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Allow me to rant!

Wanna know what burns my britches????? besides the flame that 3' high.

I just bought a kawasaki 19.2v cordless drill at stupid prices last month. Only paid $28.00 for it, the case and a few bits etc. that came with it. Also purchased a bit kit at napa $ 39.99 to go along with it.

2 weeks ago we also purchased a set of jks quicker dissconnects.

Last tuesday the 20th the disconnects, bit set, and drill w/case were stolen.

We know who did it because there was only 3 customers here that day and 1 I was with the whole time the other dad was with the whole time. But of course we cant prove anything.

I now have a sign hanging in the garage above the charger and extra battery for the drill that says:

Attention thief !!
Who ever stole my kawasaki cordless drill and bit set on 3/20/07
your gonna need these too after all thanks to you they do me no good

too bad I can't figure out a way to hook them up to a high voltage so if they dissapear the person would have a zap
MY92XJ said:
Wanna know what burns my britches????? besides the flame that 3' high.

I just bought a kawasaki 19.2v cordless drill at stupid prices last month. Only paid $28.00 for it, the case and a few bits etc. that came with it. Also purchased a bit kit at napa $ 39.99 to go along with it.

2 weeks ago we also purchased a set of jks quicker dissconnects.

Last tuesday the 20th the disconnects, bit set, and drill w/case were stolen.

We know who did it because there was only 3 customers here that day and 1 I was with the whole time the other dad was with the whole time. But of course we cant prove anything.

I now have a sign hanging in the garage above the charger and extra battery for the drill that says:

Attention thief !!
Who ever stole my kawasaki cordless drill and bit set on 3/20/07
your gonna need these too after all thanks to you they do me no good

too bad I can't figure out a way to hook them up to a high voltage so if they dissapear the person would have a zap

that blows. If he returns as a customer tack on a few bucks each time to make up for your loss ;)
OK I've got a good one.

As some of you may or may not know, i'm a manager at a local Lube Shop. Well one evening "yesterday" I was not there, but one of my employees got upset that he was asked to stay an extra 30mins to help clean after we were closed. He denied, and stormed off to the locker room to change and go home. Well he left a present for the "manager and owner" Heres some pics

Anyone know what Tamper Seal is?

Ok, so this stuff acts like paint. Once it is dry it is difficult to get off. It's ment to go on drain plugs/check plugs to see if anyone "tampers" with it when it comes back in for the next oil change. Well our little friend decided to use these to "get back?" at us?






So the end turned out like this. It didn't come off the wall. We had to repaint over it, costing $283.92 from a local painter. Now, the owner makes an awful decision to NOT fire or even do anything to the employee who did this. Instead he makes him write an apologie letter to me the manager, and then he takes the $283.92 and splits it 8 ways and takes it out of all of our next pay checks....

pretty F****d up if you ask me.

My Rant for the day
Spaz said:
OK I've got a good one.

As some of you may or may not know, i'm a manager at a local Lube Shop. Well one evening "yesterday" I was not there, but one of my employees got upset that he was asked to stay an extra 30mins to help clean after we were closed. He denied, and stormed off to the locker room to change and go home. Well he left a present for the "manager and owner" Heres some pics

Anyone know what Tamper Seal is?

Ok, so this stuff acts like paint. Once it is dry it is difficult to get off. It's ment to go on drain plugs/check plugs to see if anyone "tampers" with it when it comes back in for the next oil change. Well our little friend decided to use these to "get back?" at us?

So the end turned out like this. It didn't come off the wall. We had to repaint over it, costing $283.92 from a local painter. Now, the owner makes an awful decision to NOT fire or even do anything to the employee who did this. Instead he makes him write an apologie letter to me the manager, and then he takes the $283.92 and splits it 8 ways and takes it out of all of our next pay checks....

pretty F****d up if you ask me.

My Rant for the day

WTF! I would complain about that
Ya it's OK I dont' plan on spending too much time there any longer. I'm looking for an Entry Lvl Mechanics job. I've gotten offers from Machine shops, but i'm still looking.

It's only $35.00 out of my check, but still
$35 is the difference between Red and Blue (but it looks like you already took care of that).
uh, dunno about the states but up here in canada they can't legally take money off your cheque for damages done by a fellow employee.

If it were me, I'd file a complaint with whatever agency deals with that kinda BS down there.
WheelinJR said:
I'd get the group of employees together that got docked and throw the guy that caused it all a nice little beat down party. I'd also make him give everyone $35
Wheeling = remote locations
Shovels = deep hole(s)
Wheeling + Shovels = Remote location with deep hole :farmer:
don't forget the bag of lye... I keep one around just in case I hit a poor squirrel on the highway and don't want all his squirrel buddies to find the body and get squirrel-CSI on my ass. True story ;)
So the end turned out like this. It didn't come off the wall. We had to repaint over it, costing $283.92 from a local painter. Now, the owner makes an awful decision to NOT fire or even do anything to the employee who did this. Instead he makes him write an apologie letter to me the manager, and then he takes the $283.92 and splits it 8 ways and takes it out of all of our next pay checks....

pretty F****d up if you ask me.

My Rant for the day[/quote]This is illegal the Wa..Dept. of Labor and Industry is the one to contact. The wall you showed with Federal Labor Laws poster is also one .It doesn`t have to be you that turns it in.
The employer doesn`t have the rights to charge Employees for what others do to his property..What will he charge you and others with next.
Sorry to resurrect this thread, but its my turn. Unfortunately, I have no one to blame but my own dumb a$$ for this one.

So I'm at the McChord AFB hobby shop this AM to change my oil and install some 2" coil spring spacers. Too easy, right? Oil change took all of 15min, check.

Then came the coil spacers. I disconnected the sway bar, shocks, and upper control arms. For whatever reason, my trackbar bolt has a nut instead of the little threaded tab where it mounts to the axle, so I found it impossible to get a wrench in there to remove. Therefore I couldn't get the axle to drop the whole way. Instead, I used some spring compressors to get the spacers in, no sweat. Then it came time to button everything up. Reconnect the shocks, check; reconnect drivers side control arm, check; attempt to reconnect the passenger side control arm, NO CHECK. For the life of me could not get the other control arm to line up. I tried everything; even had the shop operator come help try to pry the dang thing in place; no luck. Called John (Avanteone) and it sounds like the trackbar still being connected is the single point of failure (besides an amateur trying to wrench on his Jeep). Tried every tool in the shop, nothing worked to get the trackbar bolt out. I finally realized I wasn't driving outta there and began working on a contingency plan to get my a$$ home. :flamemad:

So now I get to tow it up to John's to let him sort out the mess. Paid $36 dollars for 6 hours on the lift to fark something up that will probably take John 30min to fix.

So what do you call a n00b who reads a bunch of articles about how easy it is to install coil spacers? That's right, a n00b. :bawl:

Okay, I feel better now.

- Jay
pSYChedXJ said:
So what do you call a n00b who reads a bunch of articles about how easy it is to install coil spacers? That's right, a n00b. :bawl:

Okay, I feel better now.

- Jay

A lot nicer things than someone who isn't willing to try or to learn from their situations. I learn everytime I work on a rig and I've taught a few Master Techs a thing or two in the past. Keep Wrenching!
CanMan said:
Couldn't you of just removed the TB from the 'frame' side? Then turn the steering back and forth to get it to line up again?

I tried explaining that to him over the phone.... he sounded pretty frustrated and had crappy cell phone reception :)