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Official Ron Paul 2012 Thread

He's still a whack job.

I hear the media say that all the time... but I guess I a not sure why.

Why do you think he's a whack job?

Even if he IS a whack job... he is a 12 term senator who speaks frankly and directly, and shares many of my views on how a government and an economy should co-exist.

And of all the candidates, I would have MUCH MUCH more faith in him to act in what he thinks is the best interest of the American people.

I trust Obama and Romney and Perry to act in the best interest of their donors and special interests.

He's the only candidate who I think would actually make a difference. A meaningful difference in how this nation operates.

So, even if he is a whack job, he is still the best candidate running.

I can't decide if putting a Ron Paul 2012 sticker on my MJ will make it look worse by association, or Ron Paul. I am still putting it on and voting for him though.

I can't decide if putting a Ron Paul 2012 sticker on my MJ will make it look worse by association, or Ron Paul. I am still putting it on and voting for him though.

I've got a big Ron Paul bumper sticker on my rig. Plus a bunch of the little round stickers, my daughter loves putting those on it :)
Read my mind, B........read my mind. I'm an Independant and have yet to see any of the current candidates stand out.

That being said, I'm liking Herman Cain and really want to see him debate Obama.

I will probably vote for herman in the primary, but i really think we're at a point where we cannot expect some "dream ticket" to enter the race at this point.

so, realistically, it's going to be Romney. and that's reasonable. Romney-Cain ticket would be great.

We'll be looking for Rubio to gain more experience and credibility in the meantime. Hillary is going to be a tough one to beat in 2016.

You ron paul fanboys need to get with the program. I get the picture with the libertarian message, so do most of us, but the solidarity-isolationist thing aint workin.
You ron paul fanboys need to get with the program. I get the picture with the libertarian message, so do most of us, but the solidarity-isolationist thing aint workin.

It's the only approach that WILL work. We can't afford to be the world police any more.

We've got to cut defense spending substantially. It's 20% of federal spending, and even more if you exclude social security (SS pays for itself so it's not really fair to lump it in with the rest).

Our choices are
1. Stop screwing with other nations
2. Go bankrupt
I think it's pretty clear I do not think Paul is a whackjob.

So, no, it's not "So, even if he is a whack job, he's MY whackjob!".

He's not a whackjob.

The whackjobs are the ones who have been fooled to believe that the only
vote is a vote for the status quo...
You ron paul fanboys need to get with the program. I get the picture with the libertarian message, so do most of us, but the solidarity-isolationist thing aint workin.

Spoken like a true pro-establishment, pro-status-quo drone.

And, how can you say it "ain't working"... we've never tried it???
Spoken like a true pro-establishment, pro-status-quo drone.

And, how can you say it "ain't working"... we've never tried it???

Losing the arguement so will resort to name calling....

ummm...the 1930's would be the most obvious example.

Good luck on getting a 3rd party candidate elected, if you do more power to you.

Tom's prediction: Biden bows out at the end of this term and Hillary Clinton steps up as VP that will give her the boost for 2016.
Tom's prediction: Biden bows out at the end of this term and Hillary Clinton steps up as VP that will give her the boost for 2016.
I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary actually runs this time (for prez and not VP). She and Bill may already be prepping for it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary actually runs this time (for prez and not VP). She and Bill may already be prepping for it.

I don't think the powers controlling the Democratic Party would let her run in 2012 unless as another poster has stated President Obama pulls an LBJ. Secretary Clinton running would divide the corporate donations flowing into the party's coffers. However I did hear the rumblings about Vice Presdient Biden bowing out (Ok being forced out); Hillary Clinton stepping into the VP slot and former President Bill Clinton as next adminstrations Secretary of State.

Is it to late for a come from behind dark horse candidate from the other major party to make a run?

Romney has the albatross of obamacare lite and Perry has his 'dreamcate' lite, Bachman's political team is abandoning ship, who's next to fall the victim of skullduggery that is presidential politics?
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Losing the arguement so will resort to name calling....

I didn't know I was arguing...

and that wasn't really meant to be name calling.

When someone tells me I need to "get with the program", and vote for either "the Blue sneetc or the red sneetch" (love that line) that screams of pro-establishment drone. Not meant to be name calling... just calling it like I see it.

ummm...the 1930's would be the most obvious example.

And, are you suggesting that it was military isolationism that lead to the great depression of the 1930's?? If not, I am not quite sure what you are saying here.
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Much higher chance of this happening than a 9-11 truther, whack job getting the job

Which candidate are you referring to?

And again... why is Dr. Paul a whack job. I hear the media say it all the time... so that right there tells me he probably the opposite of a whack job.

But, why do YOU think he's a whackjob?
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Good luck on getting a 3rd party candidate elected, if you do more power to you.

It's not up to me.

It's up to America to wake up and stop throwing their votes away on one of two identical, special interest catering, money wasting beuracrats with only opposing social views to distinguish them.
I don't think the powers controlling the Democratic Party would let her run in 2012 unless as another poster has stated President Obama pulls an LBJ. Secretary Clinton running would divide the corporate donations flowing into the party's coffers. However I did hear the rumblings about Vice Presdient Biden bowing out (Ok being forced out); Hillary Clinton stepping into the VP slot and former President Bill Clinton as next adminstrations Secretary of State.

That other poster was me. Rather than paraphrase, I'll just post what Dick Morris wrote last week on this subject. As you may recall, he was very close to President Clinton during his tenure as POTUS.

There are no off-hand moments, no unconsidered spontaneous comments, and no random observations in the world of Bill Clinton. His tongue is entirely at the service of his ambition, each remark considered and calculated to achieve a specific goal. And right now, Bill Clinton’s prime ambition is to elect his wife president. Nothing else really matters to him. And Bill must be feeling the same vibe we do: That Obama may pull out.

So what’s he doing? Consider:
• He has written a book on how to “put America to work” and to heal the economy. It will come out in November and he will tour the country to tout it and promote its proposals.

• He dismissed Obama’s jobs and tax proposals – the centerpiece of his Administration as it enters an election – as “confusing” and stated his conviction that we should neither cut spending nor raise taxes at this time, directly contradicting both aspects of the president’s program.

• Asked if he would still like to see Hillary as president, he opines that he long ago concluded that she was “one of the brightest people of her generation” and that he has never had cause to vary that assessment.

• Two of Clinton’s favorite consultants – James Carville (1992) and Mark Penn (2008) both recently dumped on Obama’s campaign and his chances of winning. Carville advised Obama to “panic and fire a lot of people.” Penn compared Clinton’s centrist policies in 1996 with Obama’s embrace of “class warfare” and said the current president should learn from the previous Democratic one. These boys don’t talk about such stuff unless they get a green light from Chappaqua.

An observer less used to Bill’s ways might be driven to wonder what’s going on here. Isn’t Bill’s wife the first officer of Obama’s cabinet? And is not Obama the consensus nominee of the Democratic Party, battling for his political life? And does his re-election not hinge on his ability to sell his program for doing just what Clinton’s jobs book will discuss – turning the economy around?

There is only one conclusion possible to account for Bill’s extraordinary actions this week: That he believes that Obama may not run and he wants to promote Hillary’s candidacy in the event he drops out. Or, even more boldly: That he wants to undermine Obama’s ability to get re-elected so that he is forced to pull out for the good of his Party, opening the door to Hillary’s candidacy.
It is all the more remarkable that he should be saying this stuff when you consider that he would never do so without the express approval – if not prompting – of Mrs. Clinton herself! A seasoned politician like Bill Clinton does not criticize the economic program of his wife’s boss without her OK. Nor would he have worked for months on a book about the economy or planned a tour to promote it, without privately speculating on how it might help Hillary’s presidential ambitions.
And, are you suggesting that it was military isolationism that lead to the great depression of the 1930's?? If not, I am not quite sure what you are saying here.

Not at all. You have it reversed...it was the isolationism of this nation in the 1930's that led us into WWII. The results of WWII created the military industrial complex and the country as a 'super power'.

So Beezil stating isolationism wouldn't be a good idea at this time is correct. Isolation allows small insignificant countries led by extremists not kept in check to rise and cause problems on a larger scale. That's my take, they way I learnd US History back in the 60's & 70's before it was rewritten and made PC and puts me in the old guy bracket that has seen enough elections to know third party candidates aren't viable. Heck even the princess of the tea party alluded to that when she bowed out the 2012 elections this afternoon.

About one man making a difference, read the bio on William Wilberforne, the last name may be spelled incorrectly, here is one guy who made a political difference.
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It's the only approach that WILL work. We can't afford to be the world police any more.

We've got to cut defense spending substantially. It's 20% of federal spending, and even more if you exclude social security (SS pays for itself so it's not really fair to lump it in with the rest).

Our choices are
1. Stop screwing with other nations
2. Go bankrupt

good idea....

let's get out of south korea.....so we can stop "screwing" with them and let north korea realize a dream.

we'll let china help facilitate those pure intentions

let's get out of afganistan, so the taliban and nuclear pakistan can real their dream.

let's get out of south and central america.

venezuela, and friends are being unfairly suppressed by the texan oil gods.

if we leave the world alone, our lives will be better.

america is such an evil mettling force to be reckoned with, aren't we?

we're just a school yard bully that needs more time in detention.

ron paul is a crackpot