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"The Walking Dead" on AMC


Always amazes me how people can say the most retarded things.

Yes it was retarded, because it was a joke. I'm glad they didnt draw out Maggie and Glenn's drama for 12 episodes, that would have gotten very annoying very quickly.

I just still dont understand why they dont RUN OVER the zombies. I mean hell, they left you a damn van with a big metal ramp, why not back over about 15 of them? All it would take would be a nice distraction, then they could disable the van once they're all dead and use it as a new door for the fenced opening.
The enemy of our enemy is our friend... Or something like that.
The immediate threat right now is the Governor. The walkers out there are kind of like a security team. Its just one more step the Governor has to take to get to everybody.
So what did you guys think of last night's episode?

I had a feeling that Morgan would come back into play sooner or later, but I thought they did a good job of making him seem completely bat-$hit crazy...lol

And that part with the hitchhiker at the end really shows how much they've changed as a group. Battle hardened I guess.
So what did you guys think of last night's episode?

I had a feeling that Morgan would come back into play sooner or later, but I thought they did a good job of making him seem completely bat-$hit crazy...lol

And that part with the hitchhiker at the end really shows how much they've changed as a group. Battle hardened I guess.

Yes, they did a good job on the Morgan thing. I was dissappointed on the amount of shit they took from him... just a couple duffles.. really??? WTF?

As for the stragler.... I did not get that. The dude survived this long why not take him in... I mean they took in Merl.. how the hell you spell that name?
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SPOILER ALERT!! For those who haven't seen the episode, look away!

I like watching Talking Dead afterwards, they touch on every little symbol/meaning, & explain some things that during the episode, I'm wondering "wait... what?"

Yea, Morgan's supposed to be unhinged. Rick lost his best friend & his wife, & he had a serious breakdown (talking to Shane & Lori on the phone & chasing around Lori's ghost, disregarding his & everybody's safety). Now Morgan, is a "weaker" citizen (not a Sheriff, & born leader, like Rick) who couldn't let go of the past & his wife, until it was too late & he had no choice ("i was seeing red"), but cost the life of his son. Now, he's been alone & has been seeing others turn, & has realized everybody turns, so he's left with the feeling that "good people die, bad people die, & the weak have inherited the earth". He feels for being weak & not protecting his family, he's left with "clearing". Meaning many things, clearing the town/country/earth of the "walking dead" (living & walkers), or clearing himself of feeling inadequate, or clearing his soul.

This encounter also serves as an enlightenment for Rick. When he's trying to convince Morgan to come back to the prison with him, he's saying "this can't be it. You gotta be able to come back from this". He's realizing he should be taking his own advice. He also knows that he failed Morgan. Rick found his family, but didn't keep his word to communicate with Morgan, to reunite. Rick's slowly coming back, regaining his mental health & his humanity. He knows solidarity is no way to live/survive. He has to give survivors a chance, instead of seeing them as a threat & turning them away, like it once was, & like it was done for him.

They didn't stop for the Hitchhiker at first, because they hadn't gotten the re-freshening in humanity & remorse. I think if he was alive on their way back, they would've picked him up. Instead, his back-pack should suffice (it's the thought that counts, right?)

Thing I like the most about this episode, was Michonne backing-off, opening up, & connecting with Rick & Carl. She's an asset to the group & she's starting to realize that she needs to stop being so cold & secluded.
On a side note...What the Hell does "clear" mean? Like the literal term of clearing each building, or the figurative term of a 'clear conscious'?
On a side note...What the Hell does "clear" mean? Like the literal term of clearing each building, or the figurative term of a 'clear conscious'?

Clearing each building. He drew maps of the town and had notes for each building. In the beginning of the episode, you can see where he was burining the bodies. Also, at the end, he collects them when they get caught on his traps and wheels them over to the cemetary to burn.