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SEMA Consolidation of Lift Law Basics By State (Link)


NAXJA Forum User
Alexandria VA
SEMA has a page here


"Altered Height Vehicles"

And if you click on the first link here


"State Laws Impacting Altered Height Vehicles"

You get the PDF, State-by-State File.

I did a search here on "lift laws" and didn't see this site, but did find VA (my current state) references. I figured this site is a good place to look, but ultimately a person would want to find the legal document for their state online. Most DMV sites aren't to user friendly -- so the SEMA site would at least be a starting point.

I hope this is the right forum. Just wanted to pass it along in case it wasn't posted before.
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yeah some of these guys with 9" long arms can check before they move -- find a lift friendly state.. :D :D :D
good ol nebraska -
only law is:

Enforcement based on mud flaps, must block the entire width of the tires.
Total vehicle height, loaded or unloaded, not to exceed 14'6"

damn - looks like im going to have to take some of my lift out....
Maryland was close at total vehicle height NTE 13'6".
Yeah, but if you lower the truck, you'll have to replace the garage header and garage doors. No one wants 15 foot doors with a 7 foot truck.
Gotta love AZ, other than the head/tail lights like everyone else the only restiction is for pick-up trucks. Hell, we're not even required to have fenders!

The ultimate is Wyoming....no restictions other than vehicle must be safe!
North Dakota = not a lift friendly state.

Maximum allowable lift for suspension systems is 4” No modifications to OEM suspension, steering or braking systems are allowed on vehicles weighing less then 7000 lbs

well.. we are all arsed out there..
I wonder how much they actualy inforce this law?
If you look on that same page (the first link) you can read about a study (that wasn't really ever finished) and SEMA's reply to the findings (they have a $ interest for those they represent of course).

All it would really take is a few high profile lawsuits (like the lawsuit in Houston over the Firestone Tires on the Explorer) and resulting media coverage to make it an enforcement priority. When something becomes the media flavor of the month, well... you know how that goes.
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FYI, that sheet is not 100%. WA state does have bumper height restrictions, bumper width/length restrictions, fender flare and mudflap laws.
wescam said:
I figured this site is a good place to look, but ultimately a person would want to find the legal document for their state online. Most DMV sites aren't to user friendly -- so the SEMA site would at least be a starting point.

Yeah, I urge people to check their specific law pubs if they are worried about a ticket. Nothing worse than telling the cop "But this dude on teh interweb posted a link to a hawt web site where it sed I'm legal and stuff."

sorry had to bump my own thread so I could tag it and find it....

I had lost my own link to the pdf...

move along... nothing to see here.