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Are you a Democrat, Republican or Southerner?


PostMaster General
NAXJA Member
Here is a little test that will help you decide. The answer can be found by posing the following question:

You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife, and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock cal 40, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family . What do you do?

Democrat's Answer:

Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor! Or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the kids? Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand? What does the law say about this situation? Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?

Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children? Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me? Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me? If I were to grab his knees ! and hol d on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?

Should I call 911? Why is this street so deserted? We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior. This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for few days and try to come to a consensus.


Republican's Answer:


Southerner's Answer:

BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! click................(sounds of reloading.)
Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?
Son: Can I shoot the next one!
Wife: You ain't taking that to the Taxidermist!
Where is the "import" version?

I likey Merica... I wuv new job. No work... surf interwebs all dawy and dwink Wadka. Merika good to me... my boss ok wid me fawking awff. Porwn guud too.

well? You surf and post all day at work... and are too afraid to say where you work. Because you know I would have you shit canned in a second. :) Have a nive night.
i love that!!! the truth is sometimes very funny. you could use this as a parallel situation on the terrorists for sure. find them and kill them as needed, period.

Start shooting snowballs at him with my hockey stick.
jpars said:
maybe a little more bang from the US once in awhile and he wouldnt be there with a knife in the first place.

fixed it. :D
to them we are infidel, its not that we rabblerouse or provoke them, they hate us because we do no belive in their True Faith and their Allah, they see us as defiants of the one true God, to them. so to them, wether we "bang" or not, we are still the bad guy and there fore, Must DIE so that we may be brought closer to allah. crazy religion huh
rocklandxjer said:
to them we are infidel, its not that we rabblerouse or provoke them, they hate us because we do no belive in their True Faith and their Allah, they see us as defiants of the one true God, to them. so to them, wether we "bang" or not, we are still the bad guy and there fore, Must DIE so that we may be brought closer to allah. crazy religion huh

most ignorant statement ever.

they hate us because we have soldiers in their country and our noses in thier business, not because we dont beleive in thier god. you dont see them raining jets into the vatican do you?

we dont provoke them? uh, why dont i, say, plant a north korean troop in your general vicinity, not even during war with them. lets just put them there and see how you react.

now, whether or not we should have soliders in their country, our noses in thier business and whether these actions and wars are just is a completely different debate altogether, one that i am not adressing.
rocklandxjer said:
crazy religion huh

and im sorry get a f***ing clue.

there is a DISTINCT and IMMENSE difference between thousands of islamic EXTREMEISTS, and millions upon millions of Islamic followers.
jpars said:
and im sorry get a f***ing clue.

there is a DISTINCT and IMMENSE difference between thousands of islamic EXTREMEISTS, and millions upon millions of Islamic followers.

actually there religon is based on getting rid of the infidels, which is all non islamic followers
jpars said:
most ignorant statement ever.

they hate us because we have soldiers in their country and our noses in thier business, not because we dont beleive in thier god. you dont see them raining jets into the vatican do you?

we dont provoke them? uh, why dont i, say, plant a north korean troop in your general vicinity, not even during war with them. lets just put them there and see how you react.

now, whether or not we should have soliders in their country, our noses in thier business and whether these actions and wars are just is a completely different debate altogether, one that i am not adressing.

Moot point. To them, we are "the last Great Satan," and must be destroyed.

Try reading the Holy Qu'ran - but don't do it around Muslims. Under Koranic law, they are well within their rights to snatch it from your hands, and strike you if you resist....

We don't need to do anything to "provoke" them - we do so merely by existing. Theirs (and, by extension, ours,) is a "war of annihilation" - this won't end until one side or the other is COMPLEATLY destroyed.

jpars said:
most ignorant statement ever.

they hate us because we have soldiers in their country and our noses in thier business, not because we dont beleive in thier god. you dont see them raining jets into the vatican do you?

we dont provoke them? uh, why dont i, say, plant a north korean troop in your general vicinity, not even during war with them. lets just put them there and see how you react.

now, whether or not we should have soliders in their country, our noses in thier business and whether these actions and wars are just is a completely different debate altogether, one that i am not adressing.
someone understands, and 5-90 giving us another glimpse into his ignorance how all arabs are evil and hate americans.
no one is saying all arabs are evil, it is a fact, the islamic religion is based, not soley mind you, on bringing everyone to the True Faith and to Allah. those who resist are infidel and are sinners against THEIR God. over the past, what, thousand years, they have raged war with other countries and groups, not civil bouts, or monetary trifles, but Holy Wars. of course there are lesser muslims who do not believe that we should all be killed. but there are enough that you see men and women and children in the street burning the american flag and saying death to americans.

i guess saying crazy religion was pretty ignorant though, there are some points to the islamic religion that do seem like it is a good religion. no swearing, drinking, all that stuff. theoretical.
communism is one of the smartest and most efficient systems of government, theoretically. but in practice, due to the human nature, it is by far the worst, because in the human society, "absolute power corrupts absolutely" and therefor it cannot exist without corruption. same with islam. the Holy men in those islamic countries see us as infidel, as well as threats to their nation (whatever threats they see us as) they then impress these feelings among their citizens, that we are the infidel and must die because we sin against allah. thats why the citizens hate us.

granted again, i am not saying ALL muslims hate americans, but enough do...
especially because they are willing to die trying to "bring infidels closer to Allah" which results in their attaining 40 virgins in heaven.
Wahabism is an enemy, not mainstream islam AFAIK.

I saw some dumbass lebanese woman on television (ABC, shows their agenda) screaming to the camera that this was Bush's fault that Israel was bombing them.

Wrong! It was her fault, and her families fault, and her friends fault. You may say to yourself "what the hell are you talking about?" Bottom line is that these violent extremists could not operate in that country without the permissiveness of its people. They bring it upon themselves, and they allow it to be brought upon them, then bitch and moan when someone won't put up with it.
jpars said:
maybe a little less bang from the US once in awhile wouldnt put him there with a knife in the first place.
:rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle: :rattle:
i think it started with jpars saying a little less bang from america, and the war on terror is just current events (sorry muslims)

i agree sorta with you goodburton, however i think that the people are not as corrupt as they are devoted to their religion. some one claims to be a mullah or like a prophet, and they cant deny him for fear that they are possibly denying Allah, so whatever he says they believe whole heartedly as Words from Allah. There for as i do think that muslims should think over the idea of killing innocents for THEIR religion, again, not saying all muslims. there are those who believe in Allah and the five pillars, and yet are tolerant of the infidel, just like that new group "jews for jesus"

i dont know, i feel like im bashing the muslims so im just going to stop...
even though i think ive been pretty fair on my accusations and insights..