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NYC Sanitation Engineers

So now I'm a bit confused. Do people here think that a person seeing that from his window should not have taken a video? That people on the street should have simply turned their heads and shut up? I know it's New York, the land of "don't get involved," but it seems reasonable when you see something like this to make a bit of fuss.

It is always easier to play armchair general or Monday Morning quarterback. The video only shows the view of the person taking the video, there is more outside the lens finder we can't see so do not know what is occurring. 20 years ago I drove big rig tow for the transit system. In one instance I had to tow a 60' articulated coach from the northwest corner of the City to a yard on the southeast side. I told the street supervisor and the police on scene that it would be easier to tow south along the beach ( un crowded two lanes each way) and connect to the freeway at the southwest corner of the City. They told me no, tow across town. I did and at one point to make a right turn needed to go into opposing traffic on the far side of a traffic island right in front of a TV station and one street from city hall. Made the 6 o'clock news, boss got an angry phonecall from the mayor...but as the Paul Harvey tag line said...Now you know the rest if the story.

Back to armchair generaling. He pulled from the wrong direction. If he had been on the other side of the loader and hooked to the front of his truck backing up should have turned the loader 90 degrees ( perpendicular) to the curb.
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He could have called the police.

Really? So they could put down their coffee and doughnuts and take down a report in about a WEEK when they got around to it?
The biggest idiot in the video was the one taking it


The clown in the window anticipated the damage with "they signal each other just before..." but failed to take action to prevent damage and continued on filming for his 15 minutes of fame on you-tube. If he was a member he would be nominated.

The only thing that would have stopped those TARDS from doing what they did was for someone to open up on them with a FIREARM. Maybe chucking a few bricks through their windshields MIGHT have caught their attention over the engine noise and broken through their complete STUPIDITY, but I doubt it.
Really? So they could put down their coffee and doughnuts and take down a report in about a WEEK when they got around to it?
My thought exactly.* It's New York, folks! Besides, how would they have gotten there. The streets weren't plowed yet.

* Joe and I are agreeing on a non-mechanical issue? This does not happen often, folks. Weird planetary alignments, perhaps, or something in the Christmas punch.
My thought exactly.* It's New York, folks! Besides, how would they have gotten there. The streets weren't plowed yet.

* Joe and I are agreeing on a non-mechanical issue? This does not happen often, folks. Weird planetary alignments, perhaps, or something in the Christmas punch.

Yeah, things have been a bit messed up since that full lunar eclipse!
Would it have not made more sense to pull it out from the other direction? There were SO many more things they could have done rather than trashing a vehicle. If they were doing that to protest a layoff then they sure as hell don't have to worry about it anymore...
How do you know that the tow truck could get to the other side? it may not have been able too.
Was the way they did it the best way? no
But if they had taken the time to get the vehicle moved out of the way (the owner may not have been around, ever think of that?) this video could very well have been about how evil NYC sanitation workers are because the guys neighbor died when medical help couldn't get there in time due to the un-plowed roads.
How do you know that the tow truck could get to the other side? it may not have been able too.
Was the way they did it the best way? no
But if they had taken the time to get the vehicle moved out of the way (the owner may not have been around, ever think of that?) this video could very well have been about how evil NYC sanitation workers are because the guys neighbor died when medical help couldn't get there in time due to the un-plowed roads.

East Coast thinking.

Tire iron.

Apply tire iron to side window glass.

Bust it out of Park if an auto or pop it into neutral.

Release parking brake.

Drag it out of the way with the tow truck or push it by hand.

Pay for one broken window and possibly one busted Park Lock system.


Do it like a MORON--and we know which they chose, don't we.
What, they don't have shovels back east? 10 minutes could have prevented this. Guess they were too lazy.
Ha..when the Union actually meant something.

Now it's nothing but a big business "protecting" the individual from a big business...and if you ever need help from them, they are no where to be seen.

I got a paycheck from UPS one time that was $0.00, after my union dues, insurance, and taxes were taken out. I worked a week for nothing.
...,I got a paycheck from UPS one time that was $0.00, after my union dues, insurance, and taxes were taken out. I worked a week for nothing.
No you didn't. Your hard work helped a bunch of fat slobs sit behind desks and do nothing in several government buildings and at least one union office. You should be happy!.
Let's see, who is the idiot here:
* the tow truck driver, probably
* the loader driver, definitely
* whoever bought the tires on the loader, those are OK in mud/dirt/rocks but not so hot in snow... since it's a city vehicle it likely is used for snow most of the time.
* the guy taking the video, does he know any words besides "un... believable!"?

They should have dragged the car out first. With that much snow, the tires would squeal for maybe 6 inches before ending up on snow, no damage to the park lock even if they just hooked it up and dragged it. Of course, once they dragged it out, it would be between the loader and the wrecker, so they'd have to circle around.
You pay union dues, the unions pay the politicians for favors.
Just like paying protection money to the mob, only legal.
What do fat slobs in a government building have to do with a the operation private shipping business:huh:
NDMustang65 said:
...,I got a paycheck from UPS one time that was $0.00, after my union dues, insurance, and taxes were taken out. I worked a week for nothing.
(bold and red tint added for clarity)
to which I responded:
No you didn't. Your hard work helped a bunch of fat slobs sit behind desks and do nothing in several government buildings and at least one union office. You should be happy!.
(bold and red italics added for clarity)

I was insinuating that his pay was well spent keeping one or more government employees and one or more union employees paid while sitting behind desks doing nothing productive that he would willingly pay for. I was further insinuating that this was a better use of his hard earned pay then anything he would have spent it on. I was being intentionally insulting by assuming that the government and union employees were obese and slovenly. The rest of it was "sarcasm" and "snark".