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Anyone here ever broken there coller bone?


NAXJA Member #1311
Had to rush the GF to the hospital last night after a sledding accident. It happened on the right side, and you can actually see it pushing up under the skin with the right shoulder farther forward than the left. Doctor thinks she should have it heal the way its sitting right now.................but we are going to see a orthopedic surgeon Wednesday to see what they say.

The sad part is we didn't even make it down the hill once.
wow that sucks. the collar bone is one of the most painful breaks, and they cant really do anything for it but put your arm in a sling and give you pain meds.

take good care of her, she'll be hurting for awhile.
Yup, I broke mine. Mine was overlapping like how you said. The human body is an amazing thing. It can heal up just fine like that, the overlapping will eventually turn back into a straight bone. They will probably give her a brace that looks like backpack straps without the backpack that will pull her shoulders back as much as possible... it hurts like a SOB and she'll likely be moving around very little. Every little upper body movement will want to move the shoulder so its not so much of a pleasant bone to break. I can't see her getting surgery on a broken colar bone unless its shattered, or the surgeon needs to make a late house payment. Its a pretty common bone to break. My brother also broke his, and it was especially painful because the bone cut through some muscle tissue on its way to overlapping. They pretty much all overlap when they break. I went to highschool with a few guys who broke theirs also and everybody I knew just got a shoulder brace.

Anyways, keep us updated. I hope she gets better soon.
I broke mine in a motorcycle accident. I was showing off for the girls at work and doing burnouts in the parking lot when the brake slipped, drove straight into the building, hit my collarbone on the handlebar, and knocked a 1-inch piece of bone straight out--double break.

They put my arm in a sling, gave me some drugs, and sent me home. It healed the way it was sitting, kinda lopsided. One of my party tricks is to let people feel it.

I wish I had gotten it set right, since my right shoulder is 1-inch closer to my body than my left shoulder and shirts never fit right anymore. Female vanity will demand it.
I broke mine also. in fact both sides. not at same time but both broke and both healed up nicely. the second one i did get set as it actually came through the skin. the first one tehy just put me in a sling harness. Hurts like hell. hope she likes vicoden. Sorry to hear something like that happen when just trying to have some fun sledding or such. Hope she feals better soon.
Good idea to take her to an orthopaedist - between female vanity and the collarbone being fairly structural, you want to make sure it's done right.

I've not broken the collarbone, but I've broken a total of six ribs over the years. I understand that the collarbone is much the same sort of thing in that regard - you can't really "rest" the thing and take it easy, so it's just going to hurt for the next four to six weeks. Period. May as well get used to that idea now (broken ribs suck - broke three in each of two incidents. Pisser getting anything done when just breathing hurts!)

Vicodin is fun - at least, it would be if I could get a scrip for enough of it (I tend to take them about six at a time anymore, so I don't take them very often. I'd make a horrible addict - my tolerances are astronomical.)
Vicodin is fun - at least, it would be if I could get a scrip for enough of it (I tend to take them about six at a time anymore, so I don't take them very often. I'd make a horrible addict - my tolerances are astronomical.)

I hear you on that one! I live on the stuff now. I am set for back surgery on dec 4th have 2 discs that are completely gone. bone on bone. the major problem is that they are not beside each other, there is a good disc in between them! also about the ribs! i can share that with you also. I have broken so many i cant even count them. I used to be a boxer and also used to break horses (hence the bad back) so have seen about everything from broken ankles to split sternum. alot of fun! lol

C85d4X4 -- keep us posted. hope all is well there.

I hear you on that one! I live on the stuff now. I am set for back surgery on dec 4th have 2 discs that are completely gone. bone on bone. the major problem is that they are not beside each other, there is a good disc in between them! also about the ribs! i can share that with you also. I have broken so many i cant even count them. I used to be a boxer and also used to break horses (hence the bad back) so have seen about everything from broken ankles to split sternum. alot of fun! lol

C85d4X4 -- keep us posted. hope all is well there.


Hell, I just wish I could get enough to have a day or so where I don't hurt about once every couple of months.

As far as I can recall, I've always been like that. First time I had to get a cavity drilled, I ended up having to get somewhere over three adult doses of Novocain before he could drill without my hitting him (it's a fixed policy - "If you hurt me, I hurt you.") I could still feel him working, mind - it was just a feeling of pressure and vibration, vice actually feeling pain.

Sucks having to break in a new GP - took me a couple of years to convince the one we had that yes, you start me out on the max dose recommended of anything and we'll work upwards from there...
Yep, I broke mine when I use to road bike. Was going about 45 down a hill in a time trial and hit some loose gravel and lost it. My collar bone was sticking through my jersey, broke it in 5 places. I got a steel plate that night and went back to work in the foundry the next day. I never used a sling, never missed a days work. I have a cool looking 7" long scar.
I'd take her to an ortho for an opinion, and keep an eye on it. Many collarbones heal by themselves, but they don't always. My daughter broke hers in a cycling accident, and the doctor kept saying it would heal. It didn't, and finally she had to get a plate put in. It was harder to do, and of course more expensive, because of the wait.
broke mine about 6 or 7 years ago. overlaping is normal and nothin to worry about. if the bone is broken in 2 spots it can be serious because the little piece can travel down an potentialy puncture a lung, btw overlaping will actually make the bone stronger
I broke mine just this Summer after getting thrown from a horse we were breaking in. I guess he showed me. The good news is that if your GF is fairly young it's a pretty quick process and may just require a brace and not surgery. Some heal with just a sling. It really depends on the surgeon and break. Unfortunately for me at my age I'm nearly 5 months out and still not 100 percent. I broke mine is two places and had to have a plate and 7 screws installed. The bone also "button holed" the muscle, so that took time to heal. I'm just now getting back to lifting weights and have lost so much strength it's not even funny. I benched 175 for the first time yesterday after lifting the past two weeks, and I was benching 255 before the accident. Big difference.
hi...it's the GF...I'm doing fine...I just have the "back-pack" brace...the doc said it'll take about 10 weeks to heal...thanks for the concern, I appreciate it! :)

And yes, vicodin is amazing :spin3:
glad you're doing fine.

that sucks.

i broke mine. i was on a breakaway in an ice game and i got tripped and lost my footing, couldnt gain my feet, slid head first into the net and broke it. i had a sling...it was gay
broke my right one way back in the day (back when my bones were limber enough to heal themselves). Running down a hill at church camp to the mess hall, tripped on a something and went azzhole over tincups, landed on my head and shoulder simultaneously. Felt like I broke my arm, not my collarbone.

All young boys yearn for a broken bone and a cast, so all your friends could sign it and you could be cool. Can't cast a broken collarbone.

Had to wear a backpack harness for 8+ weeks. It sucked.
