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Chapter Meeting / Car Show - Sept. 13th

Alright, I know there were a lot more cameras out there.
There were vehicles other than XJs too!

So I'm a fool for a shapely fender...






There was a late comer. I really liked this one and it's grocery getter flair. I forget the exacts, but 400-some HP at the wheels, peaks around 5600 RPM. Sounds good too!



Oh yeah, I took a few Cherokee pictures too...




Yep, even my wife's station wagon could do that...except I didn't make the tars spin.


I didn't think to get pictures of Stang's kids swinging hammers around. I was too busy laughing and smiling with them.

Steve T's wrecking crew:


I'll work on video later.

Thanks man, that's a keeper. Momma's gunna be proud. Grandpa got a kick out of it, too.

Major thanks for the pizza! (Stangs dad, maybe? Someone's dad ponied up for Anthony's, and the kids loved it).

Thanks man, that's a keeper. Momma's gunna be proud. Grandpa got a kick out of it, too.

Major thanks for the pizza! (Stangs dad, maybe? Someone's dad ponied up for Anthony's, and the kids loved it).

Send me an email addy and I'll send you the full size.

X2 on the pizza!!!
There was a late comer. I really liked this one and it's grocery getter flair. I forget the exacts, but 400-some HP at the wheels, peaks around 5600 RPM. Sounds good too!


Yeah, that Deputy's car reminds me of the Mad Max MFP Pursuit cars.......

I had alot of fun!!

Thanks Troy for all the hard work organizing the event and hauling the Toyota up there and all the pieces back !!!!

I have a few pics and a lot of video that I'll eventually make a video out of.





The show turned into a great meet & greet. Our chapter's numbers by far dominated the show. I think there were 13 or more forum users there. I had a good time. The Toyota was the hit of the show!
It makes me think that all we need is a parking lot and we can entertain our selves. Add a backwards obstacle course or a slow race for fun and that should draw more interest in the meetings.
Well, I'm glad folks enjoyed themselves! Your demonstration of excellent axe skills was a bonus!

A backing-up obstacle course could be a hoot....... But, I hope Rick ISN'T right about needing to come up with entertainment just to get better attendance...... that'd be kinda lame. It's not enough just to gather, talk XJ's and other general BS?
I don't think you HAVE to have entertainment to get people to show up, but I could see it helping if someone has to convince a wife and/or kids to go with. :dunno:

I woulda come but I had my son... for those of you that have been out on the trail with me when I've had him, you know he's like the Energizer bunny - he just doesn't stop moving. I woulda spent the whole time chasing him around and wouldn't have gotten to talk with anyone...
Driving on the car was just a bonus for me, my intentions were too see a bunch of XJ's and to get mine diagnosed along with the general BS.
So this was on Sunday, and two days later, on Tuesday, I'm tucking in my kids, and Caleb, the older one, says, "Daddy, do you remember when we saw Mason's underwear?" :)

Just out of the blue. Cracked (pun not intended) me up. Show your boxers in the 'hood dude, not at the show.
LOL Steve

Hey check it out, I figured out how to get that video from a tape to the computer...

Camera's TOO good... its pixelated cause its so tiny, the video looked great on the 30something inch screen lol

I don't have money for gas so I converted the Jeep to run on rice :D