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Just so happens that I am doing my senior English project on "pro second admndment". I basically can get all of my sources of links from this thread along with co4x4
uno mas -- and yes, to this extent I am apparently abandoning my moral position and participating in what I believe to be a completely corrupt and futile process... we'll see if the Colorado Senate confirms my opinion (Fred must have got to me ;))





Edit -- damn email links are dead in the image...

Please contact them through ALL means of communication!
• Senator Angela Giron -SD03- (303)866-4878
Email:[email protected]
• Senator Jeanne Nicholson -SD16- (303)866-4873
Email: [email protected]
• Senator Cheri Jahn -SD20- (303)866-4856
Email: [email protected]
• Senator Nancy Todd -SD28- (303)866-3342
Email: [email protected]
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good read -- you all will recall my rantings earlier in the thread about the implications of executive orders allowing and requiring doctors to ask about firearm ownership... also addressed in this article.


So unbelievably crazy. That this sort of thing would get drafted into a health care bill.....

But realistically...... How is this enforceable? Even if they have a record of historical gun purchases or ownership, how can they prove my unfortunate canoeing accident didn't happen and I no longer have those guns? Would this not open the door for me to officially claim compliance and become essentially registered as a non gun owner?
I suppose at some point, they would get a warrant, and send a deputy such as yourself to search your home to find out if your e-ramblings of canoe accidents had any basis in fact. Hopefully they wouldn't decide you were a threat to officer safety and no-knock your ass and end up looking into the business end of one of those lost weapons... pardon my sarcasm, Troy, but I think we are a long way through the looking glass.

What the medical-reporting implication is, assuming that you have a government looking to disarm the entirety of society, is that seemingly politicians of every ilk agree that "we must keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill". But "mentally ill" is a vague and ill defined term. If the Southern Poverty Law Center decides you're an "extremist" or "hateful", suddenly your desire to be left alone by an intrusive government is instead a mental illness making you "antisocial"... and mentally ill antisocial folks certainly shouldn't be allowed to have weapons. Since they'll have a nice comprehensive list of who these mentally-ill-gun-toting-antisocial folks are, they'll know exactly where to send the deputies.
This made my day.... :rolleyes:
“What we are trying to do here tonight is not to protect ourselves from violent crime. What we are trying to do here tonight is prevent students and teachers from feeling uncomfortable by you carrying a gun to protect yourself,” he said. [ ted harvery ]
I suppose at some point, they would get a warrant, and send a deputy such as yourself to search your home to find out if your e-ramblings of canoe accidents had any basis in fact. Hopefully they wouldn't decide you were a threat to officer safety and no-knock your ass and end up looking into the business end of one of those lost weapons... pardon my sarcasm, Troy, but I think we are a long way through the looking glass........... Since they'll have a nice comprehensive list of who these mentally-ill-gun-toting-antisocial folks are, they'll know exactly where to send the deputies.

I can tell you right now........ I will in NO WAY participate in a warrant search of someone's home for guns when no crime involving them has been committed. If the Feds wanna go try it, it's on them. I swore an oath to the Constitution, not a government.

What truely irks me is the fact that this current Administration has CREATED more hysteria and paranoia about our gun rights than ever....... and the mentally-ill, antisocial types are just becomming even more paranoid as the perceived "heat" comes down on them...... so they hoard and stock pile and peer out their windows through drawn blinds and hopefully don't snap when they see the cops come to chat with them when the public calls to report their odd behavior. Anti-government crazies have killed far too many cops already. :rolleyes:
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I can tell you right now........ I will in NO WAY participate in a warrant search of someone's home for guns when no crime involving them has been committed. If the Feds wanna go try it, it's on them. I swore an oath to the Constitution, not a government.

Good on you Troy. Lets just hope most cops feel the same way.
FYI - Don't know if many of you read AR15.com but in the CO Hometown Forum, there is a pretty good thread going w/ the Senators who are "vulnerable" and even 2 who are most likely voting against some of the anti-2nd bills. I'd encourage everyone to keep calling/writing. From what I've been reading (and talked to one Senator), it seems like we need one more vote to shoot this one down.
Colorado's Senate will vote tomorrow guys -- contact your senators... obviously my note is personal, so please do not copy and paste, but the below went out today to 7-8 senators that RMGO seems to think are either on the fence or afraid of their constituency...

Coloradan's by and large DO NOT support more gun control, as adequately evidenced by vocal opposition at the Colorado legislature thus far this month. As I am sure you are aware, the statistics and studies are clear that the currently proposed gun control efforts will have little to no effect on crime or gun violence. Rather, such efforts are an affront to “inalienable rights” that government is charged with protecting and defending, not infringing upon, and further make us all less safe by reducing our abilities to defend ourselves when the closest police officer may be on the telephone, not at the scene. The proposed gun control measures which will be before the Senate tomorrow for your consideration and vote are therefore little more than window dressings designed to make people feel good, that we are “doing something”, even if that something is destructive to our liberties as human beings and of no use in deterring the crime we fear.

Certainly, gun violence is a sad commentary on the current state of our society, but it is not law-abiding gun owners who are the perpetrators of such violence. Murder is already illegal – criminals nonetheless commit murder, with guns, and with other tools as well. Criminals will continue to traffic in “illegal” magazines, criminals will continue to acquire weapons on the “black market”, whether banned or not, and without submitting to background checks. The moving target of who may or may not be mentally ill is a frighteningly slippery slope, and one we should not venture upon. I personally understand the despair and anger that gun violence can inspire – my friend Mark Hummels died in Phoenix just over a month ago from gun violence, leaving a wife and two young children behind, and depriving the rest of us of his wit, charm and intellect, but I have little doubt that none of the measures proposed below would have saved Mark’s life. Mark’s killer acquired his weapons legally, he underwent the requisite background checks, he fired fewer rounds than any magazine restriction would have imposed, he had no history of mental health issues/diagnoses… Regardless of what obstacles this killer may have faced, legal or otherwise, with murder in his heart, he killed. I therefore fully understand these desires to “do something”, but what we should not do is to enact unconstitutional legislation that does nothing to solve the problem. What we must do as a society is try to change the culture of violence that we seem to have engendered, and teach our children of other ways to solve problems, while maintaining our rights to defend ourselves from those outliers of society always predisposed towards crime.
Colorado is not New York, and even there, fair minded judges are questioning the constitutionality of similar gun control efforts before they can even come into effect. Resist the desire to “do something”, and instead do the right thing. Vote no on ineffective efforts to stem violence, and maintain the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect and defend themselves from those who would do us harm. Please, vote no on:

• SB-195: Prohibiting Colorado citizens from taking online CCW training courses.
• SB-196: a De Facto "Assault Weapons" ban, which could potentially include many common semi-automatic weapons utilized in hunting and self-defense.
• HB-1224: Banning all magazines capable of holding greater than 15 rounds.
• HB-1226: Banning armed self-defense on college campuses – the statistics are clear that mass shooting ALWAYS take place in environments where the killers know no one is armed and can resist, by operation of law.
• HB-1228: Imposing random and limitless taxation on firearm related purchases, as well as background check charges.
• HB-1229: Attempting to ban the private sale of firearms and expanding background checks/gun registration for all Colorado gun owners – this measure is virtually unenforceable, and would do nothing to stop crime, it rather would simply make criminals out of law-abiding citizens trading in firearms.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration on these important issues.
Chris Cummins – lifelong Colorado resident.
Here it is, an innocent little ranch rifle, perfect for picking off coyotes from horseback.


Then an evil old man turned it into an evil black rifle.



I had to rent a safe deposit box for it, since it cost an arm and a leg, and a fight with my wife. :)

Hopefully, when the man comes for me, I'll have disappeared.