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A single mans diet

Is your fridge getting cold enough? Maybe it's too warm, allowing some of your food to spoil too fast. We've never had lunch meat spoil in two days. Hell, I'm eating some lunch meat that's like a week old.
Sounds like an excuse to eat pizza and beer a lot... where is the problem???

Can't you just eat the leftovers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner the next day? Seems like you put it in the fridge and forget about it.
When you are not being watched/civilized, there is NOTHING wrong with steak, or cold pizza, or burgers, etc for breakfast.

Actually, that brings up a real good point. Pizza keeps real well in the fridge, so do calzones. If you have a decent mixer, you can even make the dough... I can post up a recipe later if you want, it's the one I use. It's for vegetarian pizza lastara and spinach is involved, but if you add pepperoni and whatever other meats you want and toss the carrots out, it's pretty damn good. If you have an older CRT TV or computer monitor, it's a great spot to let the dough rise... a running 4.0L is probably too warm.

i tend to grill regardless of the weather in fact ive been known to nock snow off the top and fire it up lol. the key is to send down with a pen a paper and plan out a weeks worth of meals, and know the storage life of the leftovers from said meals. I am assuming you have a fridge and a freezer correct? I lived alone for three years and now I am back on my own again so I know the frustration. Do you have a microwave? I do not at this time however i rarely use one. Do you go to school or work and if so what meals are you there for? does your breakroom have a microwave? sorry to ask so many questions but just trying to see exactly where you stand.
Same... there's a picture of me and a couple of my roommates in college sitting on a snowbank on our front porch warming our hands over the burgers and dogs somewhere out there on the internet.
Fresh and easy has really good sized portions of carne asada and pollo asado. I grill more now than ever and i think the food tends to taste better. Only time i cook foor on the stove top is when i make grilled cheese or chorizo and eggs :p

Good luck!
chorizo and eggs... never tried that one. We used to have boiled potatoes, carrots, green beans, and chorizo when I was a kid though. Cheap, easy, and good as leftovers.
working mans appetite? get a variety of canned soups, and ramen. cook the ramen then dump the canned soup in it. add hot sauce or chili powder to taste of course. its different every time also, depending on the flavors of each