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1989 AW4 wiring


NAXJA Forum User
Hi, I'm new here and have an 89 XJ that I'm working on a stand alone AW4 harness for. I have everything good on the TCU side of things but am looking for pinouts on the solenoid connector and nss connector, might bypass the nss too. Just trying to make sure I'm not missing any inputs I may need. I'm an electrician by trade thankfully and I can find pinouts for the TCU interface all day long but nothing for the two transmission connectors so there are some unaccounted for terminals in the plugs. Thank you for the help.
1989 XJ, 4.0(soon to be 4bbl carbureted due to all wiring being toast),AW4(trying to keep it a real auto), NP231 into factory axles for now...
Can I ask why you are going carbureted? IMO a new harness is a one time install. Will be excited to see how this goes. same 4.0 n trans, but 89 MJ. Currently in the process of rebuilding mine and giving a little boost via turbo. Hopefully someone comes across this and gives you proper insight.. I will be checking back! (Bumming for some info for this as well)
Mostly cause everything was screwed up and I wanted to rewire it all. I had no interest in dealing with the renix system either. Also update, I skipped out on the carb and am going propane now. Just trying to keep the AW4 if I can. Will post pics eventually.
Even more excited now. Nice choice on the propane. That is about as close to mechanically operated as you can get. Don't blame you on the Renix system, other than producing torque it is underwhelming. Maybe the plugs you are looking at are cruise control? Try to order the vehicle specific manual for that from your local Jeep/Dodge dealership and there will be no discrepancies then. Exact model harness colors for everything.

You most likely know about the standalone AW4 controllers then.. (Nifty shifters, automatic trans controllers) No reason to give you links then. Wishing you luck moving forward.
I'm kinda in the same fix.
I have a 88 MJ with a 4.6l stroker AW4 trans 231 transfer case. I am running it on a 2004 Vortec 4.3l V6 computer system, fuel injection/ignition/cooling fans.
I need to get rid of the Renix TPS so I can run the GM TPS. The 88 trans requires a input from the TPS.
The only thing I can come up with is to go to a 91+ AW4 and run a matching TCU. I just don't know if the 91+ TCU will plug up and work on my harness.
I'm kinda in the same fix.
I have a 88 MJ with a 4.6l stroker AW4 trans 231 transfer case. I am running it on a 2004 Vortec 4.3l V6 computer system, fuel injection/ignition/cooling fans.
I need to get rid of the Renix TPS so I can run the GM TPS. The 88 trans requires a input from the TPS.
The only thing I can come up with is to go to a 91+ AW4 and run a matching TCU. I just don't know if the 91+ TCU will plug up and work on my harness.
Since my last comment on Dec 30th... I got my hands on the HO cylinder head and all manifolds.

I am ditching my old Renix throttle.. I have to for this "Frankenstein" conversion. Just keeping the block from the 89 Renix for torque and giving it the HO (91+) top end for rpm.

To match the throttle body and keep my factory TPS.. I need to source an adapter. Possibly even make one myself! Found a forum where a guy uploaded PDFs of his 3D printable "schematic".

Why don't you try an adapter first?
This is the adaptor, below it is the GM throttle body mounted on it and the intake manifold.
The GM throttle body is about 72mm the bore of the intake is about 66.5mm.

