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Working on my cage

Im still looking into the design a bit, maybe ill throw some padding around that part, just by chance some part of me hits it. But with a well designed seat and harness, i dont see it being much of a problem. Maybe im wrong, i havent worked with aftermarket seats and all that much
LivinUpXJ said:
Im still looking into the design a bit, maybe ill throw some padding around that part, just by chance some part of me hits it. But with a well designed seat and harness, i dont see it being much of a problem. Maybe im wrong, i havent worked with aftermarket seats and all that much

I don't mean any disrespect, but it appears that you are assuming too much.

Have you ever been in a rig when it's rolled? You WILL move all over the place, even with the harness. You would have to be strapped down tight to try and prevent yourself from hitting that console bypass, and IF you did that, you would be very uncomfortable driving. So the chances are you will not be strapped down tight, and you might even have some of the harness points not even attached so you can lean your head out to see your wheel placement, which means you could probably hit part of your cage.

It's better to design the cage in mind for all scenerios, not just the perfect scenerio (a non roll).

But, what do some of us know? We ARE only trying to help. Some of us have had experience building cages and been in them when the vehicle rolled. :)
ok thanks for the info, i do appreciate it, ill look into it once i go to finish everything up, but im pretty much beat on that subject, now what seats are yall runnin with ur cages? Im a bigger guy at 6'1,280 so those little ass things i see aint gonna cut it! any reccommendations
Guys, it seems like he is gonna do what he wants so why bother anymore. Just post pics if you ever roll it so we can see who was right.
silverslk said:
Guys, it seems like he is gonna do what he wants so why bother anymore. Just post pics if you ever roll it so we can see who was right.

Here's food for thought....




I will spare you the details of the emergency helicopter air-lift to a trauma center. I will also not tell you about the permanent damage we, the driver & passenger(me), sustained. I will also not tell you how the driver's head was wrapped under the windshield while pinned upside down.

well this thread is done.....if a mod reads this you can either lock it or delete it
LivinUpXJ said:
well this thread is done.....if a mod reads this you can either lock it or delete it
don't get discouraged most people on here have little clue as to what they are doing and build dangerous stuff them selves and still criticizes those trying to make a honest effort.

I like the idea behind keeping the console even like how you thought out gusseting it but I personally wouldn't have done it, or I would have made 2 separate b-hoops kinda like you see in the top fuel cars (just 2 not one like they do) and then you could have tied in the two sections lower down.

Keep building it your way and do not be afraid to be different, just try and keep function the priority. I like your choice in material seams suck DOM all the way

I see your using 1 3/4" 120 wall DOM tube. Ive read of people using sched 40 1 1/4" pipe which is about 3/16" wall and is actually 1 5/8" OD. And my buddy built his cage on his ranger buggy thing out of 1 5/8 pipe and its been flipped numerous times with no problems yet. I guess im just asking what ya'll think about sched 40 pipe cuz thats what im thinkin about using to build my semi-exo with....
I personally wouldn't use pipe for anything more than ornamental use like a light bar or high lift mount etc. But that is my opinon
tcm glx said:
its not covered up, sitting in the drivers seat i can see it perfectly. Im gonna look into different options i can do to change that B hoop, i really do wanna keep the console, ill see if maybe i can run through it. but does anyone have any suggestions for seats as far as the bigger guys being comfortable. And pics of you harness setups please
make sure and look at Simpsons website for proper harness mounting, has to be no more than 10* below your shoulder for the shoulder harness mounts. As for seats, a lot of companies make a wide version of their seats, I personally have Beard Ultras and couldn't be happier. It is a hard fit though, with the trans hump and all that uneven surface it is a major PITA to get wide seats in there. I have some pics of my set-up if you want to give me your email addy, may give you some ideas. I think if you re-did that b-pillar you would have a good cage! One thing I have found for miter cut/butt welded joints is you can make them a little stronger by having a bulkhead between the tubes, welding a plate on the end of the tube before you butt weld it to the other tube. Take that for what it is worth:)