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01 randomly will not fire. New starter recently and it has power


NAXJA Forum User
video of no fire

So it just keeps turning and will not fire. I made 2 stops before this one where it died. Had to tow it home. Starter sounds like it works, its brand new, battery test good, sounds like fuel pump is good. So I just replaced the CPS with a new and still won't fire. Any thoughts?
Check the CPS harness, make sure it's not burned from getting too close to the exhaust.

Check the cam sensor, they go bad between 100 and 150 K usually. Check the plug on the coil rail, make sure it's locked down, no crap built up in the connector.

Is it throwing codes when it quits?
There was a recall. It was for rough running/misfire on hot startup after heat soak, not engine shut down.
So not trusting Tire kingdoms "spark" test as that just happens to be where it broke down near and I asked them to look at it. I pulled the coil, pulled a plug and put it in the top and got no spark. Could possibly need a new coil I am guessing. Might pull my buddies to test.
it's an 01? how did you pull the coil pack rail and test it with a spark plug?

It's generally bad to energize coils with no place for the energy to go. Tends to cook them.