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91'-04' throttle body differences?


NAXJA Forum User
NAXJA Member
Salem, OR
looking here http://www.strokedjeep.com/tbody.html
the 00' throttle body is the same to a 97' since its grouped together, but in his description, he says if you want the core charge back, you need to send in the same year throttle body which leads me to believe that in fact they are different.
can someone confirm that they are the same or not?
reason being is I can pick up a throttle body from a 00' cherokee for cheap but my rig is a 97' and I want to confirm that they are in fact the exact same and if not, what is the differences
just to kinda help, I read that alot of guys with 2.5l motors were wanting to switch to the 4.0l tb and mentioned that some year or so they placed the map on the tb? so some might actually be different?
1996-2001 4.0L are OBD-II and use the same TB. IIRC OBD-I has the MAP sensor on the firewall.