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Homo's want YOUR boys!

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Only Marble Sharp
NAXJA Member
I know that this is not just happening out west here in Fagofornia

I get real tired of the press sugar coating this crap. I'm pretty sure Nuking San Francisco and Palm Springs. I guess upgrading the scope is the next best thing!

P.C. Police? :eyes:
Bloody hell. Too bad I'm still stuck here for another three years...

It's a proven fact that if you force something down someone's throat, they will vomit. This applies psychologically as well.

Conversely, if you simply provide information and allow someone to form their own opinions, you have a good chance of achieving a positive result.

I have no trouble with "diversity," "tolerance," or any of the other PC/Lunatic Fringe watchwords going about - as long as they remain concepts and no more. When they become mandatory, they are little more than censorship, and I have HUGE issues with censorship.

Words in a language are simply symbols for thoughts - they allow thoughts to be transmitted effectively from person to person. When we change words - or the meaning of words - we change how thoughts are transferred, and eventually change how they are formed. By removing words from the language, it is possible to remove thoughts from people - by denying the symbol needed to express them. Anyone remember "Newspeak?"

I do not tolerate the PC/Lunatic Fringe well, because they are always trying to change the words we use or how we use them, and that will change how we think and form ideas.

Meanwhile, I shall continue to call a spade a spade, scratch where it itches, and say precisely what is on my mind, as it has not been made illegal yet. I shall likely continue to do so if it IS made illegal, simply because it is basically immoral to censor the words and thoughts of another. Endeth the sermon.

OMG, only in Ca.

Hopefully Arnold will shoot some of these idiot people in our gov. here.

That's nuts. What are they doing trying to teach this stuff to kindergardners? Kids at that age don't have any idea about what homosexuality or any other kind of sexuality means. It they want to teach diversity and tolerance, I'm all for it. Teach it an an age when kids can grasp the concepts. Also, teach diversity and tolerance for all. I'm sick and tired of the gay community feeling that they have to have special treatment.

Bigotry is such a handsome trait. It belies a fundamental and intuitive understanding of humanity, and demonstrates superior intelligence and compassion.

Remember that "bigotry" is not necessarily restricted to white males having issues with other colours/classes/whatever, but can cut both ways. I don't consider myself a bigot (I'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone,) but I have just as much trouble with minority bigots as I do with bigotry in general.

This also means I don't want anyone else's ideas forced on me, just as I won't force my own ideas on anyone else. If you have more than three functional brain cells, you can rub them together to form your own ideas - just as I can. So, if I can leave all of them along (gays, vegans, leftists, and other "others") why can't they manage to leave me alone?

Ralph said:
That's nuts. What are they doing trying to teach this stuff to kindergardners? Kids at that age don't have any idea about what homosexuality or any other kind of sexuality means. RR3

Not exactly true. Kids are getting sexual at earlier and earlier ages. I've seen reports that some kids are starting as early as 6-7 years of age.

Not exactly true. Kids are getting sexual at earlier and earlier ages. I've seen reports that some kids are starting as early as 6-7 years of age.

IF this is true, which I doubt, it's not normal.

Sarge said:
Not exactly true. Kids are getting sexual at earlier and earlier ages. I've seen reports that some kids are starting as early as 6-7 years of age.
ummmm couple questions:
1. if that happens, does that happen voluntarily? or is there some other "factor" involved!!
2. whoever thinks that kids at that age can comprehend what is going on, is CRAZY!!!!

I can live with the "let live" motto, but leave kids out of it: there is time (age) for everything, and that is not the time....
Please be carefull with the way you word your disagreement with this kind of thing. Perhaps you (T-Bent) entirely meant to imply that you wanted to kill all homosexuals or perhaps you were just exagerating to make a point, but either way - the hate you express is really not a proper response to the problem anymore than hating anyone else for having a mental disorder.

That's right, a mental disorder. I may make some people mad with this, but hear me out. Homosexuality is a Sexual Identity Disorder. It was listed as such by the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Third Edition (DSM-III) and earlier editions. It was taken out during the 70's (and is not listed in the DSM-IV) because it was decided that the "clinically significant impairment in social, occupational or personal functioning" was due to cultural issues and could not, therefore, be called a "disorder". Of course, this change only came about after significant political pressure and social conditioning. However, most conselors will tell you that there are VERY few homosexuals that are happy with the "way they are". Despite what the media portrays, most homosexuals are confused, angry, and generally unhappy with what they feel. Like any mental disorder, some people can recover with therapy or mediation; but some people cannot and have to deal with it their entire life. It is much like alcoholism in that way. I spent a great deal of my life hating homosexuals - merely for being who they are - but I hope you will all take a look at yourselves and let go of that (I know I sound like Yoda here...). You shouldn't hate them, you should feel sorry for them. They didn't ask to have to deal with this. Our culture has given them some pretty bad advice to, and it has only made the problem worse.

In other words, I think this bill is just the latest bad idea in long string of bad ideas that are damaging our children. Teenagers are already confused enough with their sexual identity without all this tripe being thrown at them. Blame the liberal media, who teach without understanding, if you will - but do not hate the victims of their damage.

Also, if you want to call things for what they are, refrain from using terms like "queer", "fag", "homo" or even "gay"- but rather, just say homosexual. Anything else carries with it connotations that are part of the problem.

I hope I haven't come across as being harsh to yall, or "preachy". I'm not trying to berate anyone or say that I'm better than you because of this. I just want people to understand the truth about the situation.
KY Chris said:
How long til this is in the trash bin? :rolleyes:

The moment it steps over the line.

From the Forum Rules
Open, and sometimes heated debate will be allowed on the Non Tech Forum, but we will NOT ALLOW debate to escalate into a flame war. Again, judgment is at the discretion of the admin.
Drewlee77 said:
Please be carefull with the way you word your disagreement with this kind of thing. Perhaps you (T-Bent) entirely meant to imply that you wanted to kill all homosexuals or perhaps you were just exagerating to make a point, but either way - the hate you express is really not a proper response to the problem anymore than hating anyone else for having a mental disorder.

I guess that I should be sorry for not realizing that like RAPE, homosexuality is just another "disorder". The primary difference beint that one is being "normal-ized" before the other.
Bad comparison? No. Both have victims. Both are wrong, but the faction of this highly evangelical group is as yet a little more hush about thier rape agenda. Make no mistake, it's there.

A spade is a spade.

Whether or not a frog will notice the water in witch it sits is slowly boiling, it is none the less going to boil.

Hate homosexuals? No. I hate what they choose to be.
Do I hate the thief? No. I hate what they choose to be.

There is a distinction
I think we just crossed the line.

Homosexuality, whether or not you agree with it, like it, or condone it, is consensual sexual activity between two individuals.

Rape is assault. There is no comparison.

I am closing this thread because I see it's going to go off if I don't. Sorry.
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