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Unwelcome guests

Mr. West, You did the right thing. Going off full bore on him would only have been satisfying at the moment. Once he got out of jail (sooner rather than later) he would then have a grudge to pursue. It's way better to convince the tweekers that there is no joy in being around you than it is to have to waste ammo because they are trespassing with malicious, premedetated intent. I haven't been there but by the description I would assume you live in an area where you can expect solitude. Having those expectations crushed is as bad as being stolen from.
whts the point in mentioning that you chose a hammer and not a sledge?? i dont get it?
May i suggest that when you chose your gate that you get something highly visible and easilly repared/replaced. Last weekend my friend plowed right through a wire gate (it was right after sundown, the gate was open when we went in.) Of course this was un-intentional, we never purposely tresspass on anyones property and would never intentionally damage anyones fence... But that thing came out of NOWHERE!! Just something to think about, stuff happens.
What's the point in mentioning that you chose a hammer and not a sledge?? I dont get it?

The Law Enforcement Officer offered him the choice of charges to be filed is the way I read it. I hope this was done in front of the perp.
Then he's pissed you Fed him in the A and he sets your house on fire. - You said he had bad judgement, I ran with it.

Why so pissed off? I have seven acres I've been stuck in the new John Deere twice, the XJ on 35's once and my Chevy on 35s once. I'd have had a beer with the guy and asked politely not to return.

I really shouldn't be allowed to post when half asleep. That doesn't even make sense to me. Do we have some pics of your place? Descriptions only go so far. Can you see your house from the street? Is it an obvious driveway and not a rural type road?

What I was trying to say was there may be repercussions for taking drastic measures on what may have been a very innocent mistake. He knows where you live while you know nothing about this guy. There's a saying, something like, "There's nothing more to fear than one with nothing to lose."

x1000 on making your gate automatic. I've thought of a few options to include a camera on the gate, a vehicle alert doorbell thing to the house, and an automated gate. Hell, might as well include an intercom while you're at it. It's only two more wires. Let us know when you do it. We can all pitch in on a ditchwitch. :)
I really shouldn't be allowed to post when half asleep. That doesn't even make sense to me. Do we have some pics of your place? Descriptions only go so far. Can you see your house from the street? Is it an obvious driveway and not a rural type road?

What I was trying to say was there may be repercussions for taking drastic measures on what may have been a very innocent mistake. He knows where you live while you know nothing about this guy. There's a saying, something like, "There's nothing more to fear than one with nothing to lose."

x1000 on making your gate automatic. I've thought of a few options to include a camera on the gate, a vehicle alert doorbell thing to the house, and an automated gate. Hell, might as well include an intercom while you're at it. It's only two more wires. Let us know when you do it. We can all pitch in on a ditchwitch. :)

If Matt gave you directions to his house, you would still have to call him at least twice between the "street" and his house because you would not believe the directions and how far it is;)

It is about 1 "Rally Stage" in the appropriate car party1:
If Matt gave you directions to his house, you would still have to call him at least twice between the "street" and his house because you would not believe the directions and how far it is;)

It is about 1 "Rally Stage" in the appropriate car party1:

When I went to Matt west house to pick up Matt Adair's Jeep when he stripped it I stopped and called Matt A. To make sure I was going the right way.... It's freaking out there.....

Matt I think you did the right thing.. Hopefully they wouldn't be back they are creature's of habit.. I would think about doing an electric gate.
Mr. West-
I think His truck would have been A great back stop in the shooting pit-
Also, as I am in need of a job in the next few months, maybe you could employ me and post me as a sentry(i work for less than A gate would cost, i assure you)
I bet you can work as Brad Pitt's stunt double...:shhh:


Welcome, everyone, to Alex's coming out party. :wave:

Sorry to hear about the damage, Matt, If you throw a work party to get a fence up, you know I'm there.
Well, you have to admit, Alex has a point:



Nope. Singing "No sleep till Brooklyn" by the Beastie Boys. :)
Not the tweaker I thought you were going to post pictures of ;)

But hey a guy who can debate salmon versus pink and carries a knife is not to be trifled with.
Bummer about the whole incident, Matt. Do you have "private property" and/or "no tresspassing" signs posted? It's a start, but obviously a gate would be more effective. I think you made the right call on being lenient. Like was mentioned, if the dude is seriously a tweaker/loser, pressing charges gives him reason to come back and "get even" with you.
I really like the idea of a gate with a navigable rock pile next to it - no need to get out to open the gate to get in, just drive over the rocks. The gate would be for the police to come in through next time. :rof:

dude ive been clean for like a year.... And I was trying not to get somebody's (you know who you are) vomit all over my nice shoes. And I have something stuffed in my ear. I miss GI-John