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wow, i compared this thread to a drunken bar fight. no one caught that???? im awaiting some good comments!!!!!
How many of you douche bags are going to show up to JV in Nov?
The funniest part about that, is that I've wheeled with a NAXJA member who manages a McDonalds, a few members who were in community college, and some that dont even have a GED.

damnit! i tried my best at a tasteless, inappropriate, sarcastic, insult and i cant even do that right! im useless!!!!! its not a funny attempt at a joke if its true!

How about the guy that cleans up the mess after a snuff film? no one on here does that right? lets make fun of that career ...
i wasnt trying to "flex" ???? or be a peen?(maybe pen use your spell check....???) but i am very excited that more than one naxja chapter also has too much free time on their hands. And i am very sorry to anyone that was offended by my comment about education,i would continue to have fun with you folks but i see its just too much for you to handle.

on the other forums i use people post "wrong " info there as much as they do here, and dont get the type of repsonses that users on here do when they post something that could be considered wrong. not just statistical forums, but a 4runner forum ,a yota forum , a old Cj blog/forum thing, a toyota camry forum....

I love the hypocracy of everyone flaming everyone else and then giving each other shit for flaming, its very amusing. i am a culprit myself ... im sure if some of you met me in person, just like jason, youd know i am extremely sarcastic, almost all the time. its probably hard for you folks to infer sarcasm in a typed response???? i really dont see much wrong with backing a friend up, even if he says the occasional dumb comment.

this thread is so rediculous , but i can t help but continue to watch it, like a terrible movie that you hope gets better
What're you talking about? If there's drama in another chapter, SoCal will be there. We can't have anyone taking our crown.
Reading your folowup posts makes me laugh because apparently they've lowered the English standards for Master's degrees...;) I'm a spelling/grammar nazi. Enough that I was planning on being a high school English teacher until I realized that I live in CA and they're firing their teachers.
just to clarify most of my life revolves around sarcasm. i really just like to piss people off for fun, but i dont mean any harm guys. im not 100% sure if its obvious in any of my posts. i just wanted to speak up for my buddy jason thats all, since no one else seemed to be on his side. it reminds me of the days when all my scrappy tattood punk friends and i would go out drinking , and a few of them have really big mouths, and would say the wrong thing to the wrong guy and before you know it your in a fight getting your a$$ kicked by like 5 jocks ( jocks arent huge fans of skinny tattoed punk band coming in and hitting on their girlfreinds, that they didnt know where their girlfreinds) that you never saw coming from the back of the bar. i think the point is that sometimes you have to back up your freinds no matter what, even if they got themselves in a bad situation and it was all their fault and you think its dumb.

i dont know if you guys can relate to that, i guess i am used to it. i have respect for guys that back up their friends. letterman, jes and bryan always got each others back on here, there is nothing wrong with that, i respect it, that is normal, i just wanted to chime in on jasons behalf so he isnt totally alone on the fun. i say really sarcastic , smart a$$ stuff all the time in person and well as on here, either way i have a huge $h!t eating grin on my face and sit back and smile as we all push peoples buttons. i really hope you guys can get over the education thing, i was trying to push a few buttons thats all man, ive got a masters in applied economics to statistics and i personally think im dumb as hell, but im still gonna have fun with the guys that are willing to sling back some good sarcastic, smart a$$ coments, it makes work more fun
I'm not about to get into a fight for one of my friends if he deserves it. I'll point and laugh.
How many of you douche bags are going to show up to JV in Nov?
Ooh ooh, me!
Holy bajoly, so many talented minds put to waste here dealing w/ forum drama. Think what we could accomplish if we didn't finagle w/ such shenanigans. I guess our primordial nature flocks toward conflict; who knows. I’m gonna go turn a wrench or read a book or something. I feel completely worthless after reading all this poo flinging.

Regardless of the thread Letterman never fails to add some great comic relief

letterman, jes and bryan always got each others back on here, there is nothing wrong with that, i respect it, that is normal, i just wanted to chime in on jasons behalf so he isnt totally alone on the fun.


Don't bring my name into this.

I think both Bryan and Letterman are a$$holes.
Enough that I was planning on being a high school English teacher until I realized that I live in CA and they're firing their teachers.

As for the writing , i will be the first to admit i am bad writer. i am always open to getting chewed out for poor writing, i need the motivation....good news is that i get paid to crunch numbers...otherwise id be screwed.
Holy bajoly, so many talented minds put to waste here dealing w/ forum drama.

no drama really , just having a good time being smart-a$$'s to each other. i think its fun. we should do this sorta thing more often...although i think it started off kinda different...
Look lets just all calm down, we know how this kind of talk ends up, first it is just joking then someones feelings get upset, next thing you know we are swinging hammers at one another.

Just like that last time and that was a long trip to the hospital:

This thread makes me want to drink heavily. Thanks for the excuse guys.

thats what im talking about!!!
being awake makes me want to drink heavily.