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So broken ankles suck...

Muddy Beast

NAXJA Forum User
So I managed to take a spill this week on the motorcycle and break my ankle.

On my way to school Monday I managed to hit a tar 'snake' near the apex of a corner on my Honda CBR600 F3 at an estimate 30ish mph and out went the front wheel. I can recall looking up at the sky and seeing my bike sliding next to me and thinking how I didn't want to ruin the gear I just spent $800+ on over the last 2 months, so I kinda rolled toward the end. Once I stopped and took a second to settle my thoughts I started removing my gloves, helmet and backpack to talk to a nice passer-by who stopped to help me. He asked if I was ok and needed an ambulance, I said yes but please call 911. Once I started to sit up though it was clear I had injuries in need of attention, as my ankle was loose and in a lot of pain. I couldn't move my ankle without screaming with my mouth closed.

Once the medics got there and got me on a stretcher an officer from the state patrol came up to me and asked where my licence was. Then I told him the bike is in my name, and pointed him to my registration (I knew he was going to ask). He asked for my number and wrote it on my registration then took it (I never did see it after that), and then he told me my bike was going to be impounded (at this point it was clear he was angry for whatever reason). When I began asking if I could have someone come get the bike he told me no, and when I asked again exclaiming that I wasn't trying to start any issues he snapped at me that it was non-negotiable and that it would be impounded. I later saw him in the ambulance and was informed I'd be getting a speeding ticket.

It cost me $260 to get my bike back from the impound lot 5 hours after it happened. I had to put that on the credit card of course...:angry7: And the speeding ticket I got was for $175 for "speeding too fast for conditions." This of course is all BS so I will be looking into taking care of it. I'm amazed at how unprofessionally the officer treated me, all things considered.

3 days later I sit at home incapable of really doing anything just trying to figure out how I'm going to take care of all this. Turns out I broke my right ankle at the tibia and fibula (shattered my tibia, broke the end of my fibula off) but otherwise have no real notable injuries.

The best part about this whole thing is I was supposed to have surgery tomorrow to get plates and screws/pins, but because of my blue (like blueberry blue) blisters. So that means I'll get it all done next week, but in the mean time that's more time out of school. And I'm supposed to keep my leg above my heart for the next two months...

Oh no by schmitz516, on Flickr

A ride not worth remembering by schmitz516, on Flickr

Mmm that looks good by schmitz516, on Flick

Here's a link to all the pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/scott_schmitz/sets/72157627794424425/

IMG_0001 by schmitz516, on Flickr

Blue blisters by schmitz516, on Flickr

What broke by schmitz516, on Flickr

Now I need to start finding money to fix the bike. Not to mention a way to finish the Jeep so I can start driving that around with a busted leg. My plan is to make a hand throttle from bicycle materials and use my left foot to brake. Only problem is that still doesn't solve my broken rear window, broken front driver window (from when my Jeep was stolen), and my busted front brake caliper. I know I'll get it done but I'm not sure if I will by winter.
:( :scared: :nono: :flame: :doh: :gag: :gonnablow
Scott you dont have the gratest luck with the whole vehicle thing. i feel for you man, thats messed. Heal well. and do whatever you can to promote circulation, blood clots are bad news. i hate reading tragic news from the NWC members. take care man

Hope you heal up well and everything works out for you. I know you were not doing anything stupid, but I hope you learn something by this. Motor cycles can kill you quick! You just got lucky this time. And I don't say this to be an a$$. I to use to ride them. But after many many many trips to the ER a buddy killing him self on a GSX-R and everyone in my family also ending up in the ER at one time or another. I had to hang up the ridding boots for good.

I have some calipers. I don't know what shape there in? I was just keeping them for cores. If we need to I can show you how to rebuild them your self if parts stores still sell caliper parts like the old days.

Scott, if you get parts, Im sure we can get you all set up and road worthy. Take care of yourself first!!

Call me if you need anything
Some cops just don't like bikes. I've met at least two. One wrote me for 43 in a 25 claiming he had me using a radar gun while in traffic with all the windows up ... I asked to see the reading; no dice. The other guy accused me of eluding him the day before. He told me I could stick to my guns but I'd get "bullets in the mail". Nothing ever happened but scary just the same! Had the front tire tuck under a few times too. Ruins the day every time. Best wishes for a straight forward recovery.
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Thanks for the concerns and kind words everyone! I've put over 13k miles on motorcycles over the last year and a half or so and feel fortunate this was my first major accident...and hopefully my last (knock on wood). I know a lot of riders who have had worse, and even more who haven't, but at the end of the day and crash sucks. But it's the nature of the beast, they happen sometimes.

I'm looking forward to being fully healed, but it just sucks knowing that won't be for quite some time.

As far as those willing/looking to help, I appreciate the offers! Right now my concerns are to find a driver vent window/frame, driver two door rear window (with vent windows) to use so I can cut a matching plexiglass window then I need to find a replacement window seal, and replacing the caliper with a new one (for the price, I may as well buy a new one). If anyone locally has access to being able to help with any of that I would be extremely grateful. I also have some wiring gremlins to chase down, but that can be done anytime really.
Hey man, glad to hear your ok and an ankle is the worst of it. Known a few people over the years who have died riding. Just had one about 6 weeks ago actually. This seems to be a pretty great chapter full of guys willing to help out their fellow man so im sure someone will be able to help where it counts. be sure to take care of yourself and make the healing process as easy as possible(i.e. no jumping jacks or 7 minute miles till your fully healed :laugh3:)

take care man.
Thanks dick, it's definitely going to be a long journey for me to recover but it's good to see a strong chapter that's willing to help if need be. Hopefully it won't really be necessary, but realistically I know I'll need people to help me once in awhile with this injury.
I know all to well it isn't a fun break. I shattered my tibia and fibia last september on my dirtbike almost exactly the same way.
Goodluck with the recovery.
My brother inlaw fell off a ladder and did a compound fracture , drove the bone into the ground and has had a few trips to the specialist and now after 2 years and a few surgery`s can now put 25% weight on it . So yours could have been worse ,do what the Doc says.
Wow Scott that sucks man. Please let me know if you need any help getting your rig ready to drive. Personally I think you should get a lawyer to fight the ticket, that's BS. I've had my fare share of court time and I can tell you you don't have a chance in hell without a lawyer.
Wow Scott that sucks man. Please let me know if you need any help getting your rig ready to drive. Personally I think you should get a lawyer to fight the ticket, that's BS. I've had my fare share of court time and I can tell you you don't have a chance in hell without a lawyer.

I disagree, I've fought 3 tickets in court myself and won everyone. The last one I subpoenaed the officer too.

The big trick that will get me out of this one was he has no evidence. He was not a witness to the accident, and there fore has no proof other then word of mouth...which doesn't hold up in court. Unless they want to try and do some physics and break it down based on where my bike landed and have that prearranged they can't win. And I have a few more tricks to pull out in court too.

I could actually use help with the Jeep, but I just don't know where to begin honestly. I'm hoping my dad will install my rear passenger window this weekend, doing the vent window would be a plus too. I'm trying to winterize the rig ASAP, before snow hits. In addition to making it wheelchair accessible

After surgery x-ray by schmitz516, on Flickr
Surgery is all done. The took twice as long as expected and ended up adding some extra screws and pins from what we had planned, but at least they got it. The only bummer is I'll have to have surgery again to get the pins and two screws removed at a later date. The first 36 hours post-op were miserable, but once I got my pain medication dosage and schedule figured out to battle the pain it's been much easier to manage. Though obviously still painful, it is improving.
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where they put tar on a crack in the road as a band-aid to keep it from spreading, temporarily.

It's used to keep water from saturating the gravel base beneath the asphalt. When the base is full of water and it freezes it causes the asphalt to heave and crack. Also, a saturated base can become soft and as vehicles drive over the area the asphalt is pushed down and cracks over time.

That crack seal is extremely slick when wet. Kinda like steel plates and crosswalk bars.

Hope you have a speedy recovery and can get back on the bike soon.

I so miss my streetbike. :bawl:

o_O That poor bike!

Damn man that's one jacked up ankle. I hope you're healing well.