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America's future...

Ramsey said:
Pics?...of the daughter, I could care less about your garage or jeep :D
Shes only 14 dude! But hit me up when shes 18 and I'm trying to get rid of her.
Normally, just the sound of my voiced coming across as ticked is more than enough to prevent trouble from becoming more than what it already is, but as has been stated by more than one parent/person, sometimes you do have to make it understood that you will go farther than just using your voice, if needed. My son that I smacked is going on 15, and is starting to pick up some distasteful habits/tendencies from other kids, including the normal teenager attitude/mouth. Now, if you have never had to lay a hand on your kids, good for you, your cookie is at the store. The rest of us don't have the perfect little angel, and are mostly happy with reality kids instead of the flippin' Brady bunch/ Archie comics' kids.
ren said:
Normally, just the sound of my voiced coming across as ticked is more than enough to prevent trouble from becoming more than what it already is, but as has been stated by more than one parent/person, sometimes you do have to make it understood that you will go farther than just using your voice, if needed. My son that I smacked is going on 15, and is starting to pick up some distasteful habits/tendencies from other kids, including the normal teenager attitude/mouth. Now, if you have never had to lay a hand on your kids, good for you, your cookie is at the store. The rest of us don't have the perfect little angel, and are mostly happy with reality kids instead of the flippin' Brady bunch/ Archie comics' kids.

I'm with you. Zach, the 11yo takes Imipramine for mood control. When he's up he just talks and moves a little too fast. When he's down he'll become argumentitive and very touchy about being corrected. He's only 11 but he's already 5'6" and 135#. He will be taller than my 6' before he's finished growing. Direct confrontation is sometimes necessary but I've learned to tone down my voice to keep the situation from escalating.

That's opposite from my dad who was never physical, but could yell to split the house in two. After a year and a half with the pills I can tell when Zach skips taking them. Anymore, if he starts to act up I can ask him, "When's the last time you took your medicine?" I tell him, if you're not going to take the medicine then you have to control yourself. If you are taking the medicine then you have no excuse for being out of control."

You mentioned picking up stuff from friends. When Zach was 7 or 8 he was watching Nickelodeon and Disney channel teen oriented shows. I used to sit with him and comment - like, "What that kid said was rude." "They're being mean to that kid." When Zach started acting like that, I laid down a ultimatum. You can watch that stuff if it does not affect you, but if watching that stuff makes you act that way, then I will block it. I blocked Nich, Disney, Cartoon and a couple others. They haven't missed it. They don't even ask about it. They watch Leave It To Beaver.
Stumpalump said:
Shes only 14 dude! But hit me up when shes 18 and I'm trying to get rid of her.
As long as she can cook :D
Ramsey said:
As long as she can cook :D

SPOBI! You wouldn't give a damn, as long as she'd...well, never mind. We don't want to get into that, here.
My kids pull that crap computer is gone for good. Not even for school use a typewriter.
XJ Dreamin' said:
SPOBI! You wouldn't give a damn, as long as she'd...well, never mind. We don't want to get into that, here.
You called my bluff.