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I hate these people(PETA)

That video makes me laugh. "the main ingrediant is cruelty" Yes, I would like the family size bucket with extra cruelty". Or "I would like a side of cruelty with that please."

"They are being treated like meat machines".
As meat machines, chickens are not very efficient. They would be much more efficient meat machines if one could just slice off some meat as needed.

Actually, wouldn't it be great if every family could own a steer (meat machine) in their back yard? Everytime you wanted a hamburger or a steak, you could just go outside, cut off a hunk of meat an BBQ. Now THAT would be a meat machine.
PETEY said:
That video makes me laugh. "the main ingrediant is cruelty" Yes, I would like the family size bucket with extra cruelty". Or "I would like a side of cruelty with that please."

"They are being treated like meat machines".
As meat machines, chickens are not very efficient. They would be much more efficient meat machines if one could just slice off some meat as needed.

Actually, wouldn't it be great if every family could own a steer (meat machine) in their back yard? Anytime you wanted a hamburger or a steak, you could just go outside, cut off a hunk of meat and BBQ. Now THAT would be a meat machine.
was trying to edit my crappy spelling and hit the quote button. No, I am not so important that I must quote myself.
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BRIANHO13 said:
My wife used to be the nanny for the president of KFC, PETA got on this same kick about 2 years ago real heavy and were actually threatening the president of KFC. It got so bad that the cops had to stay infront of their house 24 hours a day, so the PETA people wouldn't protest there.

Crap! The president of KFC needs a nanny? Not only are executives overpaid, now they've got their own nannies.

What's the world coming to?!?! :confused1
XJ Dreamin' said:
Crap! The president of KFC needs a nanny? Not only are executives overpaid, now they've got their own nannies.

What's the world coming to?!?! :confused1

Oh yea, she paid good too. We found her (el presidento's) resignation offer on line, she got paid somewhere around 13mil to "resign".
XJ Dreamin' said:
Crap! The president of KFC needs a nanny? Not only are executives overpaid, now they've got their own nannies.

What's the world coming to?!?! :confused1

With that kind of money I'd have to 'audtion' a few before I picked one thats for sure..hell with one, four maybe....no seven, one for each day....no thirty, geeze, it's like M&M's and just taking one...
WVXJ said:
Here ya go, hope the link works. good farming practice IS a major problem.


Having read several of your posts on this and other threads, I can say that typically you don't seem to be able to find your a$$ with both hands. A little time in the real world should help, but if it doesn't please don't cheapen the truly educated (scholarly and worldly) with your worthless vote in America's elections. You are more than welcome to spout off with your worthless drivel, but please don't vote.

Thanks for helping to save America.
Dirt said:
Who let the troll in? You have to be a troll.

Please everyone ignore this guy from now on. Seriously.

Er - I usually do. I've yet to hear him say anything that can't be refuted. Sometimes, I even have to look up a couple things...

Back to the topic at hand - haven't Pammy and PETA been going on about KFC for a while now? I seem to want to remember hearing them rabbit on about "animal cruelty" or somesuch (I agree - they're about to be killed anyhow...) for a few years, and I've just tuned them out.

Here's my spin - if I want to bite into a thick hamburger, well done, I'm not going to wave the thing in your face just to piss you off. I only ask the same courtesy - don't shove your vegetarian "lifestyle" (it isn't a life, and it doesn't have much style, y'ask me...) in my face. Doing so might get YOU killed and eaten next!

It's similar to what I ask in nearly everything else. Take this "music"/drivel that most kids are listening to to-day. Granted, I think they could benefit from hearing some decent arrangements (Boston and Jackson Browne leap readily to mind...) but I'm not going to try to overpower your stereo. I only ask that you do the same for me - turn that crap down. I can't hear Steppenwolf...

If someone around me doesn't drink for whatever reason, I'll make a mental note of that, and stop offering them "loaded" drinks. But, don't go on at me about drinking - I happen to enjoy it, and I'm a reasonably happy drunk. I'm generally happier drunk than I am when I'm sober, that's for sure...

Diet, drinking, music - all those are personal choices. Don't make the choice for me, and I won't make the choice for you. Since I'm a fairly simple individual at heart, more concerned with important matters, I'll probably reduce the decision to something simple. "You wanna preach to me, or you wanna keep your teeth?" I think it's fair.

OK, I saw the entire movie and even looked through some of the other worthless pages. I REALLLLLLY want one of these-


Too bad I'd have to give those worthless groups money for it. I guess I don't need it that bad.
Beej said:
That's a tad over the top, don't you think?
not really. living in the tidewater area where there headquarters is they are in the news all the time. not because of the good they do but the bad. last year 2 of there members were caught disposing of dead animals(that they euthinised(sp?) in dumpsters in northern Nc. do some research about how many animals they save in a years time from being euthinised. they do nothing and they do it tax free. they are frauds. plain and simple. i will see if i can find the clips from the news and post up for you all.
Exactly, Beej. And thank you for pointing out the rational approach. There are better practices as far as raising animals..........i thought that was all i said, but i guess i must've pissed off a gangmember or something, looks like the witch hunt is on.........
SCW said:
OK, I saw the entire movie and even looked through some of the other worthless pages. I REALLLLLLY want one of these-


Too bad I'd have to give those worthless groups money for it. I guess I don't need it that bad.
i jsut might have to support them to get it.
Beej said:
For example, euthanizing as opposed to stomping...

dead is dead. bugzapper or flyswatter, which is more humane? what is the point of looking for the most comfortable death if it is all death and will be over very soon anyway?

When I was younger my mother told me to go get a few chickens that had become a nuisance and were scheduled to become dinner. Was hunting them with spears instead of shotguns or just wringing their necks wrong? We honestly can't keep crippling ourselves with this "humane" drivel. It all tastes the same.