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I don't know what pisses me off more... the fact that somebody would actually shoot up an elemntary school like that, or that this is going to be yet another nail in the coffin on our ability to legally have firearms.

Do guns make it easier to kill people? Yes. Will humans still kill people w/o them? Of course, humans have been killing eachother since the beginning of time. We need fix the apparent flaws in our society that allow these things to happen, not just blame it on an inaminate object that can't do any harm on its own. As usual we are unable to take responsibility for our own failings, instead choosing yet another scape goat to blame them on. Hitler blamed the Jews, the KKK blames the "blacks", and liberals blame the guns.

Very well put.

I spent some time with my eight year old son today talking about this.....I will never understand the mentality of killing kids let alone adults.

Liberals will never put blame where it belongs it would require logical and real thought and then action. Its a lot easier to just point fingers.
no one is screaming about knives? 29 kids, 2 teachers, and 1 guard were attacked killed by a man in china, with a knife. This is the second attack in 2 days.

Also, per 2010 stats, you are almost 3x as likely to die from a car than a gun in the US. Where is the ban on cars?

Guess I'll have to be a criminal soon, which is cool, cuz full auto is a lot cheaper when you dont worry about it being legal. :dunno:
Good on both of those last 2 posts!!
Re-establishing gun control isn't going to do a damn thing to protect against wing nuts getting black guns. Hell, Obama was the single largest reason for the huge increase in gun production and purchasing during his first term. The number of available guns out there now vs. 4 years ago has to be staggering.

I for one bought 3 assault rifles, a shotgun and another tactical pistol in the past 2 years.

For the same reasons they legalized pot..... They should keep assault rifles legal.
"Assault" rifles are no different than any other gun. A bullet is just as likely to kill out of a lever action as it is out of an AK. Reload time is the only real difference. In these mass shooting scenarios a Glock with an extended magazine is just as effective/deadly as an AR.

I'm ok with limits on full auto weapons and certain types, but I don't understand how a pistol is ok but a short barrel rifle requires a special tax stamp.

To be honest, it would suck but I'd even be fine with a waiting period or with having to register my guns. I buy my weapons legally and use them as such.
Nope and nope. leave it as it is. strict enough. although id be ok with an intelligence test before purchase.
Registration is a precursor to confiscation.....it just gives goons like Obama a starting point.
So registering your car is the precursor for the government taking it away from you?

I have nothing to hide, I own 6 guns right now and there is nothing illegal about any of them. As I've bought all but 2 of them brand new the information is already out there by serial number what guns I own. I talked to Sportsman Warehouse and they said that they scan in the background check paper work and it stays on file indefinitely. I'm not sure what Jensen Arms does with it, but for now I'm sure its still on file.

Supposedly its illegal for the ATF to keep a record of it but in a reality they very easily could every time somebody gets put in for a weapons purchase background check. While not all states require the weapon serial number on the paperwork, ours does.

I would have no problem registering my guns, however I don't feel it would do any good. Canada is dropping their gun registration requirements because its too costly and has never been of any beniefit to solving crimes. I would hope if they did institute some form of gun registration they would keep it subtle and just make it part of the background check. I sure as hell don't want to have to take all my guns into the DMV every year and pay a fee.

I've been in Sportsman (purchasing a gun) when a person got denied on there background check. She was a cougar of a lady too, so I'm not really sure why. It did show to me though that at least something is actually happening during my 45 minute wait.
Criminals use dirty/stolen guns.
what good does registering do? Aside from the minute percentage that go koo koo, legal buyers are like you. so why register guns the legal owners and users have?
I agree, I'm just saying I'd be willing to do it if thats what it took. Just like how in CA they said you can either start wearing helmets or you can give up the ability to ride between the lanes. Sure as shit they wear helmets.

Most gun crimes tend to be crimes of passion, where its fairly obvious who did it (especially since the usually commit suicide after). The weapons used in major crimes involving actual criminals are typically stolen or aquired off the black market, either way no serial numbers and no help from any supposed registration program.
Gun registration coud very easily lead to taxation. Cars are registered for the government's tax benefit. Who's to say they couldn't/wouldn't do it to guns?

You're kidding yourself if you think those gun sale files and records couldn't suddenly become Federal property. Then they send out mailings requiring you pay fees for the guns listed to you.

Obama is just the kinda guy to try it too.
We don't own "assault rifles or assault weapons" it is a buzzword. Closest thing to an "assault weapon" only military has. Those with a thing against 2A likes to use it to sensationalize the situation.

The sick idiot used pistols.......

I fear an attack on ammo, with out that are guns are useless.

I hear the argument about cars all he time, unfortunately apples to oranges. We don't have right to drive cars per law of the land which of course is the constitution of this great republic.

Time to write call and make our voice heard louder than ever before. simply giving money to organizations would cut it.
Hmmm, I think its time I get into good old fashioned muskets. Then all I need is some gunpowder, flint, lead, and paper. If it worked for Mel Gibson in The Patriot it'll work for me. :D

I'm not advocating registration, I'm just willing to accept it in order to keep them from banning weapons.

What I would ideally like is for the extra requirements to purchase short barrel rifles, short barrel shotguns, and suppressors all removed. Keep full auto and burst fire weapons unavailable, as much as I'd like a full auto pistol or my own M249 I can't afford to shoot one anyway and there really isn't a need for it.

They (the Government) could make it where its a requirement to attend some sort of weapon safety course in order to buy weapons, sort of like how its a requirement to go through Hunter's Safety in order to get your hunting permits or the need to go through those courses in order to get your CCW. Nothing too intense, just a basic weapon safety course designed around proper storage in your house, vehicle, and around children. One thing we (the gun supporter) always advocate is better gun education of increased gun control. Well currently there is no requirement to get that education, so this would be a means of forcing said education and also be an added control over weapon purchasing. Seems like a good compromise to me.
Dutch I have to respectfully disagree with your cars comment. You are falling into the trap. Comparing guns and cars has been a liberal talking point for years. I have no right to drive a car that is a privilege that can be removed by any judge. I do have the right to own a firearm and that is protected by our constitution. The problem is that our little lefty friends don’t see the constitution as anything other than a piece of paper to be modified for whatever reason they deem fit, and the Second Amendment has been a thorn in their side for years. While I would hope our government would not do this, I can see where our self appointed dictator would try if the opportunity presented itself. And, it may have yesterday. Personally I will be purchasing the reloading components and any guns I want real soon.
Dutch's reasonable attitude towards a registration/education process is one of those things that seems reasonable, until you break it down under an analysis of the founders' purpose for the 2nd amendment -- we aren't guaranteed the right to bear arms to hunt, to sport shoot, to collect, or even necessarily to defend ourselves from the occasional nutbag. Rather, we are guaranteed our right to bear arms because while our government is charged with securing our inalienable rights and liberties, history shows that more often than not it fails, and the rights of the people to bear arms is guaranteed just so that they may defend their own liberties when that government fails (not if) -- we are guaranteed the right to bear arms to defend ourselves more against enemies domestic, rather than foreign. Our founders were well aware that without armaments they could not have thrown off the government of King George, and were determined that the American population should maintain such a right to liberate itself again from the tyranny that even the best intended government inevitably develops into.

To accept a registration program is to take the first step, and I mention it not for inflammatory analogy purposes but just for historical accuracy, that Hitler's Germany took -- first identify the gun owners so that you may later disarm them. To accept on top of that an educational program where the very government that we are armed to defend ourselves against has the discretion to determine whether you are skilled or educated enough to bear arms, is to virtually surrender the right. The educational standards will inevitably change with each administration, and no administration wishes their subjects to be free enough to overthrow their dictates, so the right will continue to be eroded, just as it has for the last 100 years. Sooner or later the tyranny of a scared and unarmed majority, who would rather rely upon others to defend what is left of their rights rather than do it themselves, will ensure that only the standing army has sufficient education and training to bear arms, and we should just thank them and wait for them to save us when things go wrong. No thanks. I am on none of the "lists" that the government may assemble from sales/registrations/permits, and I won't be. The closest I will come is to take the damn hunters' safety class so I can legally harvest meat for my family, but you can bet your arse I'll be using a "borrowed" rifle for that class...

We can't agree to surrender our right to take responsibility for our own lives and safety based on knee jerk reactions to violent actions of nutbags, nor based on what seems a "reasonable" restriction for the safety of all. Yes, we need to be skilled and practiced gun owners in order to reduce the "ammo" we provide the progressives from gun accidents, but we cannot incrementally surrender to their agenda -- and their agenda is that only the state be armed. No thank you.
BTW, I was passing my local BWW this morning so I curiously pulled in to check the front door. Not posted at the one on South Wadsworth.

Everything I'm reading says it's a corporate policy, and not up to the location manager.

What I read it is a corporate policy only for the corporate ran locations, franchised locations are up the the manager.
Chris, I don't neccessarily disagree with you on principal. That said, there has to be a middle ground here. You can automatically assume the worst in that anything we do to limit or identify our purchase of guns will lead to the government killing us all, but that is really no different than the extreme lefties assuming that all of us who buy guns are just going to go out and massacre the free world. There has to be a middle ground somewhere. I won't pretend to have your education on such things, but I just don't see it being so impossible to meet in the middle on the gun issue. I also find it odd that me of all people is the voice of civility and compromise on a subject, definitely not what is considered the norm.

Oh, and they can have me register my guns all they want. Good luck trying to take them from me. They try that shite and Firestone, CO will be right there with Waco, TX in the history books. My last name is Freeman and I grew up in Montana, I'm sure Chris can put the two together.
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There is absolutely a "middle ground" -- it's accepting that responsible behavior, be it with guns or otherwise, has nothing to do with restriction of liberty, but rather encouraging individual responsibility and understanding that 99.9% of people, whether gun owners or not, are not planning the annihilation of school kids. Government restrictions do not, even when talking about "education" and "safety", make us any safer. You are not one iota safer on an airline because some government gorilla got to feel you up before you got on a plane... Government is not society, and societal norms can't be created by law. Society is that voluntary community that we choose to participate in, while government is simply a monopoly on force, forcing people to do what that government tells them they must. The left has a tendency to confuse the two, and think that we can have a more peaceful society by making it illegal to do otherwise through government regulation. It simply doesn't work.

Its always tempting to compromise when the argument is that its "for the children" or it will "keep us safe", and the like, but Ben Franklin wasn't just whistling dixie when he advised that those who would give up a little liberty for temporary safety deserve neither.