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Pushing 5 mile pass run back a week.


NAXJA Forum User
I can't make it this Saturday after all. So far, Tom95YJ is the only one to show interest in it and he is now out. Of course, I haven't exactly promoted it either.

Anyone opposed to moving it to the 23rd?
:party:Can we put it on the general posts with some bells and whistles to drum up interest? And, if the group is like I am, I just assumed it would happen so I did not get back to you on your original post. Maybe, a general "call to arms" and if we need some enticements we could reach into the proverbial locker and award some lucky participant his choice of the old T-shirts and hoodies in THE LOCKER. For that matter, I can throw some of the trash collection bags in and we could try to get some brownie points as a service project. We could claim that the mess from this weekend needed to be cleaned up next weekend.
Well, it looks like we've got plenty of interest in going this weekend, but I just got a call from work (I work evenings) begging me to cover for the day shift supervisor on Saturday. As long as one of you two can still make it, it will still be an official run. I can refuse to work Saturday, but it would be a bit of an unofficial black mark.

What do y'all think?
I just completed an experiment that ran 13.5 hours and have another one tomorrow, just so Saturday is open. I will be at the Walmart at 9:00 AM. Probably should swing through the Chevron, also to catch all and sundry who come out. The only trouble is I couldn't find the Snakes trail on a bet. I could muddle through up to the mine shafts and the chute. So, if someone shows up who knows the way, we'll do it. Otherwise, if I lead we may just cruise in a random fashion until people get tired of it. I can also take them out into the areas south of the Chemical Weapons depot and we could climb some of the knolls out there.
Sounds perfect to me, Steve. Thank you. If it makes you feel better, I've only done the rattlesnake trail once. I just planned on googling a gps coordinate for it and using my phone to get me there.