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Met Chark today, totally by accident...

Safari Ary

NAXJA Forum User
I was going down to the oceanfront one last time before I head back to school for the semester, As I'm sitting at a light a couple are walking across the crosswalk and I see them talking about something as they look at my Jeep. I see the wife nudge him and say "just go ask him." So the gentleman walks up to my window and asks, "have you ever heard of NAXJA?" I go "yeah, of course, I'm a member." He replies "oh yeah? I'm Chark from Ohio, nice to meet ya, take 'er easy" and walks off. Seemed like a nice fellow from what I saw :laugh3: I kinda hope he sees this 'cause I never gave him my name. I wonder what the odds are of meeting a fellow NAXJA member on a street corner in downtown Virginia Beach during peak tourist season......

Ary'01XJ said:
I see the wife nudge him and say "just go ask him." So the gentleman walks up to my window and asks, "have you ever heard of NAXJA?"

Come on Chark... you have to have your wife encourage you to meet jeeping friends? :) so who really owns that jeep LOL :D

I found myself parked next to a NAXJA Jeep at the general store in Yellowstone last summer. Didn't meet the owner then, but we connected throu this forum after we both got home.
OneTonXJ said:
I'm surprised he was even able to speak.

LMAO that was mean! (accurate, but mean)

Anyway if Deb was there I'm sure he was on his best behavior.]

If ya read this Bro...you are welcome back at the campfire anytime!
Wow...I know I never visit here...much anymore, but hell....I remember that. As for the Jeep....it's mine still, but Deb went her own way.

Some people just are not happy....know matter how good they have it!
Well.....I would'nt wish it on anyone either, but when someone breaks your trust and you forgive them over and over, and they can't seem to learn from their mistakes...it's time to learn from it and move on.

I'm truly a better person now, but what a hard and expensive lesson for me to learn.

Also...."a mind filled with peace.....creates a heart filled with contentment."
Damn Chark, you show up in what seems like forever and you bring a thread up from 2003. That's a different way to announce yourself. :thumbup:
That sounds just like how I met my first other NAXJA member.
I was sitting at a stoplight, on Main street in Moab, when some wierd dude crossing the street came up to my window and said, "Hey, you're a NAXJA member too! My screen name is OneTonXJ!"
So, just as the light turned green, he tells me where he's staying and that I should come by.
Man, was that a mistake.
OT said:
That sounds just like how I met my first other NAXJA member.
I was sitting at a stoplight, on Main street in Moab, when some wierd dude crossing the street came up to my window and said, "Hey, you're a NAXJA member too! My screen name is OneTonXJ!"
So, just as the light turned green, he tells me where he's staying and that I should come by.
Man, was that a mistake.

I prefer a straight forward approach. I either yell real loud "NAXJA Sucks!" or flip them off. Either one gets immediate attention and some strange responses.

Earlier this year when I met Captain Ron as he drove into the campground I flipped him off and and yelled "Fxxx YOU!". He looked scared for a moment then realized who I was. It couldn't have been more romantic. :D
Well sense it's been so many years, and we now have a few active OH members. Where abouts you located? I'm in Lima, Bradshaw is just below Columbus, and Manche is in the Mansfeild area. langer1 lives down by Dayton I think. Theres a few others but they don't get on here much.