," I say employ where necessary. No matter how you raise your children, they will act up, and at some point will realize that they have a mind and will of their own. My parents whooped the shit out of me all the time, and I learned my lesson and never did it again.

I don't remember ever being struck, not even spanked. But then, you didn't want my dad yelling at you - very unpleasent. Not degrading mind you, but very loud. I have used spanking, but not as punishment. I've used it to break the tantrum and get their attention. Once they're old enough to see things my way, corporal punishment is not nearly as effective as loss of privledges.

Last night Zach was in our room watching Mythbusters. At 7:58 I told him to take a bath. The show was almost over so I gave him the two minutes but reinforced that it was bath time. At 8:15 I look into their room intending to send the little brother, Luke, off to his bath. Instead, I find Zach and Luke playing PS2 and Zach is still in his clothes and his hair is dry. "I told you at 7:58 to take a bath." I will. "NOW!" He jumps up and turns off the game. "Why did you turn off the game." Well, Luke has to take a bath, too. "Luke can play until you're done." mumble, mumble.. "Hey! At 7:58 I told you to take a bath. Instead you came in here and started playing. Were you right, or were you wrong to ignore me." Long pause...Wrong. "Go take your bath. I want head on pillow, teeth brushed by 8:30." He heads out and Luke reaches to turn on the game. "Luke." Yes, sir. "What do you need to do, right now." Take a bath. "Thank you."
The sad thing is, my brother is 23 and would probably cry as much if he had to stop playing World of Warcraft, and all his other friends too. Sad really. That game is a disease.
Ramsey said:
The sad thing is, my brother is 23 and would probably cry as much if he had to stop playing World of Warcraft, and all his other friends too. Sad really. That game is a disease.

Yeah, we've got some friends who adopted 3 siblings at once. He sits at the computer 7 hours a night. She is >||< that close to filing and going it alone. I advised her to do it.

I never could get into it. It just gets boring after a while. Fortunately, we're rural. We're on dial-up with a really crappy connection - 3kB/sec download. Nobody's not playing nothin' on-line. I think I'll keep it that way for awhile.
bjoehandley said:
I only listened to about the first minute and I was already wanting to pull the plug on his computer!

Way back when I was in maybe 7th grade, or something...waaaay back in the mid-70's we were all sitting around one evening watching some stupid family angst movie. The teen-age kid was playing his stereo loud so the dad comes in and tells him to turn it down. The kid starts yelling that this is his house too and he has rights and all that BS.
Right at the point where the kid on the TV says, "This in my house, too!" my dad says, "Hah. There's one stereo..right out the window." I'm thinking, "Mental note to self. Keep the stereo volume down." Believe me, I've seen him throw shit through windows. I had no doubt that that line would have sent my stereo sailing right out into the side yard. Plus, I would have had to fix the window.
Ramsey said:
The sad thing is, my brother is 23 and would probably cry as much if he had to stop playing World of Warcraft, and all his other friends too. Sad really. That game is a disease.
Thats a good way to put it, a disease. I got the fist edition of Simm city. It was cool you got to zone your land and put in infastructure and whatch it grow. Problem was I would run into the house to make sure the stupid power plant was still running. I would actually care about the towns people and adjust my schedal to make sure they were happy! Finnaly I quit and now I only play an occational solitar. You can get sooo much more out of life by turning off the TV and finding somthing to do.
I got the 14 year old throwing out all the old junk and decorations in her room. I will help her move everthing out so she can patch the walls. Then she can pick the paint (within reason) and I will teach her all the tips to doing a good room restoration and paint job. I'm sure I will do most of it but she will get the idea and take some pride in the job. Of course while she is doing that I am also working on my garage carport addition and allready have the jeep apart from last weekend to install an extra leaf in the pack. Teaches her to keep busy and also how you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Video games have no fruit. We did her bathroom last year and it's allways the cleanest room in the house.
Pics?...of the daughter, I could care less about your garage or jeep :D
Stumpalump said:
Thats a good way to put it, a disease. I got the fist edition of Simm city. It was cool you got to zone your land and put in infastructure and whatch it grow. Problem was I would run into the house to make sure the stupid power plant was still running. I would actually care about the towns people and adjust my schedal to make sure they were happy! Finnaly I quit and now I only play an occational solitar. You can get sooo much more out of life by turning off the TV and finding somthing to do.
I got the 14 year old throwing out all the old junk and decorations in her room. I will help her move everthing out so she can patch the walls. Then she can pick the paint (within reason) and I will teach her all the tips to doing a good room restoration and paint job. I'm sure I will do most of it but she will get the idea and take some pride in the job. Of course while she is doing that I am also working on my garage carport addition and allready have the jeep apart from last weekend to install an extra leaf in the pack. Teaches her to keep busy and also how you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Video games have no fruit. We did her bathroom last year and it's allways the cleanest room in the house.

Back in highschool I played a bit of BattleTech. Not computer, but roleplay. At first we'd just lay out the map boards and start rolling dice. We'd run our mechs in and blast away until it was down to last-one-standing. After a while we decided to role up some pilots. It took a couple of hours for each of us to roll up four pilots apiece. We set up a mission. My buddy had four mechs on station out in open ground. His orders were to hold at all cost. I was bringing up four through some cover. My mission was to probe for contact and hold them for the long range artillery. I got mine set up to run a double flank, but I had to cover some open ground so I sent my lightest mech out to the right to try to draw first blood. I missed. He rolled two boxcars. The first was a sure hit. The second was a head shot. Knocked all the armour of my mech's cockpit. My next move I retreated off the board. "What are you doing?! We just started!" I'm not going to get my guy killed. I just spent two hour creating him. Changed the whole dynamic. 'Course, when I started dating, I quit playing. Priorities, don't ya' know :D
Ramsey said:
Pics?...of the daughter, I could care less about your garage or jeep :D

Hey, hey hey! Put down the bong and walk slowly backwards toward my voice.