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Things that piss me off thread

i can push 480 on the leg press and I'm 6'2, never bothered to see what anyone else could push. this thread is full of people who care too much about what other people think, and what they think of other people.

who cares? live your life and let others live theirs. if you dont like something someone else does punch them in the face and see where that gets you. words without action just makes you a complainer, do something about it or STFU.

Good grief use the [Shift] key.
I'll chime in, on the topic of weight lifting.

People who compare how much they have lifted on a machine (including leg press). The machines all have different mechanical advantages, linearity (or non-linearity) throughout their range of motion. Be a man and do some squats :D (but seriously, try doing all free weights. It's so much better)
i can push 480 on the leg press and I'm 6'2, never bothered to see what anyone else could push. this thread is full of people who care too much about what other people think, and what they think of other people.

who cares? live your life and let others live theirs. if you dont like something someone else does punch them in the face and see where that gets you. words without action just makes you a complainer, do something about it or STFU.

Good grief use the [Shift] key.
mighta missed something captain
People that obsess over going to the gym and claiming how awesome they look/jacked they are.

I've seen these people fail at breaking a bolt free on a car.

To me, useable strength is better than muscles that make me look attractive.
I'll chime in, on the topic of weight lifting.

People who compare how much they have lifted on a machine (including leg press). The machines all have different mechanical advantages, linearity (or non-linearity) throughout their range of motion. Be a man and do some squats :D (but seriously, try doing all free weights. It's so much better)
My comparisons were all on the same machine. I sucked at squatting, the most I ever did was maybe 250ish. Probably not even that much. For me, what really mattered was that leg workouts were the only time I could keep up with my buddy. He killed me on upper body, but I had him beat by just a little on legs.
People that make the spelling of my last name (and anyone's for that matter) more difficult than it needs to be. Example:

My last name is Gerardi. So to prove my point I said to a coworker (new guy) "how would you spell Gerardi, my last name?"...he responded "Geradi"...I said, ok, then how do you spell Gerard...he responded "Gerard"

How is it by adding an "i" to the end of my name, it makes it all of a sudden complex in unable to be spelled correctly?

I can't tell you how many times I get Geradi, or Gerabaldi, or Geraldo, or some other variation of a name anything but my own.
Things that piss me off?
- Every other go$%!!>m driver on the road but me.
- people who don't know how to merge into traffic
-people who think their little POS "green" import has the right to cut my XJ off because the tires are big (so they assume it's slow. Which it is. But anyway ...)
- people who drive something I consider "inferior" to my vehicle & expect me to move over for them to pass, when I'm already going 15 over the limit. Suck to be you :D

-oh yeah ... and when they change my days off at work and I can't get time off to go wheeling all summer. Now that gets me hopping!
People always change the first letter of my last name to either l, m, or d. I don't know why, it's an n.
When I'm driving, as I was yesterday, and pull up to a car with a baby carrier in the back...with a nice cute innocent little baby on board...and the driver and/or passenger are smoking in the car. And they think it's ok because they have their window down an inch.
I'm not one of those people that's anti-smoke...I smoke cigars frequently...but what I DON'T do is smoke in the presence of my children...or as this couple was basically doing, sit my son on the chair next to me in the garage and blow smoke at him.
What's wrong with people? I know if you see someone drinking and driving you can call 1-800-DUI, or whatever the number is...I wish there was a number to call if you saw parents driving around doing this to their children.
I think you may be able to call the police dispatcher (not 911). I'm fairly certain here in CA they've made it illegal to smoke in the car with minors present.
Call me nuts, but I don't view that as something the government should be involved in. It's stupid (I hate cancer sticks as much as the next non smoker) and bad for the kids, but not against the constitution.

Of course, anything not covered by the constitution is left to the states or the people, so if a state wants to make it illegal, as long as it doesn't contradict the constitution... me, I'll stay out of California and keep my freedoms.
I agree with not allowing people to smoke in a car with kids, the kid's got no choice and some people are dumb enough to blow smoke at their children.
People who drive so damn slow that I pass them while in the slow line and running the posted limit....if even that fast.

Getting stuck behind people like above and nearly getting hit by somebody who's driving faster than the limit but not paying a damn bit of attention to whats going on around them!

Other gym goers who don't put the weights back where they got them from, it's annoying as hell to have to restock a weight bench before I can even to that exercise and it makes for a boatload of work people who run the place that have to constantly come over and clean up after people.

Same thing with people who do the same in stores, not sure if that annoys me more as an employee or customer though.