When I search part numbers at Rockauto.com, it shows that the TCU part number changes in 1996. I don't have access to a FSM for 1995 or 1996, but when I compared the electrical schematic from a 1994 FSM ( I assume it would be the same as a 1995) to a 1997 FSM ( should be very similar to a 1996) it shows the TCU wiring to be VERY different. Even the range sensor (PRNDL) circuit that ties into the tranny shift solenoid circuit is different.
So, don't know if the 96 harness you installed included the wiring for the TCU but if it did, it looks like you will have to change the TCU to a 96 TCU as well as other wiring related to the tranny and tranny sensors, and shifter. You need to get some advice from someone who knows all the differences in the tranny circuit between those 2 years.