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The new prez....

I remember now why I stopped coming around here. Jeepers should never talk politics. Most of you nay-sayers must not pay attenetion to what is happening RIGHT NOW. These past 8 years have been a total joke. Some of you negative thinkers will say its been the last 2 years, WAKE UP. This moron that has been in charge has bankrupted every business he has ever been involved in, and now its the USA he has done it to.

You guys aren't gonna support this president. GOOD!!! He doesn't need the support of your whiny little bitch asses. The rest of us will be just fine and we'll not sit around thinking of ways to spewwwww our negativity! We remain hopeful and confident that we are heading in a new direction. If McCain had won, I'd be less hopeful, but hopeful none the less.

You whiners should be ashamed of yourselves.

Well put. That was something I wanted to say but couldnt because I do not like getting shot down by older people who are "wiser" than me.
LOL - wow. I've not seen Mike (Crunch) that passionate about anything in quite a while!

Hey Mike...... give this "bitch ass" a friggin' call sometime! It's your turn.....I called you the last time!

I remember now why I stopped coming around here. Jeepers should never talk politics. Most of you nay-sayers must not pay attenetion to what is happening RIGHT NOW. These past 8 years have been a total joke. Some of you negative thinkers will say its been the last 2 years, WAKE UP. This moron that has been in charge has bankrupted every business he has ever been involved in, and now its the USA he has done it to.

You guys aren't gonna support this president. GOOD!!! He doesn't need the support of your whiny little bitch asses. The rest of us will be just fine and we'll not sit around thinking of ways to spewwwww our negativity! We remain hopeful and confident that we are heading in a new direction. If McCain had won, I'd be less hopeful, but hopeful none the less.

You whiners should be ashamed of yourselves.

Sorry to hear that Crunch!
Yes I was a McCain hopeful, but at the same time I am kinda glad that he didnt get in, so that we can give B.O. (body odor) a chance just like we gave your man McClinton a chance. Although many beleive that McCLinton did great things for our country, he actually sold us out for his own agenda. Clinton was all about himself, so BO will be about himself as well.
Demo's in general care more about what they can get out of it, than they do about the welfare of the country and we stand in light of other countries. An example of this was the $700bn bail out. When it was given to the congress it was just 3 pages. After the Demo controlled congress got done with it, it 300+ pages. All of them "earmarks" for their own causes. Granted there were some Repubs in there, I blame the Demo's especially the Left Wingers.
It will be good to see what happens in 4 years and whether or not we can make it till then, now that the world knows we will be soft again and easy to attack.
I will say though, that I believe we have passed the point of having a GOP or a Demo that is capable of savng this country. It will take an act of God or a revolution and or civil war to change where we find ourselves.
Why do you think gun sales saw record numbers two days after the election. Does that tell you people are hoping? I dont think so!
I remember now why I stopped coming around here. Jeepers should never talk politics. Most of you nay-sayers must not pay attenetion to what is happening RIGHT NOW. These past 8 years have been a total joke. Some of you negative thinkers will say its been the last 2 years, WAKE UP. This moron that has been in charge has bankrupted every business he has ever been involved in, and now its the USA he has done it to.

You guys aren't gonna support this president. GOOD!!! He doesn't need the support of your whiny little bitch asses. The rest of us will be just fine and we'll not sit around thinking of ways to spewwwww our negativity! We remain hopeful and confident that we are heading in a new direction. If McCain had won, I'd be less hopeful, but hopeful none the less.

You whiners should be ashamed of yourselves.

You sir are a dumb ass!! My guess is you are one of those "Obama for Change" sign wavers who think that spreading the wealth and taking away our guns is the way to go..........( the difference between a slave and a citizen is the right to bare arms) If you never served this country, you have not earned the right to lead it!! I serve my country so those of us that feel like complaining can do so, including your ignorant bitch ass!!....................................................:lecture:
You sir are a dumb ass!! My guess is you are one of those "Obama for Change" sign wavers who think that spreading the wealth and taking away our guns is the way to go..........( the difference between a slave and a citizen is the right to bare arms) If you never served this country, you have not earned the right to lead it!! I serve my country so those of us that feel like complaining can do so, including your ignorant bitch ass!!....................................................:lecture:

Lets all take a deep breath -- military service, last I checked, is not a requirement to hold office in the United States, and indeed, if it were, we would loose a good deal of diversity of opinion - something important in a multi-cultural constitutional republic. You are right on that your sacrifice and service provide, to quote a pretty killer film, the very blanket of liberty under which those who dissent sleep -- anyone with half a brain thanks you for your service. That said, and as you acknowledge, the freedom to have a completely different opinion than yours, including socialist, collectivist crap (if that's what floats someone's boat) is exactly what you are said to be defending.

I am a gun-owning, liberty lover, but have not served in the military. Does that make me less a citizen? I think not. I appreciate all of the opinions I here, even if many of them reflect the apparent (in my opinion sadly misguided and disasterous) opinion of the majority of the nation that believes President Obama will provide the "hope for a change of the hope of a change" or whatever useless drivel was todays soundbite.

Regardless, we as Americans are going to be in this together, for better or worse, or until worse actually comes to worst. So, we had best try to each everyone the benefits of small government and liberty... then again, those lessons may become quite obvious sooner rather then later!:wantyou:
Lets all take a deep breath -- military service, last I checked, is not a requirement to hold office in the United States, and indeed, if it were, we would loose a good deal of diversity of opinion - something important in a multi-cultural constitutional republic. You are right on that your sacrifice and service provide, to quote a pretty killer film, the very blanket of liberty under which those who dissent sleep -- anyone with half a brain thanks you for your service. That said, and as you acknowledge, the freedom to have a completely different opinion than yours, including socialist, collectivist crap (if that's what floats someone's boat) is exactly what you are said to be defending.

I am a gun-owning, liberty lover, but have not served in the military. Does that make me less a citizen? I think not. I appreciate all of the opinions I here, even if many of them reflect the apparent (in my opinion sadly misguided and disasterous) opinion of the majority of the nation that believes President Obama will provide the "hope for a change of the hope of a change" or whatever useless drivel was todays soundbite.

Regardless, we as Americans are going to be in this together, for better or worse, or until worse actually comes to worst. So, we had best try to each everyone the benefits of small government and liberty... then again, those lessons may become quite obvious sooner rather then later!:wantyou:

I was not trying to say that you were any less of an American by not serving in the military!! I was mearly stating my opinion that those that want to be the leader of this great nation should serve it first! Most great leaders were good followers first!! :patriot:
Sunday I went up to Bass Pro Shop and talked to guy at the gun counter about buying a handgun. There were about 30 people looking at guns. And 12 guys working there gun counter. I was like holy crap. I have been up there before and only seen a few people looking and maybe one guy working. Guy told me guns sells for CO was up 200%. I was like sweet. More American jobs making all those guns. Guy told me if I wanted to buy a gun off Gunbroker.com I could have it shipped to Bass Pro and they have a flat 30 dollar transfer fee. I found a AR-15 for 550 bucks on Gunbroker. Not knowing much about the transfer I did not bid on it. But wish I had now.

And the buy outs that are happening are ridiculous. Now they are talking about US auto makers. Great I can just see all the crappy hybrids now. Now that Gov will be making cars. Next they will be bringing back California's scraping bill. SEMA fought that bill years ago. For anyone that has not heard about it once your car hits 20 years old they scrap it and give you credit towards a new car. If that bill comes to light I will move to Mexico.
Sunday I went up to Bass Pro Shop and talked to guy at the gun counter about buying a handgun. There were about 30 people looking at guns. And 12 guys working there gun counter. I was like holy crap. I have been up there before and only seen a few people looking and maybe one guy working. Guy told me guns sells for CO was up 200%. I was like sweet. More American jobs making all those guns. Guy told me if I wanted to buy a gun off Gunbroker.com I could have it shipped to Bass Pro and they have a flat 30 dollar transfer fee. I found a AR-15 for 550 bucks on Gunbroker. Not knowing much about the transfer I did not bid on it. But wish I had now.

And the buy outs that are happening are ridiculous. Now they are talking about US auto makers. Great I can just see all the crappy hybrids now. Now that Gov will be making cars. Next they will be bringing back California's scraping bill. SEMA fought that bill years ago. For anyone that has not heard about it once your car hits 20 years old they scrap it and give you credit towards a new car. If that bill comes to light I will move to Mexico.

:laugh: Mexico here we come, in our Jeeps and armed to the teeth!! :laugh:
Oh yeah I think that is funny that people are like support him we supported Bush. My A$$ all I heard was bitching about Bush from the left. What a bunch of hypocrites. They act like president is a god or king. Yeah he has most power out of all elected officials. But he can still be over ridden by the senators. So Obama may dem controlled house and senate. But the senate is not filibuster proof. Thank God for that. So alot of the bills he promised all the mindless lemmings that voted him will hopefully never see the light of day.
This guy is a Dem but he is old fashion one. When the Dems still had morals. He worked for Clinton during his term. Guy is pretty leveled headed wish all Dems thought like him.
If they personal attacks continue this thread will be locked. Just cause someone express their opinion does not give you the right to personal attack them! Grow up.
Politics bring out the worse in people don't they?

:explosion thread maybe? ....we are all brutha's in the same hobby and on the trail would have each others backs......online and politics into the mix I feel dirty............ :greensmok
Sorry for the rant!! Crunch hit a nerve with his whiner bit....... I guess I was the only one who openly voiced my opinion. Oh well.....:gag: