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4 people shot one dead while offroading

One thing is for certain. Those two hillbilly shooters are about to receive the absolute BEST health care they've ever had....... all on the Texas citizen's dime.

He'll get that nasty growth removed from his face and the lice cleared outta his beard. She'll get a hysterectomy and warts taken care of.......... and they'll both get a full set of teeth.

LOOOONG before they ever get sentenced to anything...... :mad:
At 19 the most I can own is a shotgun, I bought it to protect my mom and girlfriend if anybody ever broke into our house. I will never bring it out of the house unless to go practice shooting it, and I hope I never have to use it, but if someone has enough balls to break into my house I will. When I turn 21 I plan on getting my concealed weapons permit and buying a pistol. The world isn't a fairytale dreamland, and there are people that don't have their head on straight. Like someone said (same with horsepower in a car :)) I rather have it and not need it, then need it and not have it. I hope to never have to actually use it, but I'd feel much better if I saw someone being robbed, or if someone tried to hurt me and being able to do something about it. Especially with the economy the way it is these days, people are going to be getting desperate more than ever

Self defense shouldn't be considered being a pussy. The people in the story had no right to shoot though, it'd be a different story if the people drove up to their house and were walking up with ski masks on :p
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I have the tendency to agree with shelbyluvv on his views. I don't carry and never will, nor own a gun in my house. I also don't put my self in situations that I would need a gun. I personally feel that if you must carry a gun, you are either doing something you don't need to be doing, around people or an area you don't need to be or you are just freakin' paranoid.

Now, I am not against the ownership of owning guns, that's your right and I respect that, so carry on. But my views are my views, respect mine as I respect yours.

ok... so did the lady put herself in the position of being raped outside my local babies R us when she was walking out from the store one morning after shopping, getting held at gun point, taken to a school and raped in front of her child in broad day light?... think if she had been carring of some sort she could of avoided the issue or should she of just stayed more aware of her surroundings? or further more should she have to keep her awareness up for everyday life?
I have the tendency to agree with shelbyluvv on his views. I don't carry and never will, nor own a gun in my house. I also don't put my self in situations that I would need a gun. I personally feel that if you must carry a gun, you are either doing something you don't need to be doing, around people or an area you don't need to be or you are just freakin' paranoid. I don't drink, smoke, do illegal drugs, or anything crazy. I just work on and wheel my Jeep and spend the rest of time chillin' at home. Call me what you will, I don't give a shit. I am comfortable with my views and who I am so flame as you will, I will just ignore you.


Do you ever visit the mall? This is Utah. I can guarandamntee that a good number of those that were wounded or dead don't smoke, drink or do illegal drugs. I also bet that a good number of them figure "I don't need to carry a gun because I never put myself into a situation that would require me to use it."

I'm happy you are comfortable with your views...I hope they don't get you or anyone else with those same views killed one day.
I am not your friend...

I only wheel and camp in LEGAL areas with a group of friends.

I have used a gun more than I care to think about. After you are required to use one to take another's life you will have a different prospective on their use.

They make things that are desinged to fend off animals that do not require the use of a gun.

If you are not a dipshit there is no reason for people to start stuff with you. I have never been at a camping area and had a random bunch of drunk guys try and start junk with me or my family.

If you have had that experience you may want to look at yourself in the mirror. Any chance that you started the problem or should have stopped when you were ahead?

I am a 34 year old man, been a Marine for 16+ years, and still do not own a gun of any type. I am the odd ball here, who thinks guns are a pussy way out of a situation. It says a lot about the American youth.

I guess I am begging to be shot, have my wife raped, and my kids molested.


calm down killer... so harsh, i only wheel and camp in LEGAL areas too, not always with friends, just me and my fiance but i do all the right things and keep to myself. and i've seen random guys get drunk at a local sports bar and first thing they want to do is get into a fight, with the biggest guy there. i was also swinging for the fence and saying the worse case senario, not like it could actually happen just an example because anything could happen.

so do you own a gun or not? you've said you own shotguns and rifles locked in a gun safe, but you've also said you dont own a gun of any type and never will, unless by GUN you mean pistol...
i look at it this way, i'd rather have a gun and not need it, then to need a gun and not have one. heres a far fetched example... say ur out camping with the family in the woods... a bear, mountain lion or wolves stroll into ur camp area... how do you defend ur family?

or if a campsite full of guys get drunk, get outta hand and go looking for trouble... what do you do? jump in ur vehicle and leave all ur stuff?

i know if it was me i'd like to be prepared with extreme force, something thats going to grab a little attention
Whatever gun you're carrying to protect yourself from a bear will only piss him off. A friend of mine from Montana had a friend of his get mauled by a bear, after shooting it 6-7 times with a 30-06. Fat load of good that did him.

Pay attn, to Shelby's words. He didn't say anything about not fighting back, he said Americans tend to act tough and think they're all bad because they've got a gun. The days of the good ol fashioned butt whooping have passed, and it's sad.
One of these will not just "piss off" a bear.

My personal choice for hiking in bear country. Trust me...it will take down a grizzly.

so then my sigma S&W .40 cal should do pretty fair against a bear

quoted direct from this site at the very bottom...

"if you use a minimum .40 caliber, a minimum 200-grain solid deformable bullet and a minimum of 1,000 fps velocity from your chosen gun, you'll have a handgun load that will take any bear that shows itself. If you can stop shaking long enough to shoot."
Never shot a Bear, have shot a fair share of wild Boar. Right through the heart (180 grn. Silver tip at nearly triple the velocity of a pistol round), heart turns to a Jello like substance that will mostly run through your fingers, they still often run a hundred feet before they decide to die in many instances.
I use a 44 special for hunting wounded Boar in a thicket and don't stop shooting until they stop wiggling. If it's a bigun, I take the slug gun.
A seriously high pucker factor when they decide to come at you, instead of running away.
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so do you own a gun or not? you've said you own shotguns and rifles locked in a gun safe, but you've also said you dont own a gun of any type and never will, unless by GUN you mean pistol...

I do not own any hand guns and my long guns are at home in PA (I'm in GA) in my dad's gun safe. So unless I drive 12 hrs to get one, I don't have any guns close at hand.

Darky, picked up on exactly what I have been saying all along...
Hopefully, I will never end up in a situation where a gun is the only way to resolve it. If I do than I did something real stupid to put myself in that place.

People don't always put themselves in these situations. Sometimes it comes to them while they are doing absolutely nothing "stupid" as you say.
so then my sigma S&W .40 cal should do pretty fair against a bear

quoted direct from this site at the very bottom...

"if you use a minimum .40 caliber, a minimum 200-grain solid deformable bullet and a minimum of 1,000 fps velocity from your chosen gun, you'll have a handgun load that will take any bear that shows itself. If you can stop shaking long enough to shoot."

Comparing a S&W .40 to a .454 casull is like compraring engines in a Yugo and a Bugatti.

close to the same size of bullet but not even sort of close to the same sort of power.
I was a cop for several years, and most "victims" aren't victims because they voluntarily put themselves in that situation. Many of them are..... many of them are no more innocent than the person who harmed them. However, as much as you think you can control a situation with "level headedness" you cannot. You have no more control of the situation, than the person you are pleading for your life with will give you. In that situation he is in control, and you are at his will. So you are putting your faith in your aggressor's ability to control himself. (smart, real smart) I choose to carry, my wife carries as well, there are weapons easily accessible in every room of my house, and in every vehicle. I hope that I never have to use them, but I will not just lie down and be a victim for anyone.

And just so you know, when I was a cop I prided myself in using as little force as necessary. Many times I de-escalated a situation so that no force was necessary. I busted meth labs, crack houses, served arrest warrants, and put myself in myriads of other dangerous situations to perform my duties, and in 7 years in law enforcement I took my sidearm out of my holster one time in the line of duty. Yes I had to use it. Do I regret it? Yes. Do I think I would have been better off without it? Certainly not. However, if you are comfortable taking your chances then more power to you, but don't act like the rest of us are cowards just because we choose to arm ourselves, as our forefathers did.
My Father is the most laid back "peace keeping" type of person I have ever met.
He would talk as much as he could to avoid confrontation.
but He has for almost as long as I can remember carried a 357 mag.
Never had to use it. but he's reached for it a couple times.

When you are backing away, you have to be able to do something when you can't back any further.

I am not sure what dream land you are living in, but it has been a very long time since "Men" would fight with fists to steal something or try to rape some one using nasty words as threat for if they try to escape.

Had these "off-roading hooligan's" been loaded for bear, it would not have done any good to save the little boy.

Its a nasty world we live in, self centered Texas hermits don't have the decency to tell them to leave before they pull the trigger.
Decent people think they don't need guns because they can 'talk their way out of it'
Almost every felon I have ever met has carried or carries a weapon.
Had these "off-roading hooligan's" been loaded for bear, it would not have done any good to save the little boy.
Finally someone catches on to why it's stupid to say how you would've been packing and saved the day in this case. If these guys had been carrying, it would've done nothing to help in this case. If anything, it may have made things worse. They get shot at and if half of the people in this thread were there, they would shoot back, in a residential area. With who knows how many other kids and families nearby. If you don't know where the shots are coming from (which they didn't) and you start sprayin and prayin, laying down "suppressive fire", you're going to be in as much trouble as the couple inbreds that shot first.

I have no problem with a gun for self-defence, I plan on picking one up and applying for CCW at some point, just because you never know, but I can agree with Shelby here on the attitude that seems to be portrayed by a few of the posters in here. The whole, "I got a gun so everything will be alright" thought process. Yes, having the gun could help save you or your loved ones, however, unless you have training and things go your way, it would be very easy for that same gun to be used against you. Either by the criminal or the courts.
I understand both sides of the arguement very well. Here in NC we are required to use force proportionate to the force used against you; "Physical presence (posturing), verbal, soft hands, hard hands, chemical. impact weapons, deadly force". We can skip levels as needed.

I thought I was done with wrestling and hand to hand in general, however, it was this aforementioned lesson that caused me to go back to my training, lifting and running. I've put on 30 pounds of muscle mass and cut my 3 mile run down to 21 mins. I want to add 30 more pounds and cut my run time down to 18 mins and call that good enough. I can and will kick ass, and if the need be, I will shoot some dumb ass who is looking to victimize another just because he thinks he can.
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I understand both sides of the arguement very well. Here in NC we are required to use force proportionate to the force used against you; "Physical presence (posturing), verbal, soft hands, hard hands, chemical. impact weapons, deadly force". We can skip levels as needed.

I thought I was done with wrestling and hand to hand in general, however, it was this aforementioned lesson that caused me to go back to my training, lifting and running. I've put on 30 pounds of muscle mass and cut my 3 mile run down to 21 mins. I want to add 30 more pounds and cut my run time down to 18 mins and call that good enough. I can and will kick ass, and if the need be, I will shoot some dumb ass who is looking to victimize another just because he thinks he can.

Lol...dude...3 miles in 18 minutes is bowl of hauling ass with some endurance on top. :gee:
Its tough alright. The last time I ran 3 in 18 I was less than half my current age. But I work out 7 days a week now and I can't remember feeling this good.
Knowing when and when not to pull a gun is hard. There are times when words work and others when only the threat of a major ass kicking will make people step back. others when the line of violence gets crossed and the only way to stop it is with some well placed shots. And in those times they need to be stopped the quicker the better.
Its tough alright. The last time I ran 3 in 18 I was less than half my current age. But I work out 7 days a week now and I can't remember feeling this good.

i can remember the last time i ran a mile in 18 minutes lol, im not fat, i dont smoke, i seldom drink. i dont feel the need to run unless im being chased :laugh: